macOS — C Library Functions
- ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(3), atomic_init(3), atomic_load(3), atomic_store(3), atomic_exchange(3), atomic_compare_exchange_strong(3), atomic_compare_exchange_weak(3), atomic_fetch_add(3), atomic_fetch_and(3), atomic_fetch_or(3), atomic_fetch_sub(3), atomic_fetch_xor(3), atomic_is_lock_free(3) — type-generic atomic operations
- CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKET(3) — get the active socket
- CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME(3) — get the time until the SSL/SSH handshake is completed
- CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME_T(3) — time until the SSL/SSH handshake completed
- CURLINFO_CAINFO(3) — get the default built-in CA certificate path
- CURLINFO_CAPATH(3) — get the default built-in CA path string
- CURLINFO_CERTINFO(3) — get the TLS certificate chain
- CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMET(3) — get info on unmet time conditional or 304 HTTP response
- CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME(3) — get the time until connect
- CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME_T(3) — get the time until connect
- CURLINFO_CONN_ID(3) — get the ID of the last connection used by the handle
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD(3) — get content-length of download
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD_T(3) — get content-length of download
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD(3) — get the specified size of the upload
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD_T(3) — get the specified size of the upload
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE(3) — get Content-Type
- CURLINFO_COOKIELIST(3) — get all known cookies
- CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_METHOD(3) — get the last used HTTP method
- CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL(3) — get the last used URL
- CURLINFO_FILETIME(3) — get the remote time of the retrieved document
- CURLINFO_FILETIME_T(3) — get the remote time of the retrieved document
- CURLINFO_FTP_ENTRY_PATH(3) — get entry path in FTP server
- CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE(3) — get size of retrieved headers
- CURLINFO_HTTPAUTH_AVAIL(3) — get available HTTP authentication methods
- CURLINFO_HTTP_CONNECTCODE(3) — get the CONNECT response code
- CURLINFO_HTTP_VERSION(3) — get the http version used in the connection
- CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET(3) — get the last socket used
- CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP(3) — get local IP address of last connection
- CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT(3) — get the latest local port number
- CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME(3) — get the name lookup time
- CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME_T(3) — get the name lookup time in microseconds
- CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS(3) — get number of created connections
- CURLINFO_OS_ERRNO(3) — get errno number from last connect failure
- CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME(3) — get the time until the file transfer start
- CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME_T(3) — get the time until the file transfer start
- CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP(3) — get IP address of last connection
- CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT(3) — get the latest destination port number
- CURLINFO_PRIVATE(3) — get the private pointer
- CURLINFO_PROTOCOL(3) — get the protocol used in the connection
- CURLINFO_PROXYAUTH_AVAIL(3) — get available HTTP proxy authentication methods
- CURLINFO_PROXY_ERROR(3) — get the detailed (SOCKS) proxy error
- CURLINFO_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYRESULT(3) — get the result of the proxy certificate verification
- CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT(3) — get the number of redirects
- CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME(3) — get the time for all redirection steps
- CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME_T(3) — get the time for all redirection steps
- CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL(3) — get the URL a redirect would go to
- CURLINFO_REFERER(3) — get the used referrer request header
- CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE(3) — get size of sent request
- CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE(3) — get the last response code
- CURLINFO_RETRY_AFTER(3) — returns the Retry-After retry delay
- CURLINFO_RTSP_CLIENT_CSEQ(3) — get the next RTSP client CSeq
- CURLINFO_RTSP_CSEQ_RECV(3) — get the recently received CSeq
- CURLINFO_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ(3) — get the next RTSP server CSeq
- CURLINFO_SCHEME(3) — get the URL scheme (sometimes called protocol) used in the connection
- CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD(3) — get the number of downloaded bytes
- CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD_T(3) — get the number of downloaded bytes
- CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD(3) — get the number of uploaded bytes
- CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD_T(3) — get the number of uploaded bytes
- CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD(3) — get download speed
- CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD_T(3) — get download speed
- CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD(3) — get upload speed
- CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD_T(3) — get upload speed
- CURLINFO_SSL_ENGINES(3) — get an slist of OpenSSL crypto-engines
- CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULT(3) — get the result of the certificate verification
- CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME(3) — get the time until the first byte is received
- CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME_T(3) — get the time until the first byte is received
- CURLINFO_TLS_SESSION(3) — get TLS session info
- CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME(3) — get total time of previous transfer
- CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME_T(3) — get total time of previous transfer in microseconds
- CURLINFO_XFER_ID(3) — get the ID of a transfer
- CURLMOPT_CHUNK_LENGTH_PENALTY_SIZE(3) — chunk length threshold for pipelining
- CURLMOPT_CONTENT_LENGTH_PENALTY_SIZE(3) — size threshold for pipelining penalty
- CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTS(3) — size of connection cache
- CURLMOPT_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS(3) — max concurrent streams for http2
- CURLMOPT_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS(3) — max number of connections to a single host
- CURLMOPT_MAX_PIPELINE_LENGTH(3) — maximum number of requests in a pipeline
- CURLMOPT_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS(3) — max simultaneously open connections
- CURLMOPT_PIPELINING(3) — enable HTTP pipelining and multiplexing
- CURLMOPT_PIPELINING_SERVER_BL(3) — pipelining server block list
- CURLMOPT_PIPELINING_SITE_BL(3) — pipelining host block list
- CURLMOPT_PUSHDATA(3) — pointer to pass to push callback
- CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTION(3) — callback that approves or denies server pushes
- CURLMOPT_SOCKETDATA(3) — custom pointer passed to the socket callback
- CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION(3) — callback informed about what to wait for
- CURLMOPT_TIMERDATA(3) — custom pointer to pass to timer callback
- CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION(3) — callback to receive timeout values
- CURLOPT_ABSTRACT_UNIX_SOCKET(3) — abstract Unix domain socket
- CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS(3) — timeout waiting for FTP server to connect back
- CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING(3) — automatic decompression of HTTP downloads
- CURLOPT_ADDRESS_SCOPE(3) — scope id for IPv6 addresses
- CURLOPT_ALTSVC(3) — alt-svc cache file name
- CURLOPT_ALTSVC_CTRL(3) — control alt-svc behavior
- CURLOPT_APPEND(3) — append to the remote file
- CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER(3) — automatically update the referer header
- CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4(3) — V4 signature
- CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE(3) — receive buffer size
- CURLOPT_CAINFO(3) — path to Certificate Authority (CA) bundle
- CURLOPT_CAINFO_BLOB(3) — Certificate Authority (CA) bundle in PEM format
- CURLOPT_CAPATH(3) — directory holding CA certificates
- CURLOPT_CA_CACHE_TIMEOUT(3) — life-time for cached certificate stores
- CURLOPT_CERTINFO(3) — request SSL certificate information
- CURLOPT_CHUNK_BGN_FUNCTION(3) — callback before a transfer with FTP wildcard match
- CURLOPT_CHUNK_DATA(3) — pointer passed to the FTP chunk callbacks
- CURLOPT_CHUNK_END_FUNCTION(3) — callback after a transfer with FTP wildcard match
- CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETDATA(3) — pointer passed to the socket close callback
- CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETFUNCTION(3) — callback to socket close replacement
- CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT(3) — timeout for the connect phase
- CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS(3) — timeout for the connect phase
- CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY(3) — stop when connected to target server
- CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO(3) — connect to another host and port instead
- CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_NETWORK_FUNCTION(3) — convert data from network to host encoding
- CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_UTF8_FUNCTION(3) — convert data from UTF8 to host encoding
- CURLOPT_CONV_TO_NETWORK_FUNCTION(3) — convert data to network from host encoding
- CURLOPT_COOKIE(3) — HTTP Cookie header
- CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE(3) — filename to read cookies from
- CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR(3) — filename to store cookies to
- CURLOPT_COOKIELIST(3) — add to or manipulate cookies held in memory
- CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION(3) — start a new cookie session
- CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS(3) — have libcurl copy data to POST
- CURLOPT_CRLF(3) — CRLF conversion
- CURLOPT_CRLFILE(3) — Certificate Revocation List file
- CURLOPT_CURLU(3) — URL in URL handle format
- CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST(3) — custom request method
- CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA(3) — pointer passed to the debug callback
- CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION(3) — debug callback
- CURLOPT_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL(3) — default protocol to use if the URL is missing a scheme name
- CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY(3) — ask for names only in a directory listing
- CURLOPT_DISALLOW_USERNAME_IN_URL(3) — disallow specifying username in the URL
- CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT(3) — life-time for DNS cache entries
- CURLOPT_DNS_INTERFACE(3) — interface to speak DNS over
- CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4(3) — IPv4 address to bind DNS resolves to
- CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6(3) — IPv6 address to bind DNS resolves to
- CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS(3) — DNS servers to use
- CURLOPT_DNS_SHUFFLE_ADDRESSES(3) — shuffle IP addresses for hostname
- CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYHOST(3) — verify the hostname in the DoH SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYPEER(3) — verify the DoH SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS(3) — verify the DoH SSL certificate(aqs status
- CURLOPT_DOH_URL(3) — provide the DNS-over-HTTPS URL
- CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET(3) — EGD socket path
- CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER(3) — error buffer for error messages
- CURLOPT_EXPECT_100_TIMEOUT_MS(3) — timeout for Expect: 100-continue response
- CURLOPT_FAILONERROR(3) — request failure on HTTP response >= 400
- CURLOPT_FILETIME(3) — get the modification time of the remote resource
- CURLOPT_FNMATCH_DATA(3) — pointer passed to the fnmatch callback
- CURLOPT_FNMATCH_FUNCTION(3) — wildcard match callback
- CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION(3) — follow HTTP 3xx redirects
- CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE(3) — make connection get closed at once after use
- CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT(3) — force a new connection to be used
- CURLOPT_FTPPORT(3) — make FTP transfer active
- CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH(3) — order in which to attempt TLS vs SSL
- CURLOPT_FTP_ACCOUNT(3) — account info for FTP
- CURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER(3) — command to use instead of USER with FTP
- CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS(3) — create missing directories for FTP and SFTP
- CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD(3) — select directory traversing method for FTP
- CURLOPT_FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP(3) — ignore the IP address in the PASV response
- CURLOPT_FTP_SSL_CCC(3) — switch off SSL again with FTP after auth
- CURLOPT_GSSAPI_DELEGATION(3) — allowed GSS-API delegation
- CURLOPT_HAPPY_EYEBALLS_TIMEOUT_MS(3) — head start for IPv6 for happy eyeballs
- CURLOPT_HAPROXYPROTOCOL(3) — send HAProxy PROXY protocol v1 header
- CURLOPT_HAPROXY_CLIENT_IP(3) — set HAProxy PROXY protocol client IP
- CURLOPT_HEADER(3) — pass headers to the data stream
- CURLOPT_HEADERDATA(3) — pointer to pass to header callback
- CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION(3) — callback that receives header data
- CURLOPT_HEADEROPT(3) — send HTTP headers to both proxy and host or separately
- CURLOPT_HSTS(3) — HSTS cache file name
- CURLOPT_HSTSREADDATA(3) — pointer passed to the HSTS read callback
- CURLOPT_HSTSREADFUNCTION(3) — read callback for HSTS hosts
- CURLOPT_HSTSWRITEDATA(3) — pointer passed to the HSTS write callback
- CURLOPT_HSTSWRITEFUNCTION(3) — write callback for HSTS hosts
- CURLOPT_HSTS_CTRL(3) — control HSTS behavior
- CURLOPT_HTTP09_ALLOWED(3) — allow HTTP/0.9 response
- CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES(3) — alternative matches for HTTP 200 OK
- CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH(3) — HTTP server authentication methods to try
- CURLOPT_HTTPGET(3) — ask for an HTTP GET request
- CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER(3) — set of HTTP headers
- CURLOPT_HTTPPOST(3) — multipart formpost content
- CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL(3) — tunnel through HTTP proxy
- CURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_DECODING(3) — HTTP content decoding control
- CURLOPT_HTTP_TRANSFER_DECODING(3) — HTTP transfer decoding control
- CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION(3) — HTTP protocol version to use
- CURLOPT_IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH(3) — ignore content length
- CURLOPT_INFILESIZE(3) — size of the input file to send off
- CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE(3) — size of the input file to send off
- CURLOPT_INTERFACE(3) — source interface for outgoing traffic
- CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEDATA(3) — pointer passed to RTSP interleave callback
- CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEFUNCTION(3) — callback for RTSP interleaved data
- CURLOPT_IOCTLDATA(3) — pointer passed to I/O callback
- CURLOPT_IOCTLFUNCTION(3) — callback for I/O operations
- CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE(3) — IP protocol version to use
- CURLOPT_ISSUERCERT(3) — issuer SSL certificate filename
- CURLOPT_ISSUERCERT_BLOB(3) — issuer SSL certificate from memory blob
- CURLOPT_KEEP_SENDING_ON_ERROR(3) — keep sending on early HTTP response >= 300
- CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD(3) — passphrase to private key
- CURLOPT_KRBLEVEL(3) — FTP kerberos security level
- CURLOPT_LOCALPORT(3) — local port number to use for socket
- CURLOPT_LOCALPORTRANGE(3) — number of additional local ports to try
- CURLOPT_LOGIN_OPTIONS(3) — login options
- CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT(3) — low speed limit in bytes per second
- CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME(3) — low speed limit time period
- CURLOPT_MAIL_AUTH(3) — SMTP authentication address
- CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM(3) — SMTP sender address
- CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT(3) — list of SMTP mail recipients
- CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT_ALLOWFAILS(3) — allow RCPT TO command to fail for some recipients
- CURLOPT_MAXAGE_CONN(3) — max idle time allowed for reusing a connection
- CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS(3) — maximum connection cache size
- CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE(3) — maximum file size allowed to download
- CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE_LARGE(3) — maximum file size allowed to download
- CURLOPT_MAXLIFETIME_CONN(3) — max lifetime (since creation) allowed for reusing a connection
- CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS(3) — maximum number of redirects allowed
- CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE(3) — rate limit data download speed
- CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE(3) — rate limit data upload speed
- CURLOPT_MIMEPOST(3) — send data from mime structure
- CURLOPT_MIME_OPTIONS(3) — set MIME option flags
- CURLOPT_NETRC(3) — enable use of .netrc
- CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE(3) — filename to read .netrc info from
- CURLOPT_NEW_DIRECTORY_PERMS(3) — permissions for remotely created directories
- CURLOPT_NEW_FILE_PERMS(3) — permissions for remotely created files
- CURLOPT_NOBODY(3) — do the download request without getting the body
- CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS(3) — switch off the progress meter
- CURLOPT_NOPROXY(3) — disable proxy use for specific hosts
- CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL(3) — skip all signal handling
- CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETDATA(3) — pointer passed to open socket callback
- CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETFUNCTION(3) — callback for opening socket
- CURLOPT_PASSWORD(3) — password to use in authentication
- CURLOPT_PATH_AS_IS(3) — do not handle dot dot sequences
- CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY(3) — pinned public key
- CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT(3) — wait for multiplexing
- CURLOPT_PORT(3) — remote port number to connect to
- CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS(3) — data to POST to server
- CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE(3) — size of POST data pointed to
- CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE(3) — size of POST data pointed to
- CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE(3) — (S)FTP commands to run after the transfer
- CURLOPT_POSTREDIR(3) — how to act on an HTTP POST redirect
- CURLOPT_PREQUOTE(3) — commands to run before an FTP transfer
- CURLOPT_PREREQDATA(3) — pointer passed to the pre-request callback
- CURLOPT_PREREQFUNCTION(3) — user callback called when a connection has been established, but before a request has been made
- CURLOPT_PRE_PROXY(3) — pre-proxy host to use
- CURLOPT_PRIVATE(3) — store a private pointer
- CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA(3) — pointer passed to the progress callback
- CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION(3) — progress meter callback
- CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS(3) — allowed protocols
- CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS_STR(3) — allowed protocols
- CURLOPT_PROXY(3) — proxy to use
- CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH(3) — HTTP proxy authentication methods
- CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER(3) — set of HTTP headers to pass to proxy
- CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORD(3) — password to use with proxy authentication
- CURLOPT_PROXYPORT(3) — port number the proxy listens on
- CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE(3) — proxy protocol type
- CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAME(3) — user name to use for proxy authentication
- CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD(3) — user name and password to use for proxy authentication
- CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFO(3) — path to proxy Certificate Authority (CA) bundle
- CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFO_BLOB(3) — proxy Certificate Authority (CA) bundle in PEM format
- CURLOPT_PROXY_CAPATH(3) — directory holding HTTPS proxy CA certificates
- CURLOPT_PROXY_CRLFILE(3) — HTTPS proxy Certificate Revocation List file
- CURLOPT_PROXY_ISSUERCERT(3) — proxy issuer SSL certificate filename
- CURLOPT_PROXY_ISSUERCERT_BLOB(3) — proxy issuer SSL certificate from memory blob
- CURLOPT_PROXY_KEYPASSWD(3) — passphrase for the proxy private key
- CURLOPT_PROXY_PINNEDPUBLICKEY(3) — pinned public key for https proxy
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SERVICE_NAME(3) — proxy authentication service name
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERT(3) — HTTPS proxy client certificate
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERTTYPE(3) — type of the proxy client SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERT_BLOB(3) — SSL proxy client certificate from memory blob
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY(3) — private key file for HTTPS proxy client cert
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEYTYPE(3) — type of the proxy private key file
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY_BLOB(3) — private key for proxy cert from memory blob
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLVERSION(3) — preferred HTTPS proxy TLS version
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_CIPHER_LIST(3) — ciphers to use for HTTPS proxy
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_OPTIONS(3) — HTTPS proxy SSL behavior options
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYHOST(3) — verify the proxy certificate(aqs name against host
- CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYPEER(3) — verify the proxy(aqs SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TLS13_CIPHERS(3) — ciphers suites for proxy TLS 1.3
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD(3) — password to use for proxy TLS authentication
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPE(3) — HTTPS proxy TLS authentication methods
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME(3) — user name to use for proxy TLS authentication
- CURLOPT_PROXY_TRANSFER_MODE(3) — append FTP transfer mode to URL for proxy
- CURLOPT_PUT(3) — make an HTTP PUT request
- CURLOPT_QUICK_EXIT(3) — allow to exit quickly
- CURLOPT_QUOTE(3) — (S)FTP commands to run before transfer
- CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE(3) — file to read random data from
- CURLOPT_RANGE(3) — byte range to request
- CURLOPT_READDATA(3) — pointer passed to the read callback
- CURLOPT_READFUNCTION(3) — read callback for data uploads
- CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS(3) — protocols allowed to redirect to
- CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS_STR(3) — protocols allowed to redirect to
- CURLOPT_REFERER(3) — the HTTP referer header
- CURLOPT_REQUEST_TARGET(3) — alternative target for this request
- CURLOPT_RESOLVE(3) — provide custom hostname to IP address resolves
- CURLOPT_RESOLVER_START_DATA(3) — pointer passed to the resolver start callback
- CURLOPT_RESOLVER_START_FUNCTION(3) — callback called before a new name resolve is started
- CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM(3) — offset to resume transfer from
- CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE(3) — offset to resume transfer from
- CURLOPT_RTSP_TRANSPORT(3) — RTSP Transport: header
- CURLOPT_SASL_AUTHZID(3) — authorization identity (identity to act as)
- CURLOPT_SASL_IR(3) — send initial response in first packet
- CURLOPT_SEEKDATA(3) — pointer passed to the seek callback
- CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION(3) — user callback for seeking in input stream
- CURLOPT_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT(3) — time allowed to wait for server response
- CURLOPT_SERVICE_NAME(3) — authentication service name
- CURLOPT_SHARE(3) — share handle to use
- CURLOPT_SOCKOPTDATA(3) — pointer to pass to sockopt callback
- CURLOPT_SOCKOPTFUNCTION(3) — callback for setting socket options
- CURLOPT_SOCKS5_AUTH(3) — methods for SOCKS5 proxy authentication
- CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_NEC(3) — SOCKS proxy GSSAPI negotiation protection
- CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_SERVICE(3) — SOCKS5 proxy authentication service name
- CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES(3) — auth types for SFTP and SCP
- CURLOPT_SSH_COMPRESSION(3) — enable SSH compression
- CURLOPT_SSH_HOSTKEYDATA(3) — pointer to pass to the SSH host key callback
- CURLOPT_SSH_HOSTKEYFUNCTION(3) — callback to check host key
- CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5(3) — MD5 checksum of SSH server public key
- CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_SHA256(3) — SHA256 hash of SSH server public key
- CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA(3) — pointer passed to the SSH key callback
- CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION(3) — callback for known host matching logic
- CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS(3) — filename holding the SSH known hosts
- CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE(3) — private key file for SSH auth
- CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE(3) — public key file for SSH auth
- CURLOPT_SSLCERT(3) — SSL client certificate
- CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE(3) — type of client SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_SSLCERT_BLOB(3) — SSL client certificate from memory blob
- CURLOPT_SSLENGINE(3) — SSL engine identifier
- CURLOPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT(3) — make SSL engine default
- CURLOPT_SSLKEY(3) — private key file for TLS and SSL client cert
- CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE(3) — type of the private key file
- CURLOPT_SSLKEY_BLOB(3) — private key for client cert from memory blob
- CURLOPT_SSLVERSION(3) — preferred TLS/SSL version
- CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST(3) — ciphers to use for TLS
- CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_DATA(3) — pointer passed to SSL context callback
- CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION(3) — SSL context callback for OpenSSL, wolfSSL or mbedTLS
- CURLOPT_SSL_EC_CURVES(3) — key exchange curves
- CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN(3) — Application Layer Protocol Negotiation
- CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS(3) — SSL behavior options
- CURLOPT_SSL_SESSIONID_CACHE(3) — use the SSL session-ID cache
- CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST(3) — verify the certificate(aqs name against host
- CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER(3) — verify the peer(aqs SSL certificate
- CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS(3) — verify the certificate(aqs status
- CURLOPT_STDERR(3) — redirect stderr to another stream
- CURLOPT_STREAM_DEPENDS(3) — stream this transfer depends on
- CURLOPT_STREAM_DEPENDS_E(3) — stream this transfer depends on exclusively
- CURLOPT_STREAM_WEIGHT(3) — numerical stream weight
- CURLOPT_SUPPRESS_CONNECT_HEADERS(3) — suppress proxy CONNECT response headers
- CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE(3) — TCP keep-alive probing
- CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE(3) — TCP keep-alive idle time wait
- CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL(3) — TCP keep-alive interval
- CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS(3) — set of telnet options
- CURLOPT_TFTP_NO_OPTIONS(3) — send no TFTP options requests
- CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION(3) — select condition for a time request
- CURLOPT_TIMEOUT(3) — maximum time the transfer is allowed to complete
- CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS(3) — maximum time the transfer is allowed to complete
- CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE(3) — time value for conditional
- CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE_LARGE(3) — time value for conditional
- CURLOPT_TLS13_CIPHERS(3) — ciphers suites to use for TLS 1.3
- CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD(3) — password to use for TLS authentication
- CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_TYPE(3) — TLS authentication methods
- CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_USERNAME(3) — user name to use for TLS authentication
- CURLOPT_TRAILERDATA(3) — pointer passed to trailing headers callback
- CURLOPT_TRAILERFUNCTION(3) — callback for sending trailing headers
- CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT(3) — request a text based transfer for FTP
- CURLOPT_TRANSFER_ENCODING(3) — ask for HTTP Transfer Encoding
- CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH(3) — Unix domain socket
- CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH(3) — send credentials to other hosts too
- CURLOPT_UPKEEP_INTERVAL_MS(3) — connection upkeep interval
- CURLOPT_UPLOAD(3) — data upload
- CURLOPT_UPLOAD_BUFFERSIZE(3) — upload buffer size
- CURLOPT_URL(3) — URL for this transfer
- CURLOPT_USERAGENT(3) — HTTP user-agent header
- CURLOPT_USERNAME(3) — user name to use in authentication
- CURLOPT_USERPWD(3) — user name and password to use in authentication
- CURLOPT_USE_SSL(3) — request using SSL / TLS for the transfer
- CURLOPT_VERBOSE(3) — verbose mode
- CURLOPT_WILDCARDMATCH(3) — directory wildcard transfers
- CURLOPT_WRITEDATA(3) — pointer passed to the write callback
- CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION(3) — callback for writing received data
- CURLOPT_WS_OPTIONS(3) — WebSocket behavior options
- CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA(3) — pointer passed to the progress callback
- CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION(3) — progress meter callback
- CURLOPT_XOAUTH2_BEARER(3) — OAuth 2.0 access token
- CURLSHOPT_LOCKFUNC(3) — mutex lock callback
- CURLSHOPT_SHARE(3) — add data to share
- CURLSHOPT_UNLOCKFUNC(3) — mutex unlock callback
- CURLSHOPT_UNSHARE(3) — remove data to share
- CURLSHOPT_USERDATA(3) — pointer passed to the lock and unlock mutex callbacks
- FFI(3) — Foreign Function Interface
- MPSCNNBatchNormalizationDataSource -p(3), — >
- MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource -p(3), — >
- MPSCNNInstanceNormalizationDataSource -p(3), — >
- MPSHandle -p(3), — >
- MPSImageAllocator -p(3), — >
- MPSImageHistogramInfo(3) — Specifies information to compute the histogram for channels of an image
- MPSImageKeypointData(3) — Specifies keypoint information
- MPSImageKeypointRangeInfo(3) — Specifies information to find the keypoints in an image
- MPSImageNormalizedHistogramInfo(3) — Specifies information to compute the normalized histogram for channels of an image
- MPSImageSizeEncodingState -p(3), — >
- MPSImageTransformProvider -p(3), — >
- MPSIntersectionDistance(3) — Returned intersection result which contains the distance from the ray origin to the intersection point
- MPSIntersectionDistancePrimitiveIndex(3) — Intersection result which contains the distance from the ray origin to the intersection point and the index of the intersected primitive
- MPSIntersectionDistancePrimitiveIndexCoordinates(3) — Intersection result which contains the distance from the ray origin to the intersection point, the index of the intersected primitive, and the first two barycentric coordinates of the intersection point
- MPSIntersectionDistancePrimitiveIndexInstanceIndex(3) — Intersection result which contains the distance from the ray origin to the intersection point, the index of the intersected primitive, and the index of the intersected instance
- MPSIntersectionDistancePrimitiveIndexInstanceIndexCoordinates(3) — Intersection result which contains the distance from the ray origin to the intersection point, the index of the intersected primitive, the index of the intersected instance, and the first two barycentric coordinates of the intersection point
- MPSNNPadding -p(3), — >
- MPSNNTrainableNode -p(3), — >
- MPSRayIntersector(3) — Performs intersection tests between rays and the geometry in an MPSAccelerationStructure
- MPSRayOriginDirection(3) — Represents a 3D ray with an origin and a direction
- MPSRayOriginMaskDirectionMaxDistance(3) — Represents a 3D ray with an origin, a direction, and a mask to filter out intersections
- MPSRayOriginMinDistanceDirectionMaxDistance(3) — Represents a 3D ray with an origin, a direction, and an intersection distance range from the origin
- M_PI(3), constants(3) — mathematical library constants
- NSSystemDirectories(3), -(3) — The NSSystemDirectories API has been deprecated and replaced by sysdir(3) API
- OSAtomicAdd32(3), OSAtomicAdd32Barrier(3), OSAtomicIncrement32(3), OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier(3), OSAtomicDecrement32(3), OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier(3), OSAtomicOr32(3), OSAtomicOr32Barrier(3), OSAtomicOr32Orig(3), OSAtomicOr32OrigBarrier(3), OSAtomicAnd32(3), OSAtomicAnd32Barrier(3), OSAtomicAnd32Orig(3), OSAtomicAnd32OrigBarrier(3), OSAtomicXor32(3), OSAtomicXor32Barrier(3), OSAtomicXor32Orig(3), OSAtomicXor32OrigBarrier(3), OSAtomicAdd64(3), OSAtomicAdd64Barrier(3), OSAtomicIncrement64(3), OSAtomicIncrement64Barrier(3), OSAtomicDecrement64(3), OSAtomicDecrement64Barrier(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLong(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLongBarrier(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtr(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64(3), OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier(3), OSAtomicTestAndSet(3), OSAtomicTestAndSetBarrier(3), OSAtomicTestAndClear(3), OSAtomicTestAndClearBarrier(3), OSMemoryBarrier(3) — deprecated atomic add, increment, decrement, or, and, xor, compare and swap, test and set, test and clear, and memory barrier
- OSAtomicEnqueue(3), OSAtomicDequeue(3) — atomic lockless queues
- OSSpinLockTry(3), OSSpinLockLock(3), OSSpinLockUnlock(3) — deprecated atomic spin lock synchronization primitives
- Parse::Yapp(3) — Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers
- SASL(3) — SASL authentication library
- __cospi(3) — cosine-pi function
- __iconv_get_list(3), __iconv_free_list(3) — retrieving a list of character encodings supported by iconv(3)
- __sincos(3) — sine-cosine function
- __sincospi(3) — sine-pi and cosine-pi function
- __sinpi(3) — sine-pi function
- __tanpi(3) — tangent-pi function
- _longjmp(3), _setjmp(3), longjmp(3), longjmperror(3), setjmp(3), siglongjmp(3), sigsetjmp(3) — non-local jumps
- a64l(3), l64a(3) — convert between 32-bit integer and radix-64 ASCII string
- abort(3) — cause abnormal program termination
- abs(3) — integer absolute value function
- acl(3) — introduction to the POSIX.1e ACL security API
- acl_add_flag_np(3) — add flags to an flag set
- acl_add_perm(3) — add permissions to a permission set
- acl_clear_flags_np(3) — clear flags from a flag set
- acl_clear_perms(3) — clear permissions from a permission set
- acl_copy_entry(3) — copy an ACL entry to another ACL entry
- acl_copy_ext(3), acl_copy_ext_native(3), acl_copy_int(3), acl_copy_int_native(3), acl_size(3) — convert an ACL to and from an external representation
- acl_create_entry(3), acl_create_entry_np(3) — create a new ACL entry
- acl_delete_entry(3) — delete an ACL entry from an ACL
- acl_delete_flag_np(3) — delete flags from a flag set
- acl_delete_perm(3) — delete permissions from a permission set
- acl_dup(3) — duplicate an ACL
- acl_free(3) — free ACL working state
- acl_from_text(3) — create an ACL from text
- acl_get_entry(3) — retrieve an ACL entry from an ACL
- acl_get_fd(3), acl_get_fd_np(3), acl_get_file(3), acl_get_link_np(3) — get an ACL for a file
- acl_get_flagset_np(3) — retrieve flag set from an ACL or ACL entry
- acl_get_perm_np(3) — check if a permission is set in a permission set
- acl_get_permset(3) — retrieve permission set from an ACL entry
- acl_get_permset_mask_np(3), acl_permset_mask(3) — Manipulate ACL permissions using bitmasks
- acl_get_qualifier(3) — retrieve the qualifier from an ACL entry
- acl_get_tag_type(3) — retrieve the tag type from an ACL entry
- acl_init(3) — initialize ACL working storage
- acl_set_fd(3), acl_set_fd_np(3), acl_set_file(3), acl_set_link_np(3) — set an ACL for a file
- acl_set_flagset_np(3) — set the flags of an ACL or ACL entry
- acl_set_permset(3) — set the permissions of an ACL entry
- acl_set_qualifier(3) — set ACL tag qualifier
- acl_set_tag_type(3) — set the tag type of an ACL entry
- acl_to_text(3) — convert an ACL to text
- acl_valid(3), acl_valid_fd_np(3), acl_valid_file_np(3), acl_valid_link_np(3) — validate an ACL
- acos(3) — arc cosine function
- acosh(3) — inverse hyperbolic cosine function
- add_mibdir(3), netsnmp_init_mib(3), shutdown_mib(3), netsnmp_read_module(3), read_mib(3), read_all_mibs(3), add_module_replacement(3), snmp_set_mib_errors(3), snmp_set_mib_warnings(3), snmp_set_save_descriptions(3), read_objid(3), snmp_parse_oid(3), get_module_node(3), print_mib(3), print_objid(3), fprint_objid(3), snprint_objid(3), print_description(3), fprint_description(3), snprint_description(3) — netsnmp_mib_api functions
- addr2ascii(3), ascii2addr(3) — Generic address formatting routines
- alarm(3) — set signal timer alarm
- alloca(3) — memory allocator
- alloca(3), calloc(3), free(3), malloc(3), mmap(3), realloc(3) — general memory allocation operations
- arc4random(3), arc4random_buf(3), arc4random_uniform(3) — random number generator
- arch(3), NXGetAllArchInfos(3), NXGetLocalArchInfo(3), NXGetArchInfoFromName(3), NXGetArchInfoFromCpuType(3), NXFreeArchInfo(3), NXFindBestFatArch(3), NXCombineCpuSubtypes(3) — get architecture information
- archive_entry(3), archive_entry_clear(3), archive_entry_clone(3), archive_entry_free(3), archive_entry_new(3) — functions for managing archive entry descriptions
- archive_entry_acl(3), archive_entry_acl_add_entry(3), archive_entry_acl_add_entry_w(3), archive_entry_acl_clear(3), archive_entry_acl_count(3), archive_entry_acl_from_text(3), archive_entry_acl_from_text_w(3), archive_entry_acl_next(3), archive_entry_acl_reset(3), archive_entry_acl_to_text(3), archive_entry_acl_to_text_w(3), archive_entry_acl_types(3) — functions for manipulating Access Control Lists in archive entry descriptions
- archive_entry_linkresolver(3), archive_entry_linkresolver_new(3), archive_entry_linkresolver_set_strategy(3), archive_entry_linkresolver_free(3), archive_entry_linkify(3) — hardlink resolver functions
- archive_entry_misc(3), archive_entry_symlink_type(3), archive_entry_set_symlink_type(3) — miscellaneous functions for manipulating properties of archive_entry
- archive_entry_paths(3), archive_entry_hardlink(3), archive_entry_hardlink_w(3), archive_entry_set_hardlink(3), archive_entry_copy_hardlink(3), archive_entry_copy_hardlink_w(3), archive_entry_update_hardlink_utf8(3), archive_entry_set_link(3), archive_entry_copy_link(3), archive_entry_copy_link_w(3), archive_entry_update_link_utf8(3), archive_entry_pathname(3), archive_entry_pathname_w(3), archive_entry_set_pathname(3), archive_entry_copy_pathname(3), archive_entry_copy_pathname_w(3), archive_entry_update_pathname_utf8(3), archive_entry_sourcepath(3), archive_entry_copy_sourcepath(3), archive_entry_symlink(3), archive_entry_symlink_w(3), archive_entry_set_symlink(3), archive_entry_copy_symlink(3), archive_entry_copy_symlink_w(3), archive_entry_update_symlink_utf8(3) — functions for manipulating path names in archive entry descriptions
- archive_entry_perms(3), archive_entry_gid(3), archive_entry_set_gid(3), archive_entry_uid(3), archive_entry_set_uid(3), archive_entry_perm(3), archive_entry_set_perm(3), archive_entry_strmode(3), archive_entry_uname(3), archive_entry_uname_w(3), archive_entry_set_uname(3), archive_entry_copy_uname(3), archive_entry_copy_uname_w(3), archive_entry_update_uname_utf8(3), archive_entry_gname(3), archive_entry_gname_w(3), archive_entry_set_gname(3), archive_entry_copy_gname(3), archive_entry_copy_gname_w(3), archive_entry_update_gname_utf8(3), archive_entry_fflags(3), archive_entry_fflags_text(3), archive_entry_set_fflags(3), archive_entry_copy_fflags_text(3), archive_entry_copy_fflags_text_w(3) — functions for manipulating ownership and permissions in archive entry descriptions
- archive_entry_stat(3), archive_entry_copy_stat(3), archive_entry_filetype(3), archive_entry_set_filetype(3), archive_entry_mode(3), archive_entry_set_mode(3), archive_entry_size(3), archive_entry_size_is_set(3), archive_entry_set_size(3), archive_entry_unset_size(3), archive_entry_dev(3), archive_entry_set_dev(3), archive_entry_dev_is_set(3), archive_entry_devmajor(3), archive_entry_set_devmajor(3), archive_entry_devminor(3), archive_entry_set_devminor(3), archive_entry_ino(3), archive_entry_set_ino(3), archive_entry_ino_is_set(3), archive_entry_ino64(3), archive_entry_set_ino64(3), archive_entry_nlink(3), archive_entry_rdev(3), archive_entry_set_rdev(3), archive_entry_rdevmajor(3), archive_entry_set_rdevmajor(3), archive_entry_rdevminor(3), archive_entry_set_rdevminor(3) — accessor functions for manipulating archive entry descriptions
- archive_entry_time(3), archive_entry_atime(3), archive_entry_atime_nsec(3), archive_entry_atime_is_set(3), archive_entry_set_atime(3), archive_entry_unset_atime(3), archive_entry_birthtime(3), archive_entry_birthtime_nsec(3), archive_entry_birthtime_is_set(3), archive_entry_set_birthtime(3), archive_entry_unset_birthtime(3), archive_entry_ctime(3), archive_entry_ctime_nsec(3), archive_entry_ctime_is_set(3), archive_entry_set_ctime(3), archive_entry_unset_ctime(3), archive_entry_mtime(3), archive_entry_mtime_nsec(3), archive_entry_mtime_is_set(3), archive_entry_set_mtime(3), archive_entry_unset_mtime(3) — functions for manipulating times in archive entry descriptions
- archive_read(3) — functions for reading streaming archives
- archive_read_add_passphrase(3), archive_read_set_passphrase_callback(3) — functions for reading encrypted archives
- archive_read_close(3), archive_read_finish(3), archive_read_free(3) — functions for reading streaming archives
- archive_read_data(3), archive_read_data_block(3), archive_read_data_skip(3), archive_read_data_into_fd(3) — functions for reading streaming archives
- archive_read_disk(3), archive_read_disk_new(3), archive_read_disk_set_behavior(3), archive_read_disk_set_symlink_logical(3), archive_read_disk_set_symlink_physical(3), archive_read_disk_set_symlink_hybrid(3), archive_read_disk_entry_from_file(3), archive_read_disk_gname(3), archive_read_disk_uname(3), archive_read_disk_set_uname_lookup(3), archive_read_disk_set_gname_lookup(3), archive_read_disk_set_standard_lookup(3) — functions for reading objects from disk
- archive_read_extract(3), archive_read_extract2(3), archive_read_extract_set_progress_callback(3) — functions for reading streaming archives
- archive_read_filter(3), archive_read_support_filter_all(3), archive_read_support_filter_bzip2(3), archive_read_support_filter_compress(3), archive_read_support_filter_gzip(3), archive_read_support_filter_lz4(3), archive_read_support_filter_lzma(3), archive_read_support_filter_none(3), archive_read_support_filter_rpm(3), archive_read_support_filter_uu(3), archive_read_support_filter_xz(3), archive_read_support_filter_zstd(3), archive_read_support_filter_program(3), archive_read_support_filter_program_signature(3) — functions for reading streaming archives
- archive_read_format(3), archive_read_support_format_7zip(3), archive_read_support_format_all(3), archive_read_support_format_ar(3), archive_read_support_format_by_code(3), archive_read_support_format_cab(3), archive_read_support_format_cpio(3), archive_read_support_format_empty(3), archive_read_support_format_iso9660(3), archive_read_support_format_lha(3), archive_read_support_format_mtree(3), archive_read_support_format_rar(3), archive_read_support_format_raw(3), archive_read_support_format_tar(3), archive_read_support_format_xar(3), archive_read_support_format_zip(3) — functions for reading streaming archives
- archive_read_header(3), archive_read_next_header(3), archive_read_next_header2(3) — functions for reading streaming archives
- archive_read_new(3) — functions for reading streaming archives
- archive_read_open(3), archive_read_open2(3), archive_read_open_fd(3), archive_read_open_FILE(3), archive_read_open_filename(3), archive_read_open_memory(3) — functions for reading streaming archives
- archive_read_set_filter_option(3), archive_read_set_format_option(3), archive_read_set_option(3), archive_read_set_options(3) — functions controlling options for reading archives
- archive_util(3), archive_clear_error(3), archive_compression(3), archive_compression_name(3), archive_copy_error(3), archive_errno(3), archive_error_string(3), archive_file_count(3), archive_filter_code(3), archive_filter_count(3), archive_filter_name(3), archive_format(3), archive_format_name(3), archive_position(3), archive_set_error(3) — libarchive utility functions
- archive_write(3) — functions for creating archives
- archive_write_blocksize(3), archive_write_get_bytes_per_block(3), archive_write_set_bytes_per_block(3), archive_write_get_bytes_in_last_block(3), archive_write_set_bytes_in_last_block(3) — functions for creating archives
- archive_write_data(3), archive_write_data_block(3) — functions for creating archives
- archive_write_disk(3), archive_write_disk_new(3), archive_write_disk_set_options(3), archive_write_disk_set_skip_file(3), archive_write_disk_set_group_lookup(3), archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup(3), archive_write_disk_set_user_lookup(3) — functions for creating objects on disk
- archive_write_fail(3), archive_write_close(3), archive_write_finish(3), archive_write_free(3) — functions for creating archives
- archive_write_filter(3), archive_write_add_filter_b64encode(3), archive_write_add_filter_by_name(3), archive_write_add_filter_bzip2(3), archive_write_add_filter_compress(3), archive_write_add_filter_grzip(3), archive_write_add_filter_gzip(3), archive_write_add_filter_lrzip(3), archive_write_add_filter_lz4(3), archive_write_add_filter_lzip(3), archive_write_add_filter_lzma(3), archive_write_add_filter_lzop(3), archive_write_add_filter_none(3), archive_write_add_filter_program(3), archive_write_add_filter_uuencode(3), archive_write_add_filter_xz(3), archive_write_add_filter_zstd(3) — functions enabling output filters
- archive_write_finish_entry(3) — functions for creating archives
- archive_write_format(3), archive_write_set_format(3), archive_write_set_format_7zip(3), archive_write_set_format_ar(3), archive_write_set_format_ar_bsd(3), archive_write_set_format_ar_svr4(3), archive_write_set_format_by_name(3), archive_write_set_format_cpio(3), archive_write_set_format_cpio_bin(3), archive_write_set_format_cpio_newc(3), archive_write_set_format_cpio_odc(3), archive_write_set_format_cpio_pwb(3), archive_write_set_format_filter_by_ext(3), archive_write_set_format_filter_by_ext_def(3), archive_write_set_format_gnutar(3), archive_write_set_format_iso9660(3), archive_write_set_format_mtree(3), archive_write_set_format_mtree_classic(3), archive_write_set_format_mtree_default(3), archive_write_set_format_pax(3), archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted(3), archive_write_set_format_raw(3), archive_write_set_format_shar(3), archive_write_set_format_shar_dump(3), archive_write_set_format_ustar(3), archive_write_set_format_v7tar(3), archive_write_set_format_warc(3), archive_write_set_format_xar(3), archive_write_set_format_zip(3) — functions for creating archives
- archive_write_header(3) — functions for creating archives
- archive_write_new(3) — functions for creating archives
- archive_write_open(3), archive_write_open2(3), archive_write_open_fd(3), archive_write_open_FILE(3), archive_write_open_filename(3), archive_write_open_memory(3) — functions for creating archives
- archive_write_set_filter_option(3), archive_write_set_format_option(3), archive_write_set_option(3), archive_write_set_options(3) — functions controlling options for writing archives
- archive_write_set_passphrase(3), archive_write_set_passphrase_callback(3) — functions for writing encrypted archives
- asctime(3), asctime_r(3), ctime(3), ctime_r(3), difftime(3), gmtime(3), gmtime_r(3), localtime(3), localtime_r(3), mktime(3), timegm(3), timelocal(3) — transform binary date and time values
- asin(3) — arc sine function
- asinh(3) — inverse hyperbolic sine function
- asl(3), asl_add_log_file(3), asl_add_output_file(3), asl_append(3), asl_close(3), asl_close_auxiliary_file(3), asl_count(3), asl_create_auxiliary_file(3), asl_decode_buffer(3), asl_encode_buffer(3), asl_fetch_key_val_op(3), asl_format(3), asl_free(3), asl_get(3), asl_get_index(3), asl_get_type(3), asl_key(3), asl_log(3), asl_log_auxiliary_location(3), asl_log_descriptor(3), asl_match(3), asl_new(3), asl_next(3), asl_open(3), asl_open_from_file(3), asl_open_path(3), asl_prepend(3), asl_prev(3), asl_release(3), asl_remove_index(3), asl_remove_log_file(3), asl_reset_iteration(3), asl_retain(3), asl_search(3), asl_send(3), asl_set(3), asl_set_filter(3), asl_set_output_file_filter(3), asl_set_query(3), asl_unset(3), asl_vlog(3), aslresponse_free(3), aslresponse_next(3) — system log message sending and searching functions
- asprintf_l(3), dprintf_l(3), fprintf_l(3), printf_l(3), snprintf_l(3), sprintf_l(3), vasprintf_l(3), vdprintf_l(3), vfprintf_l(3), vprintf_l(3), vsnprintf_l(3), vsprintf_l(3) — formatted output conversion
- assert(3) — expression verification macro
- asxprintf(3), dxprintf(3), fxprintf(3), sxprintf(3), xprintf(3), vasxprintf(3), vdxprintf(3), vfxprintf(3), vsxprintf(3), vxprintf(3) — extensible printf
- asxprintf_exec(3), dxprintf_exec(3), fxprintf_exec(3), sxprintf_exec(3), xprintf_exec(3), vasxprintf_exec(3), vdxprintf_exec(3), vfxprintf_exec(3), vsxprintf_exec(3), vxprintf_exec(3) — execute-only extensible printf execution
- atan(3) — arc tangent function of one variable
- atan2(3) — arc tangent function of two variables
- atanh(3) — inverse hyperbolic tangent function
- atexit(3) — register a function to be called on exit
- atof(3), atof_l(3) — convert ASCII string to double
- atoi(3), atoi_l(3) — convert ASCII string to integer
- atol(3), atoll(3), atol_l(3), atoll_l(3) — convert ASCII string to long or long long integer
- au_bsm_to_domain(3), au_domain_to_bsm(3) — convert between BSM and local protocol domains
- au_bsm_to_errno(3), au_errno_to_bsm(3), au_strerror(3) — convert between BSM and local error numbers
- au_bsm_to_fcntl_cmd(3), au_fcntl_cmd_to_bsm(3) — convert between BSM and local fcntl(2) command values
- au_bsm_to_socket_type(3), au_socket_type_to_bsm(3) — convert between BSM and local socket types
- au_close(3), au_close_buffer(3), au_close_token(3), au_open(3), au_write(3) — create and commit audit records
- au_fetch_tok(3), au_print_tok(3), au_print_flags_tok(3), au_read_rec(3) — perform I/O involving an audit record
- au_free_token(3) — deallocate a token_t created by any of the au_to_*() BSM API functions
- au_preselect(3), getauditflagsbin(3), getauditflagschar(3) — convert between string and numeric values of audit masks
- au_to_arg32(3), au_to_arg64(3), au_to_arg(3), au_to_attr(3), au_to_attr32(3), au_to_attr64(3), au_to_data(3), au_to_exit(3), au_to_groups(3), au_to_newgroups(3), au_to_in_addr(3), au_to_in_addr_ex(3), au_to_ip(3), au_to_ipc(3), au_to_ipc_perm(3), au_to_iport(3), au_to_opaque(3), au_to_file(3), au_to_text(3), au_to_path(3), au_to_process32(3), au_to_process64(3), au_to_process(3), au_to_process32_ex(3), au_to_process64_ex(3), au_to_process_ex(3), au_to_return32(3), au_to_return64(3), au_to_return(3), au_to_seq(3), au_to_sock_inet32(3), au_to_sock_inet128(3), au_to_sock_inet(3), au_to_socket_ex(3), au_to_subject32(3), au_to_subject64(3), au_to_subject(3), au_to_subject32_ex(3), au_to_subject64_ex(3), au_to_subject_ex(3), au_to_me(3), au_to_exec_args(3), au_to_exec_env(3), au_to_header(3), au_to_header32(3), au_to_header64(3), au_to_header_ex(3), au_to_header32_ex(3), au_to_trailer(3), au_to_identity(3), au_to_zonename(3) — routines for generating BSM audit tokens
- audit_submit(3) — general purpose audit record submission
- backtrace(3), backtrace_symbols(3), backtrace_symbols_fd(3), backtrace_image_offsets(3), backtrace_from_fp(3) — call stack backtrace and display functions
- basename(3) — extract the base portion of a pathname
- bcmp(3) — compare byte string
- bcmp(3), bcopy(3), bzero(3), memccpy(3), memchr(3), memcmp(3), memcpy(3), memmove(3), memset(3) — byte string operations
- bcopy(3) — copy byte string
- ber_alloc_t(3), ber_flush(3), ber_flush2(3), ber_printf(3), ber_put_int(3), ber_put_enum(3), ber_put_ostring(3), ber_put_string(3), ber_put_null(3), ber_put_boolean(3), ber_put_bitstring(3), ber_start_seq(3), ber_start_set(3), ber_put_seq(3), ber_put_set(3) — OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
- ber_get_next(3), ber_skip_tag(3), ber_peek_tag(3), ber_scanf(3), ber_get_int(3), ber_get_enum(3), ber_get_stringb(3), ber_get_stringa(3), ber_get_stringal(3), ber_get_stringbv(3), ber_get_null(3), ber_get_boolean(3), ber_get_bitstring(3), ber_first_element(3), ber_next_element(3) — OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
- ber_int_t(3), ber_uint_t(3), ber_len_t(3), ber_slen_t(3), ber_tag_t(3), struct berval(3), BerValue(3), BerVarray(3), BerElement(3), ber_bvfree(3), ber_bvecfree(3), ber_bvecadd(3), ber_bvarray_free(3), ber_bvarray_add(3), ber_bvdup(3), ber_dupbv(3), ber_bvstr(3), ber_bvstrdup(3), ber_str2bv(3), ber_alloc_t(3), ber_init(3), ber_init2(3), ber_free(3) — OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
- bindresvport(3), bindresvport_sa(3) — bind a socket to a privileged IP port
- bit_alloc(3), bit_clear(3), bit_decl(3), bit_ffs(3), bit_nclear(3), bit_nset(3), bit_set(3), bitstr_size(3), bit_test(3) — bit-string manipulation macros
- bootstrap_check_in(3), launchd APIs(3) — interfaces for interacting with a launchd job
- bsd_signal(3) — simplified signal facilities
- bsearch(3), bsearch_b(3) — binary search of a sorted table
- btowc(3), btowc_l(3), wctob(3), wctob_l(3) — convert between wide and single-byte characters
- btree(3) — btree database access method
- bzero(3) — write zeroes to a byte string
- cabs(3) — complex norm (absolute value) function .br carg complex argument function
- cache_callbacks(3) — Pre-defined cache callbacks used to configure a cache
- cache_create(3) — Creates an in memory cache
- cache_set_and_retain(3), cache_get_and_retain(3), cache_release_value(3), cache_remove(3) — Routines used to manage cached values
- cacos(3) — complex inverse cosine function
- cacosh(3) — complex inverse hyperbolic cosine function
- calloc(3), free(3), malloc(3), realloc(3), reallocf(3), valloc(3), aligned_alloc(3) — memory allocation
- casin(3) — complex inverse sine function .br catan complex inverse tangent function
- casinh(3) — complex inverse hyperbolic sine function
- catanh(3) — complex inverse hyperbolic tangent function
- catclose(3) — close message catalog
- catgets(3) — retrieve string from message catalog
- catopen(3) — open message catalog
- cbrt(3) — cube root function
- ccosh(3) — complex hyperbolic cosine function
- ceil(3) — round to smallest integral value not less than x
- cexp(3) — complex exponential function
- cfgetispeed(3), cfgetospeed(3), cfmakeraw(3), cfsetispeed(3), cfsetospeed(3), cfsetspeed(3), tcgetattr(3), tcsetattr(3) — manipulating the termios structure
- cgetent(3), cgetset(3), cgetmatch(3), cgetcap(3), cgetnum(3), cgetstr(3), cgetustr(3), cgetfirst(3), cgetnext(3), cgetclose(3) — capability database access routines
- check_int32_add(3), check_uint32_add(3), check_int64_add(3), check_uint64_add(3), check_int32_sub(3), check_uint32_sub(3), check_int64_sub(3), check_uint64_sub(3), check_int32_mul(3), check_uint32_mul(3), check_int64_mul(3), check_uint64_mul(3), check_int32_div(3), check_uint32_div(3), check_int64_div(3), check_uint64_div(3) — detect overflow in arithmetic
- clearerr(3), clearerr_unlocked(3), feof(3), feof_unlocked(3), ferror(3), ferror_unlocked(3), fileno(3), fileno_unlocked(3) — check and reset stream status
- clock(3) — determine processor time used
- clock_gettime(3), clock_settime(3), clock_getres(3), clock_gettime_nsec_np(3) — get/set date and time
- clog(3) — complex logarithm function
- closelog(3), openlog(3), setlogmask(3), syslog(3), vsyslog(3) — control system log
- complex(3) — complex floating-point functions
- confstr(3) — get string-valued configurable variables
- conj(3) — complex conjugation function
- copy_printf_domain(3), free_printf_domain(3), new_printf_domain(3), register_printf_domain_function(3), register_printf_domain_render_std(3) — extensible printf domains
- copyfile(3), fcopyfile(3), copyfile_state_alloc(3), copyfile_state_free(3), copyfile_state_get(3), copyfile_state_set(3) — copy a file
- copysign(3) — changes the sign of x to that of y
- cos(3) — cosine function
- cosh(3) — hyperbolic cosine function
- cpow(3) — complex power function
- cproj(3) — projection onto the Riemann sphere
- creal(3) — complex real-part function .br cimag complex imaginary-part function
- crypt(3), encrypt(3), setkey(3) — DES encryption
- csin(3) — complex sine function .br ccos complex cosine function .br ctan complex tangent function
- csinh(3) — complex hyperbolic sine function
- csqrt(3) — complex square root function
- ctanh(3) — complex hyperbolic tangent function
- ctermid(3), ctermid_r(3) — generate terminal pathname
- curl_easy_cleanup(3) — End a libcurl easy handle
- curl_easy_duphandle(3) — Clone a libcurl session handle
- curl_easy_escape(3) — URL encodes the given string
- curl_easy_getinfo(3) — extract information from a curl handle
- curl_easy_header(3) — get an HTTP header
- curl_easy_init(3) — Start a libcurl easy session
- curl_easy_nextheader(3) — get the next HTTP header
- curl_easy_option_by_id(3) — find an easy setopt option by id
- curl_easy_option_by_name(3) — find an easy setopt option by name
- curl_easy_option_next(3) — iterate over easy setopt options
- curl_easy_pause(3) — pause and unpause a connection
- curl_easy_perform(3) — perform a blocking file transfer
- curl_easy_recv(3) — receives raw data on an "easy" connection
- curl_easy_reset(3) — reset all options of a libcurl session handle
- curl_easy_send(3) — sends raw data over an "easy" connection
- curl_easy_setopt(3) — set options for a curl easy handle
- curl_easy_strerror(3) — return string describing error code
- curl_easy_unescape(3) — URL decodes the given string
- curl_easy_upkeep(3) — Perform any connection upkeep checks
- curl_escape(3) — URL encodes the given string
- curl_formadd(3) — add a section to a multipart form POST
- curl_formfree(3) — free a previously build multipart form post chain
- curl_formget(3) — serialize a previously built multipart form POST chain
- curl_free(3) — reclaim memory that has been obtained through a libcurl call
- curl_getdate(3) — Convert a date string to number of seconds
- curl_getenv(3) — return value for environment name
- curl_global_cleanup(3) — global libcurl cleanup
- curl_global_init(3) — Global libcurl initialization
- curl_global_init_mem(3) — Global libcurl initialization with memory callbacks
- curl_global_sslset(3) — Select SSL backend to use with libcurl
- curl_global_trace(3) — Global libcurl logging configuration
- curl_maprintf(3), curl_mfprintf(3), curl_mprintf(3), curl_msnprintf(3), curl_msprintf curl_mvaprintf(3), curl_mvfprintf(3), curl_mvprintf(3), curl_mvsnprintf(3), curl_mvsprintf(3) — formatted output conversion
- curl_mime_addpart(3) — append a new empty part to a mime structure
- curl_mime_data(3) — set a mime part(aqs body data from memory
- curl_mime_data_cb(3) — set a callback-based data source for a mime part(aqs body
- curl_mime_encoder(3) — set a mime part(aqs encoder and content transfer encoding
- curl_mime_filedata(3) — set a mime part(aqs body data from a file contents
- curl_mime_filename(3) — set a mime part(aqs remote file name
- curl_mime_free(3) — free a previously built mime structure
- curl_mime_headers(3) — set a mime part(aqs custom headers
- curl_mime_init(3) — create a mime handle
- curl_mime_name(3) — set a mime part(aqs name
- curl_mime_subparts(3) — set sub-parts of a multipart mime part
- curl_mime_type(3) — set a mime part(aqs content type
- curl_multi_add_handle(3) — add an easy handle to a multi session
- curl_multi_assign(3) — set data to associate with an internal socket
- curl_multi_cleanup(3) — close down a multi session
- curl_multi_fdset(3) — extracts file descriptor information from a multi handle
- curl_multi_info_read(3) — read multi stack information
- curl_multi_init(3) — create a multi handle
- curl_multi_perform(3) — reads/writes available data from easy handles
- curl_multi_poll(3) — polls on all easy handles in a multi handle
- curl_multi_remove_handle(3) — remove an easy handle from a multi session
- curl_multi_setopt(3) — set options for a curl multi handle
- curl_multi_socket(3) — reads/writes available data
- curl_multi_socket_action(3) — reads/writes available data given an action
- curl_multi_strerror(3) — return string describing error code
- curl_multi_timeout(3) — how long to wait for action before proceeding
- curl_multi_wait(3) — polls on all easy handles in a multi handle
- curl_multi_wakeup(3) — wakes up a sleeping curl_multi_poll call
- curl_pushheader_byname(3) — get a push header by name
- curl_pushheader_bynum(3) — get a push header by index
- curl_share_cleanup(3) — Clean up a shared object
- curl_share_init(3) — Create a shared object
- curl_share_setopt(3) — Set options for a shared object
- curl_share_strerror(3) — return string describing error code
- curl_slist_append(3) — add a string to an slist
- curl_slist_free_all(3) — free an entire curl_slist list
- curl_strequal(3), curl_strnequal(3) — case insensitive string comparisons
- curl_unescape(3) — URL decodes the given string
- curl_url(3) — returns a new URL handle
- curl_url_cleanup(3) — free the URL handle
- curl_url_dup(3) — duplicate a URL handle
- curl_url_get(3) — extract a part from a URL
- curl_url_set(3) — set a URL part
- curl_url_strerror(3) — return string describing error code
- curl_version(3) — returns the libcurl version string
- curl_version_info(3) — returns runtime libcurl version info
- curl_ws_meta(3) — meta data WebSocket information
- curl_ws_recv(3) — receive WebSocket data
- curl_ws_send(3) — send WebSocket data
- daemon(3) — run in the background
- dbm_clearerr(3), dbm_close(3), dbm_delete(3), dbm_dirfno(3), dbm_error(3), dbm_fetch(3), dbm_firstkey(3), dbm_nextkey(3), dbm_open(3), dbm_store(3) — database access functions
- dbopen(3) — database access methods
- default_store(3) — generic storage of global data
- devname(3), devname_r(3) — get device name
- digittoint(3), digittoint_l(3) — convert a numeric character to its integer value
- digittoint(3), isalnum(3), isalpha(3), isascii(3), isblank(3), iscntrl(3), isdigit(3), isgraph(3), ishexnumber(3), isideogram(3), islower(3), isnumber(3), isphonogram(3), isprint(3), ispunct(3), isrune(3), isspace(3), isspecial(3), isupper(3), isxdigit(3), toascii(3), tolower(3), toupper(3) — character classification macros
- digittoint_l(3), isalnum_l(3), isalpha_l(3), isascii_l(3), isblank_l(3), iscntrl_l(3), isdigit_l(3), isgraph_l(3), ishexnumber_l(3), isideogram_l(3), islower_l(3), isnumber_l(3), isphonogram_l(3), isprint_l(3), ispunct_l(3), isrune_l(3), isspace_l(3), isspecial_l(3), isupper_l(3), isxdigit_l(3), toascii_l(3), tolower_l(3), toupper_l(3) — character classification macros
- dirname(3) — extract the directory part of a pathname
- dispatch(3) — the dispatch framework
- dispatch_after(3) — schedule blocks for deferred execution
- dispatch_api(3) — Designing API using dispatch
- dispatch_apply(3) — schedule blocks for iterative execution
- dispatch_async(3), dispatch_sync(3) — schedule blocks for execution
- dispatch_data_create(3), dispatch_data_create_concat(3), dispatch_data_create_subrange(3), dispatch_data_create_map(3), dispatch_data_apply(3), dispatch_data_copy_region(3), dispatch_data_get_size(3) — create and manipulate dispatch data objects
- dispatch_group_create(3), dispatch_group_async(3), dispatch_group_wait(3), dispatch_group_notify(3) — group blocks submitted to queues
- dispatch_io_create(3), dispatch_io_create_with_path(3), dispatch_io_close(3), dispatch_io_set_high_water(3), dispatch_io_set_low_water(3), dispatch_io_set_interval(3), dispatch_io_barrier(3) — open, close and configure dispatch I/O channels
- dispatch_io_read(3), dispatch_io_write(3) — submit read and write operations to dispatch I/O channels
- dispatch_object(3) — General manipulation of dispatch objects
- dispatch_once(3) — execute a block only once
- dispatch_queue_create(3), dispatch_queue_get_label(3), dispatch_get_current_queue(3), dispatch_get_global_queue(3), dispatch_get_main_queue(3), dispatch_main(3), dispatch_set_target_queue(3) — where blocks are scheduled for execution
- dispatch_read(3), dispatch_write(3) — asynchronously read from and write to file descriptors
- dispatch_semaphore_create(3), dispatch_semaphore_signal(3), dispatch_semaphore_wait(3) — synchronized counting semaphore
- dispatch_source_create(3) — dispatch event sources
- dispatch_time(3), dispatch_walltime(3) — Calculate temporal milestones
- div(3) — return quotient and remainder from division
- dladdr(3) — find the image containing a given address
- dlclose(3) — close a dynamic library or bundle
- dlerror(3) — get diagnostic information
- dlopen(3) — load and link a dynamic library or bundle
- dlopen_preflight(3) — preflight the load of a dynamic library or bundle
- dlsym(3) — get address of a symbol
- drand48(3), erand48(3), jrand48(3), lcong48(3), lrand48(3), mrand48(3), nrand48(3), seed48(3), srand48(3) — pseudo random number generators and initialization routines
- duplocale(3) — Duplicate existing locale
- dyld(3), _dyld_image_count(3) — _dyld_get_image_header, _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide, _dyld_get_image_name, _dyld_register_func_for_add_image, _dyld_register_func_for_remove_image, NSVersionOfRunTimeLibrary, NSVersionOfLinkTimeLibrary _NSGetExecutablePath
- ecvt(3), fcvt(3), gcvt(3) — convert double to ASCII string
- editline(3), el_init(3), el_end(3), el_reset(3), el_gets(3), el_wgets(3), el_getc(3), el_wgetc(3), el_push(3), el_wpush(3), el_parse(3), el_wparse(3), el_set(3), el_wset(3), el_get(3), el_wget(3), el_source(3), el_resize(3), el_line(3), el_wline(3), el_insertstr(3), el_winsertstr(3), el_deletestr(3), el_wdeletestr(3), history_init(3), history_winit(3), history_end(3), history_wend(3), history(3), history_w(3), tok_init(3), tok_winit(3), tok_end(3), tok_wend(3), tok_reset(3), tok_wreset(3), tok_line(3), tok_wline(3), tok_str tok_wstr(3) — line editor, history and tokenization functions
- endutxent(3), getutxent(3), getutxid(3), getutxline(3), pututxline(3), setutxent(3) — user accounting database functions
- erf(3), erfc(3) — error function operators
- err(3), verr(3), errc(3), verrc(3), errx(3), verrx(3), warn(3), vwarn(3), warnc(3), vwarnc(3), warnx(3), vwarnx(3), err_set_exit(3), err_set_exit_b(3), err_set_file(3) — formatted error messages
- ethers(3), ether_line(3), ether_aton(3), ether_ntoa(3), ether_ntohost(3), ether_hostton(3) — Ethernet address conversion and lookup routines
- execl(3), execle(3), execlp(3), execv(3), execvp(3), execvP(3) — execute a file
- exit(3), _Exit(3) — perform normal program termination
- exp(3), exp2(3), expm1(3) — exponential functions
- fabs(3) — floating-point absolute value function
- fclose(3), fcloseall(3) — close a stream
- fdim(3) — return difference if positive, 0 otherwise
- feclearexcept(3), fegetexceptflag(3), feraiseexcept(3), fesetexceptflag(3), fetestexcept(3) — functions providing access to the floating-point status flags
- fegetenv(3), feholdexcept(3), fesetenv(3), feupdateenv(3) — functions providing access to the floating-point environment
- fegetround(3), fesetround(3) — functions providing access to the floating-point rounding mode
- fenv(3) — functions providing access to the floating-point environment
- ffi_call(3) — Invoke a foreign function
- ffi_prep_cif(3) — Prepare a ffi_cif structure for use with ffi_call
- ffi_prep_cif_var(3) — Prepare a ffi_cif structure for use with ffi_call for variadic functions
- fflagstostr(3), strtofflags(3) — convert between file flag bits and their string names
- fflush(3), fpurge(3) — flush a stream
- ffs(3), ffsl(3), ffsll(3), fls(3), flsl(3), flsll(3) — find first or last bit set in a bit string
- fgetc(3), getc(3), getc_unlocked(3), getchar(3), getchar_unlocked(3), getw(3) — get next character or word from input stream
- fgetln(3) — get a line from a stream
- fgetpos(3), fseek(3), fseeko(3), fsetpos(3), ftell(3), ftello(3), rewind(3) — reposition a stream
- fgets(3), gets(3) — get a line from a stream
- fgetwc(3), getwc(3), getwchar(3) — get next wide character from input stream
- fgetwc_l(3), getwc_l(3), getwchar_l(3) — get next wide character from input stream
- fgetwln(3), fgetwln_l(3) — get a line of wide characters from a stream
- fgetws(3), fgetws_l(3) — get a line of wide characters from a stream
- finite(3) — returns 1 for finite x, 0 for infinite x and NaNs
- float(3) — description of floating-point types available on OS X and iOS
- flockfile(3), ftrylockfile(3), funlockfile(3) — stdio locking functions
- floor(3) — round to largest integral value not greater than x
- fma(3) — multiply and add, then round
- fmax(3) — return maximum value
- fmin(3) — return minimum value
- fmod(3) — floating-point remainder function
- fmtcheck(3) — sanitizes user-supplied printf(3)-style format string
- fmtmsg(3) — display a detailed diagnostic message
- fnmatch(3) — test whether a filename or pathname matches a shell-style pattern
- fopen(3), fdopen(3), freopen(3), fmemopen(3) — stream open functions
- fparseln(3) — return the next logical line from a stream
- fpclassify(3), isfinite(3), isinf(3), isnan(3), isnormal(3) — classify a floating-point number
- fputc(3), putc(3), putc_unlocked(3), putchar(3), putchar_unlocked(3), putw(3) — output a character or word to a stream
- fputs(3), puts(3) — output a line to a stream
- fputwc(3), putwc(3), putwchar(3) — output a wide character to a stream
- fputwc_l(3), putwc_l(3), putwchar_l(3) — output a wide character to a stream
- fputws(3), fputws_l(3) — output a line of wide characters to a stream
- fread(3), fwrite(3) — binary stream input/output
- free_au_event_ent(3), setauevent(3), endauevent(3), getauevent(3), getauevent_r(3), getauevnam(3), getauevnam_r(3), getauevnum(3), getauevnum_r(3), getauevnonam(3), getauevnonam_r(3) — look up information from the audit_event database
- free_printf_comp(3), new_printf_comp(3) — extensible printf compilation
- freelocale(3) — Frees an allocated locale
- frexp(3) — break floating-point number into normalized fraction and power of 2
- fscanf(3), scanf(3), sscanf(3), vfscanf(3), vscanf(3), vsscanf(3) — input format conversion
- fscanf_l(3), scanf_l(3), sscanf_l(3), vfscanf_l(3), vscanf_l(3), vsscanf_l(3) — input format conversion
- fstatvfs(3), statvfs(3) — retrieve file system information
- ftime(3) — get date and time
- ftok(3) — create IPC identifier from path name
- fts(3) — traverse a file hierarchy
- ftw(3), nftw(3) — traverse (walk) a file tree
- funopen(3), fropen(3), fwopen(3) — open a stream
- fwide(3) — get/set orientation of a stream
- fwscanf(3), swscanf(3), vfwscanf(3), vswscanf(3), vwscanf(3), wscanf(3) — wide character input format conversion
- fwscanf_l(3), swscanf_l(3), vfwscanf_l(3), vswscanf_l(3), vwscanf_l(3), wscanf_l(3) — wide character input format conversion
- gai_strerror(3) — get error message string from EAI_xxx error code
- get_end(3), get_etext(3), get_edata(3) — get values of UNIX link editor defined symbols
- getaddrinfo(3), freeaddrinfo(3) — socket address structure to host and service name
- getauclassent(3), getauclassent_r(3), getauclassnam(3), getauclassnam_r(3), setauclass(3), endauclass(3) — look up information from the audit_class database
- getbsize(3) — get preferred block size
- getcontext(3), setcontext(3) — get and set user thread context
- getcwd(3), getwd(3) — get working directory pathname
- getdate(3) — convert user format date and time
- getdelim(3), getline(3) — get a line from a stream
- getdomainname(3), setdomainname(3) — get/set NIS domain name of current host
- getenv(3), putenv(3), setenv(3), unsetenv(3) — environment variable functions
- getfsent(3), getfsspec(3), getfsfile(3), setfsent(3), endfsent(3) — get file system descriptor file entry
- getgrent(3), getgrnam(3), getgrnam_r(3), getgrgid(3), getgrgid_r(3), getgruuid(3), getgruuid_r(3), setgroupent(3), setgrent(3), endgrent(3) — group database operations
- getgrouplist(3) — calculate partial group access list
- gethostbyname(3), gethostbyname2(3), gethostbyaddr(3), gethostent(3), sethostent(3), endhostent(3), herror(3), hstrerror(3) — get network host entry
- gethostid(3), sethostid(3) — get/set unique identifier of current host
- gethostname(3), sethostname(3) — get/set name of current host
- getifaddrs(3) — get interface addresses
- getifmaddrs(3) — get multicast group memberships
- getiopolicy_np(3), setiopolicy_np(3) — manipulate the I/O policy of a process or thread
- getipnodebyname(3), getipnodebyaddr(3), freehostent(3) — nodename-to-address and address-to-nodename translation
- getlastlogx(3), getlastlogxbyname(3), getutmp(3), getutmpx(3), utmpxname(3) — user accounting database functions
- getloadavg(3) — get system load averages
- getmntinfo(3), getmntinfo getmntinfo_r_np getmntinfo64(3) — get information about mounted file systems
- getmode(3), setmode(3) — modify mode bits
- getnameinfo(3) — socket address structure to hostname and service name
- getnetent(3), getnetbyaddr(3), getnetbyname(3), setnetent(3), endnetent(3) — get network entry
- getnetgrent(3), innetgr(3), setnetgrent(3), endnetgrent(3) — netgroup database operations
- getopt(3) — get option character from command line argument list
- getopt_long(3), getopt_long_only(3) — get long options from command line argument list
- getpagesize(3) — get system page size
- getpass(3) — get a password
- getpeereid(3) — get the effective credentials of a UNIX-domain peer
- getprogname(3), setprogname(3) — get or set the program name
- getprotoent(3), getprotobynumber(3), getprotobyname(3), setprotoent(3), endprotoent(3) — get protocol entry
- getpwent(3), getpwnam(3), getpwnam_r(3), getpwuid(3), getpwuid_r(3), getpwuuid(3), getpwuuid_r(3), setpassent(3), setpwent(3), endpwent(3) — password database operations
- getrpcent(3), getrpcbyname(3), getrpcbynumber(3), endrpcent(3), setrpcent(3) — get RPC entry
- getrpcport(3) — get RPC port number
- getsectbyname(3), getsectdata(3) — get the section information for the named section
- getsegbyname(3) — get the segment command for the named segment
- getservent(3), getservbyport(3), getservbyname(3), setservent(3), endservent(3) — get service entry
- getsubopt(3) — get sub options from an argument
- getttyent(3), getttynam(3), setttyent(3), endttyent(3) — get ttys file entry
- getusershell(3), setusershell(3), endusershell(3) — get valid user shells
- getvfsbyname(3) — get information about a filesystem
- glAccum(3) — operate on the accumulation buffer
- glActiveTextureARB(3) — select active texture unit
- glAlphaFunc(3) — specify the alpha test function
- glAreTexturesResident(3) — determine if textures are loaded in texture memory
- glArrayElement(3) — render a vertex using the specified vertex array element
- glBegin(3), glEnd(3) — delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives
- glBindTexture(3) — bind a named texture to a texturing target
- glBitmap(3) — draw a bitmap
- glBlendColor(3) — set the blend color
- glBlendEquation(3) — set the blend equation
- glBlendFunc(3) — specify pixel arithmetic
- glCallList(3) — execute a display list
- glCallLists(3) — execute a list of display lists
- glClear(3) — clear buffers to preset values
- glClearAccum(3) — specify clear values for the accumulation buffer
- glClearColor(3) — specify clear values for the color buffers
- glClearDepth(3) — specify the clear value for the depth buffer
- glClearIndex(3) — specify the clear value for the color index buffers
- glClearStencil(3) — specify the clear value for the stencil buffer
- glClientActiveTextureARB(3) — select active texture unit
- glClipPlane(3) — specify a plane against which all geometry is clipped
- glColor(3), glColor3b(3), glColor3d(3), glColor3f(3), glColor3i(3), glColor3s(3), glColor3ub(3), glColor3ui(3), glColor3us(3), glColor4b(3), glColor4d(3), glColor4f(3), glColor4i(3), glColor4s(3), glColor4ub(3), glColor4ui(3), glColor4us(3), glColor3bv(3), glColor3dv(3), glColor3fv(3), glColor3iv(3), glColor3sv(3), glColor3ubv(3), glColor3uiv(3), glColor3usv(3), glColor4bv(3), glColor4dv(3), glColor4fv(3), glColor4iv(3), glColor4sv(3), glColor4ubv(3), glColor4uiv(3), glColor4usv(3) — set the current color
- glColorMask(3) — enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components
- glColorMaterial(3) — cause a material color to track the current color
- glColorPointer(3) — define an array of colors
- glColorSubTable(3) — respecify a portion of a color table
- glColorTable(3) — define a color lookup table
- glColorTableParameter(3), glColorTableParameterfv(3), glColorTableParameteriv(3) — set color lookup table parameters
- glConvolutionFilter1D(3) — define a one-dimensional convolution filter
- glConvolutionFilter2D(3) — define a two-dimensional convolution filter
- glConvolutionParameter(3), glConvolutionParameterf(3), glConvolutionParameteri(3), glConvolutionParameterfv(3), glConvolutionParameteriv(3) — set convolution parameters
- glCopyColorSubTable(3) — respecify a portion of a color table
- glCopyColorTable(3) — copy pixels into a color table
- glCopyConvolutionFilter1D(3) — copy pixels into a one-dimensional convolution filter
- glCopyConvolutionFilter2D(3) — copy pixels into a two-dimensional convolution filter
- glCopyPixels(3) — copy pixels in the frame buffer
- glCopyTexImage1D(3) — copy pixels into a 1D texture image
- glCopyTexImage2D(3) — copy pixels into a 2D texture image
- glCopyTexSubImage1D(3) — copy a one-dimensional texture subimage
- glCopyTexSubImage2D(3) — copy a two-dimensional texture subimage
- glCopyTexSubImage3D(3) — copy a three-dimensional texture subimage
- glCullFace(3) — specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled
- glDeleteLists(3) — delete a contiguous group of display lists
- glDeleteTextures(3) — delete named textures
- glDepthFunc(3) — specify the value used for depth buffer comparisons
- glDepthMask(3) — enable or disable writing into the depth buffer
- glDepthRange(3) — specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates
- glDrawArrays(3) — render primitives from array data
- glDrawBuffer(3) — specify which color buffers are to be drawn into
- glDrawElements(3) — render primitives from array data
- glDrawPixels(3) — write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
- glDrawRangeElements(3) — render primitives from array data
- glEdgeFlag(3), glEdgeFlagv(3) — flag edges as either boundary or nonboundary
- glEdgeFlagPointer(3) — define an array of edge flags
- glEnable(3), glDisable(3) — enable or disable server-side GL capabilities
- glEnableClientState(3), glDisableClientState(3) — enable or disable client-side capability
- glEvalCoord(3), glEvalCoord1d(3), glEvalCoord1f(3), glEvalCoord2d(3), glEvalCoord2f(3), glEvalCoord1dv(3), glEvalCoord1fv(3), glEvalCoord2dv(3), glEvalCoord2fv(3) — evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps
- glEvalMesh(3), glEvalMesh1(3), glEvalMesh2(3) — compute a one- or two-dimensional grid of points or lines
- glEvalPoint(3), glEvalPoint1(3), glEvalPoint2(3) — generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh
- glFeedbackBuffer(3) — controls feedback mode
- glFinish(3) — block until all GL execution is complete
- glFlush(3) — force execution of GL commands in finite time
- glFog(3), glFogf(3), glFogi(3), glFogfv(3), glFogiv(3) — specify fog parameters
- glFrontFace(3) — define front- and back-facing polygons
- glFrustum(3) — multiply the current matrix by a perspective matrix
- glGenLists(3) — generate a contiguous set of empty display lists
- glGenTextures(3) — generate texture names
- glGet(3), glGetBooleanv(3), glGetDoublev(3), glGetFloatv(3), glGetIntegerv(3) — return the value or values of a selected parameter
- glGetClipPlane(3) — return the coefficients of the specified clipping plane
- glGetColorTable(3) — retrieve contents of a color lookup table
- glGetColorTableParameter(3), glGetColorTableParameterfv(3), glGetColorTableParameteriv(3) — get color lookup table parameters
- glGetConvolutionFilter(3) — get current 1D or 2D convolution filter kernel
- glGetConvolutionParameter(3), glGetConvolutionParameterfv(3), glGetConvolutionParameteriv(3) — get convolution parameters
- glGetError(3) — return error information
- glGetHistogram(3) — get histogram table
- glGetHistogramParameter(3), glGetHistogramParameterfv(3), glGetHistogramParameteriv(3) — get histogram parameters
- glGetLight(3), glGetLightfv(3), glGetLightiv(3) — return light source parameter values
- glGetMap(3), glGetMapdv(3), glGetMapfv(3), glGetMapiv(3) — return evaluator parameters
- glGetMaterial(3), glGetMaterialfv(3), glGetMaterialiv(3) — return material parameters
- glGetMinmax(3) — get minimum and maximum pixel values
- glGetMinmaxParameter(3), glGetMinmaxParameterfv(3), glGetMinmaxParameteriv(3) — get minmax parameters
- glGetPixelMap(3), glGetPixelMapfv(3), glGetPixelMapuiv(3), glGetPixelMapusv(3) — return the specified pixel map
- glGetPointerv(3) — return the address of the specified pointer
- glGetPolygonStipple(3) — return the polygon stipple pattern
- glGetSeparableFilter(3) — get separable convolution filter kernel images
- glGetString(3) — return a string describing the current GL connection
- glGetTexEnv(3), glGetTexEnvfv(3), glGetTexEnviv(3) — return texture environment parameters
- glGetTexGen(3), glGetTexGendv(3), glGetTexGenfv(3), glGetTexGeniv(3) — return texture coordinate generation parameters
- glGetTexImage(3) — return a texture image
- glGetTexLevelParameter(3), glGetTexLevelParameterfv(3), glGetTexLevelParameteriv(3) — return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail
- glGetTexParameter(3), glGetTexParameterfv(3), glGetTexParameteriv(3) — return texture parameter values
- glHint(3) — specify implementation-specific hints
- glHistogram(3) — define histogram table
- glIndex(3), glIndexd(3), glIndexf(3), glIndexi(3), glIndexs(3), glIndexub(3), glIndexdv(3), glIndexfv(3), glIndexiv(3), glIndexsv(3), glIndexubv(3) — set the current color index
- glIndexMask(3) — control the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers
- glIndexPointer(3) — define an array of color indexes
- glInitNames(3) — initialize the name stack
- glInterleavedArrays(3) — simultaneously specify and enable several interleaved arrays
- glIsEnabled(3) — test whether a capability is enabled
- glIsList(3) — determine if a name corresponds to a display-list
- glIsTexture(3) — determine if a name corresponds to a texture
- glLight(3), glLightf(3), glLighti(3), glLightfv(3), glLightiv(3) — set light source parameters
- glLightModel(3), glLightModelf(3), glLightModeli(3), glLightModelfv(3), glLightModeliv(3) — set the lighting model parameters
- glLineStipple(3) — specify the line stipple pattern
- glLineWidth(3) — specify the width of rasterized lines
- glListBase(3) — set the display-list base for %glCallLists
- glLoadIdentity(3) — replace the current matrix with the identity matrix
- glLoadMatrix(3), glLoadMatrixd(3), glLoadMatrixf(3) — replace the current matrix with the specified matrix
- glLoadName(3) — load a name onto the name stack
- glLogicOp(3) — specify a logical pixel operation for color index rendering
- glMap1(3), glMap1d(3), glMap1f(3) — define a one-dimensional evaluator
- glMap2(3), glMap2d(3), glMap2f(3) — define a two-dimensional evaluator
- glMapGrid(3), glMapGrid1d(3), glMapGrid1f(3), glMapGrid2d(3), glMapGrid2f(3) — define a one- or two-dimensional mesh
- glMaterial(3), glMaterialf(3), glMateriali(3), glMaterialfv(3), glMaterialiv(3) — specify material parameters for the lighting model
- glMatrixMode(3) — specify which matrix is the current matrix
- glMinmax(3) — define minmax table
- glMultMatrix(3), glMultMatrixd(3), glMultMatrixf(3) — multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix
- glMultiTexCoordARB(3), glMultiTexCoord1dARB(3), glMultiTexCoord1fARB(3), glMultiTexCoord1iARB(3), glMultiTexCoord1sARB(3), glMultiTexCoord2dARB(3), glMultiTexCoord2fARB(3), glMultiTexCoord2iARB(3), glMultiTexCoord2sARB(3), glMultiTexCoord3dARB(3), glMultiTexCoord3fARB(3), glMultiTexCoord3iARB(3), glMultiTexCoord3sARB(3), glMultiTexCoord4dARB(3), glMultiTexCoord4fARB(3), glMultiTexCoord4iARB(3), glMultiTexCoord4sARB(3), glMultiTexCoord1dvARB(3), glMultiTexCoord1fvARB(3), glMultiTexCoord1ivARB(3), glMultiTexCoord1svARB(3), glMultiTexCoord2dvARB(3), glMultiTexCoord2fvARB(3), glMultiTexCoord2ivARB(3), glMultiTexCoord2svARB(3), glMultiTexCoord3dvARB(3), glMultiTexCoord3fvARB(3), glMultiTexCoord3ivARB(3), glMultiTexCoord3svARB(3), glMultiTexCoord4dvARB(3), glMultiTexCoord4fvARB(3), glMultiTexCoord4ivARB(3), glMultiTexCoord4svARB(3) — set the current texture coordinates
- glNewList(3), glEndList(3) — create or replace a display list
- glNormal(3), glNormal3b(3), glNormal3d(3), glNormal3f(3), glNormal3i(3), glNormal3s(3), glNormal3bv(3), glNormal3dv(3), glNormal3fv(3), glNormal3iv(3), glNormal3sv(3) — set the current normal vector
- glNormalPointer(3) — define an array of normals
- glOrtho(3) — multiply the current matrix with an orthographic matrix
- glPassThrough(3) — place a marker in the feedback buffer
- glPixelMap(3), glPixelMapfv(3), glPixelMapuiv(3), glPixelMapusv(3) — set up pixel transfer maps
- glPixelStore(3), glPixelStoref(3), glPixelStorei(3) — set pixel storage modes
- glPixelTransfer(3), glPixelTransferf(3), glPixelTransferi(3) — set pixel transfer modes
- glPixelZoom(3) — specify the pixel zoom factors
- glPointSize(3) — specify the diameter of rasterized points
- glPolygonMode(3) — select a polygon rasterization mode
- glPolygonOffset(3) — set the scale and units used to calculate depth values
- glPolygonStipple(3) — set the polygon stippling pattern
- glPrioritizeTextures(3) — set texture residence priority
- glPushAttrib(3), glPopAttrib(3) — push and pop the server attribute stack
- glPushClientAttrib(3), glPopClientAttrib(3) — push and pop the client attribute stack
- glPushMatrix(3), glPopMatrix(3) — push and pop the current matrix stack
- glPushName(3), glPopName(3) — push and pop the name stack
- glRasterPos(3), glRasterPos2d(3), glRasterPos2f(3), glRasterPos2i(3), glRasterPos2s(3), glRasterPos3d(3), glRasterPos3f(3), glRasterPos3i(3), glRasterPos3s(3), glRasterPos4d(3), glRasterPos4f(3), glRasterPos4i(3), glRasterPos4s(3), glRasterPos2dv(3), glRasterPos2fv(3), glRasterPos2iv(3), glRasterPos2sv(3), glRasterPos3dv(3), glRasterPos3fv(3), glRasterPos3iv(3), glRasterPos3sv(3), glRasterPos4dv(3), glRasterPos4fv(3), glRasterPos4iv(3), glRasterPos4sv(3) — specify the raster position for pixel operations
- glReadBuffer(3) — select a color buffer source for pixels
- glReadPixels(3) — read a block of pixels from the frame buffer
- glRect(3), glRectd(3), glRectf(3), glRecti(3), glRects(3), glRectdv(3), glRectfv(3), glRectiv(3), glRectsv(3) — draw a rectangle
- glRenderMode(3) — set rasterization mode
- glResetHistogram(3) — reset histogram table entries to zero
- glResetMinmax(3) — reset minmax table entries to initial values
- glRotate(3), glRotated(3), glRotatef(3) — multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix
- glScale(3), glScaled(3), glScalef(3) — multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix
- glScissor(3) — define the scissor box
- glSelectBuffer(3) — establish a buffer for selection mode values
- glSeparableFilter2D(3) — define a separable two-dimensional convolution filter
- glShadeModel(3) — select flat or smooth shading
- glStencilFunc(3) — set function and reference value for stencil testing
- glStencilMask(3) — control the writing of individual bits in the stencil planes
- glStencilOp(3) — set stencil test actions
- glTexCoord(3), glTexCoord1d(3), glTexCoord1f(3), glTexCoord1i(3), glTexCoord1s(3), glTexCoord2d(3), glTexCoord2f(3), glTexCoord2i(3), glTexCoord2s(3), glTexCoord3d(3), glTexCoord3f(3), glTexCoord3i(3), glTexCoord3s(3), glTexCoord4d(3), glTexCoord4f(3), glTexCoord4i(3), glTexCoord4s(3), glTexCoord1dv(3), glTexCoord1fv(3), glTexCoord1iv(3), glTexCoord1sv(3), glTexCoord2dv(3), glTexCoord2fv(3), glTexCoord2iv(3), glTexCoord2sv(3), glTexCoord3dv(3), glTexCoord3fv(3), glTexCoord3iv(3), glTexCoord3sv(3), glTexCoord4dv(3), glTexCoord4fv(3), glTexCoord4iv(3), glTexCoord4sv(3) — set the current texture coordinates
- glTexCoordPointer(3) — define an array of texture coordinates
- glTexEnv(3), glTexEnvf(3), glTexEnvi(3), glTexEnvfv(3), glTexEnviv(3) — set texture environment parameters
- glTexGen(3), glTexGend(3), glTexGenf(3), glTexGeni(3), glTexGendv(3), glTexGenfv(3), glTexGeniv(3) — control the generation of texture coordinates
- glTexImage1D(3) — specify a one-dimensional texture image
- glTexImage2D(3) — specify a two-dimensional texture image
- glTexImage3D(3) — specify a three-dimensional texture image
- glTexParameter(3), glTexParameterf(3), glTexParameteri(3), glTexParameterfv(3), glTexParameteriv(3) — set texture parameters
- glTexSubImage1D(3) — specify a one-dimensional texture subimage
- glTexSubImage2D(3) — specify a two-dimensional texture subimage
- glTexSubImage3D(3) — specify a three-dimensional texture subimage
- glTranslate(3), glTranslated(3), glTranslatef(3) — multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
- glVertex(3), glVertex2d(3), glVertex2f(3), glVertex2i(3), glVertex2s(3), glVertex3d(3), glVertex3f(3), glVertex3i(3), glVertex3s(3), glVertex4d(3), glVertex4f(3), glVertex4i(3), glVertex4s(3), glVertex2dv(3), glVertex2fv(3), glVertex2iv(3), glVertex2sv(3), glVertex3dv(3), glVertex3fv(3), glVertex3iv(3), glVertex3sv(3), glVertex4dv(3), glVertex4fv(3), glVertex4iv(3), glVertex4sv(3) — specify a vertex
- glVertexPointer(3) — define an array of vertex data
- glViewport(3) — set the viewport
- glob(3), glob_b(3), globfree(3) — generate pathnames matching a pattern
- gluBeginCurve(3), gluEndCurve(3) — delimit a NURBS curve definition
- gluBeginPolygon(3), gluEndPolygon(3) — delimit a polygon description
- gluBeginSurface(3), gluEndSurface(3) — delimit a NURBS surface definition
- gluBeginTrim(3), gluEndTrim(3) — delimit a NURBS trimming loop definition
- gluBuild1DMipmapLevels(3) — builds a subset of one-dimensional mipmap levels
- gluBuild1DMipmaps(3) — builds a one-dimensional mipmap
- gluBuild2DMipmapLevels(3) — builds a subset of two-dimensional mipmap levels
- gluBuild2DMipmaps(3) — builds a two-dimensional mipmap
- gluBuild3DMipmapLevels(3) — builds a subset of three-dimensional mipmap levels
- gluBuild3DMipmaps(3) — builds a three-dimensional mipmap
- gluCheckExtension(3) — determines if an extension name is supported
- gluCylinder(3) — draw a cylinder
- gluDeleteNurbsRenderer(3) — destroy a NURBS object
- gluDeleteQuadric(3) — destroy a quadrics object
- gluDeleteTess(3) — destroy a tessellation object
- gluDisk(3) — draw a disk
- gluErrorString(3) — produce an error string from a GL or GLU error code
- gluGetNurbsProperty(3) — get a NURBS property
- gluGetString(3) — return a string describing the GLU version or GLU extensions
- gluGetTessProperty(3) — get a tessellation object property
- gluLoadSamplingMatrices(3) — load NURBS sampling and culling matrices
- gluLookAt(3) — define a viewing transformation
- gluNewNurbsRenderer(3) — create a NURBS object
- gluNewQuadric(3) — create a quadrics object
- gluNewTess(3) — create a tessellation object
- gluNextContour(3) — mark the beginning of another contour
- gluNurbsCallback(3) — define a callback for a NURBS object
- gluNurbsCallbackData(3) — set a user data pointer
- gluNurbsCallbackDataEXT(3) — set a user data pointer
- gluNurbsCurve(3) — define the shape of a NURBS curve
- gluNurbsProperty(3) — set a NURBS property
- gluNurbsSurface(3) — define the shape of a NURBS surface
- gluOrtho2D(3) — define a 2D orthographic projection matrix
- gluPartialDisk(3) — draw an arc of a disk
- gluPerspective(3) — set up a perspective projection matrix
- gluPickMatrix(3) — define a picking region
- gluProject(3) — map object coordinates to window coordinates
- gluPwlCurve(3) — describe a piecewise linear NURBS trimming curve
- gluQuadricCallback(3) — define a callback for a quadrics object
- gluQuadricDrawStyle(3) — specify the draw style desired for quadrics
- gluQuadricNormals(3) — specify what kind of normals are desired for quadrics
- gluQuadricOrientation(3) — specify inside/outside orientation for quadrics
- gluQuadricTexture(3) — specify if texturing is desired for quadrics
- gluScaleImage(3) — scale an image to an arbitrary size
- gluSphere(3) — draw a sphere
- gluTessBeginContour(3), gluTessEndContour(3) — delimit a contour description
- gluTessBeginPolygon(3) — delimit a polygon description
- gluTessCallback(3) — define a callback for a tessellation object
- gluTessEndPolygon(3) — delimit a polygon description
- gluTessNormal(3) — specify a normal for a polygon
- gluTessProperty(3) — set a tessellation object property
- gluTessVertex(3) — specify a vertex on a polygon
- gluUnProject(3) — map window coordinates to object coordinates
- gluUnProject4(3) — map window and clip coordinates to object coordinates
- glut(3) — an introduction to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
- glutAddMenuEntry(3) — adds a menu entry to the bottom of the current menu
- glutAddSubMenu(3) — adds a sub-menu trigger to the bottom of the current menu
- glutAttachMenu(3) — attaches a mouse button for the current window to the identifier of the current menu; glutDetachMenu - detaches an attached mouse button from the current window
- glutBitmapCharacter(3) — renders a bitmap character using OpenGL
- glutBitmapWidth(3) — returns the width of a bitmap character, glutBitmapLength returns the length of a bitmap font string
- glutButtonBoxFunc(3) — sets the dial & button box button callback for the current window
- glutChangeToMenuEntry(3) — changes the specified menu item in the current menu into a menu entry
- glutChangeToSubMenu(3) — changes the specified menu item in the current menu into a sub-menu trigger
- glutCopyColormap(3) — copies the logical colormap for the layer in use from a specified window to the current window
- glutCreateMenu(3) — creates a new pop-up menu
- glutCreateSubWindow(3) — creates a subwindow
- glutCreateWindow(3) — creates a top-level window
- glutDestroyMenu(3) — destroys the specified menu
- glutDestroyWindow(3) — destroys the specified window
- glutDeviceGet(3) — retrieves GLUT device information represented by integers
- glutDialsFunc(3) — sets the dial & button box dials callback for the current window
- glutDisplayFunc(3) — sets the display callback for the current window
- glutEnterGameMode(3), glutLeaveGameMode(3) — enters and leaves GLUT's game mode
- glutEntryFunc(3) — sets the mouse enter/leave callback for the current window
- glutEstablishOverlay(3) — establishes an overlay (if possible) for the current window
- glutExtensionSupported(3) — helps to easily determine whether a given OpenGL extension is supported
- glutForceJoystickFunc(3) — forces current window's joystick callback to be called
- glutFullScreen(3) — requests that the current window be made full screen
- glutGameModeGet(3) — retrieves GLUT device information represented by integers
- glutGameModeString(3) — sets the game mode configuration via a string
- glutGet(3) — retrieves simple GLUT state represented by integers
- glutGetColor(3) — retrieves a red, green, or blue component for a given color index colormap entry for the layer in use's logical colormap for the current window
- glutGetModifiers(3) — returns the modifier key state when certain callbacks were generated
- glutIdleFunc(3) — sets the global idle callback
- glutIgnoreKeyRepeat(3) — determines if auto repeat keystrokes are reported to the current window
- glutInit(3) — initialize the GLUT library
- glutInitDisplayMode(3) — sets the initial display mode
- glutInitDisplayString(3) — sets the initial display mode via a string
- glutInitWindowPosition(3), glutInitWindowPositionWindowPosition(3), glutInitWindowSize(3) — set the initial window position and size respectively
- glutJoystickFunc(3) — sets the joystick callback for the current window
- glutKeyboardFunc(3) — sets the keyboard callback for the current window
- glutKeyboardUpFunc(3) — sets the keyboard up (key release) callback for the current window
- glutLayerGet(3) — retrieves GLUT state pertaining to the layers of the current window
- glutMainLoop(3) — enters the GLUT event processing loop
- glutMenuStatusFunc(3) — sets the global menu status callback
- glutMotionFunc(3), glutPassiveMotionFunc(3) — set the motion and passive motion callbacks respectively for the current window
- glutMouseFunc(3) — sets the mouse callback for the current window
- glutOverlayDisplayFunc(3) — sets the overlay display callback for the current window
- glutPopWindow(3), glutPushWindow(3) — change the stacking order of the current window relative to its siblings
- glutPositionWindow(3) — requests a change to the position of the current window
- glutPostOverlayRedisplay(3), glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay(3) — marks the overlay of the current or specified window as needing to be redisplayed
- glutPostRedisplay(3), glutPostWindowRedisplay(3) — marks the current or specified window as needing to be redisplayed
- glutRemoveMenuItem(3) — remove the specified menu item
- glutRemoveOverlay(3) — removes the overlay (if one exists) from the current window
- glutReportErrors(3) — for debugging purposes; prints out OpenGL run-time errors
- glutReshapeFunc(3) — sets the reshape callback for the current window
- glutReshapeWindow(3) — requests a change to the size of the current window
- glutSetColor(3) — sets the color of a colormap entry in the layer of use for the current window
- glutSetCursor(3) — changes the cursor image of the current window
- glutSetKeyRepeat(3) — retrieves simple GLUT state represented by integers
- glutSetMenu(3) — sets the current menu; glutGetMenu - returns the identifier of the current menu
- glutSetWindow(3) — sets the current window; glutGetWindow - returns the identifier of the current window
- glutSetWindowTitle(3), glutSetIconTitle(3) — change the window or icon title respectively of the current top-level window
- glutShowOverlay(3), glutHideOverlay(3) — shows or hides the overlay of the current window
- glutShowWindow(3), glutHideWindow(3), glutIconifyWindow(3) — change the display status of the current window
- glutSolidCone(3), glutWireCone(3) — render a solid or wireframe cone respectively
- glutSolidCube(3), glutWireCube(3) — render a solid or wireframe cube respectively
- glutSolidDodecahedron(3), glutWireDodecahedron(3) — render a solid or wireframe dodecahedron (12-sided regular solid) respectively
- glutSolidIcosahedron(3), glutWireIcosahedron(3) — render a solid or wireframe icosahedron (20-sided regular solid) respectively
- glutSolidOctahedron(3), glutWireOctahedron(3) — render a solid or wireframe octahedron (8-sided regular solid) respectively
- glutSolidSphere(3), glutWireSphere(3) — render a solid or wireframe sphere respectively
- glutSolidTeapot(3), glutWireTeapot(3) — render a solid or wireframe teapot respectively
- glutSolidTetrahedron(3), glutWireTetrahedron(3) — render a solid or wireframe tetrahedron (4-sided regular solid) respectively
- glutSolidTorus(3), glutWireTorus(3) — render a solid or wireframe torus (doughnut) respectively
- glutSpaceballButtonFunc(3) — sets the Spaceball button callback for the current window
- glutSpaceballMotionFunc(3) — sets the Spaceball motion callback for the current window
- glutSpaceballRotateFunc(3) — sets the Spaceball rotation callback for the current window
- glutSpecialFunc(3) — sets the special keyboard callback for the current window
- glutSpecialUpFunc(3) — sets the special keyboard up (key release) callback for the current window
- glutStrokeCharacter(3) — renders a stroke character using OpenGL
- glutStrokeWidth(3) — returns the width of a stroke character, glutStrokeLength returns the length of a stroke font string
- glutSwapBuffers(3) — swaps the buffers of the current window if double buffered
- glutTabletButtonFunc(3) — sets the special keyboard callback for the current window
- glutTabletMotionFunc(3) — sets the special keyboard callback for the current window
- glutTimerFunc(3) — registers a timer callback to be triggered in a specified number of milliseconds
- glutUseLayer(3) — changes the layer in use for the current window
- glutVisibilityFunc(3) — sets the visibility callback for the current window
- glutWarpPointer(3) — warps the pointer's location
- grantpt(3), posix_openpt(3), ptsname(3), ptsname_r(3), unlockpt(3) — pseudo-terminal access functions
- hash(3) — hash database access method
- hcreate(3), hdestroy(3), hsearch(3) — manage hash search table
- heapsort(3), heapsort_b(3), mergesort(3), mergesort_b(3), qsort(3), qsort_b(3), qsort_r(3) — sort functions
- htonl(3), htons(3), htonll(3), ntohl(3), ntohs(3), ntohll(3) — convert values between host and network byte order
- hypot(3) — euclidean distance function
- iconv_canonicalize(3) — resolving character encoding names to canonical form
- iconv_open(3), iconv_open_into(3), iconv_close(3), iconv(3) — codeset conversion functions
- iconvctl(3) — controlling and diagnostical facility for iconv(3)
- iconvlist(3) — retrieving a list of character encodings supported by iconv(3)
- if_nametoindex(3), if_indextoname(3), if_nameindex(3), if_freenameindex(3) — provide mappings between interface names and indexes
- ilogb(3) — return exponent as an integer value
- imaxabs(3) — returns absolute value
- imaxdiv(3) — returns quotient and remainder
- index(3), rindex(3) — locate character in string
- index(3), rindex(3), stpcpy(3), strcasecmp(3), strcat(3), strchr(3), strcmp(3), strcpy(3), strcspn(3), strerror(3), strlen(3), strncasecmp(3), strncat(3), strncmp(3), strncpy(3), strpbrk(3), strrchr(3), strsep(3), strspn(3), strstr(3), strtok(3) — string specific functions
- inet6_opt_init(3), inet6_opt_append(3), inet6_opt_finish(3), inet6_opt_set_val(3), inet6_opt_next(3), inet6_opt_find(3), inet6_opt_get_val(3) — IPv6 Hop-by-Hop and Destination Options manipulation
- inet6_option_space(3), inet6_option_init(3), inet6_option_append(3), inet6_option_alloc(3), inet6_option_next(3), inet6_option_find(3) — IPv6 Hop-by-Hop and Destination Options manipulation
- inet6_rth_space(3), inet6_rth_init(3), inet6_rth_add(3), inet6_rth_reverse(3), inet6_rth_segments(3), inet6_rth_getaddr(3) — IPv6 Routing Header Options manipulation
- inet6_rthdr_space(3), inet6_rthdr_init(3), inet6_rthdr_add(3), inet6_rthdr_lasthop(3), inet6_rthdr_reverse(3), inet6_rthdr_segments(3), inet6_rthdr_getaddr(3), inet6_rthdr_getflags(3) — IPv6 Routing Header Options manipulation
- inet_addr(3), inet_aton(3), inet_lnaof(3), inet_makeaddr(3), inet_netof(3), inet_network(3), inet_ntoa(3), inet_ntop(3), inet_pton(3) — Internet address manipulation routines
- inet_net_ntop(3), inet_net_pton(3) — Internet network number manipulation routines
- initgroups(3) — initialize group access list
- initstate(3), random(3), setstate(3), srandom(3), srandomdev(3) — better random number generator; routines for changing generators
- insque(3), remque(3) — doubly-linked list management
- intro(3) — introduction to the C libraries
- ipsec_dump_policy(3), ipsec_get_policylen(3), ipsec_set_policy(3) — manipulate IPsec policy specification structure from human-readable policy string
- ipsec_strerror(3) — error messages for the IPsec policy manipulation library
- isalnum(3) — alphanumeric character test
- isalnum_l(3), isalpha_l(3), isblank_l(3), iscntrl_l(3), isdigit_l(3), isgraph_l(3), ishexnumber_l(3), isideogram_l(3), islower_l(3), isnumber_l(3), isphonogram_l(3), isprint_l(3), ispunct_l(3), isrune_l(3), isspace_l(3), isspecial_l(3), isupper_l(3), isxdigit_l(3) — character classification utilities
- isalpha(3) — alphabetic character test
- isascii(3) — test for ASCII character
- isblank(3) — space or tab character test
- iscntrl(3) — control character test
- isdigit(3), isnumber(3) — decimal-digit character test
- isgraph(3) — printing character test (space character exclusive)
- isgreater(3), isgreaterequal(3), isless(3), islessequal(3), islessgreater(3), isunordered(3) — compare two floating-point numbers
- isideogram(3) — ideographic character test
- islower(3) — lower-case character test
- isphonogram(3) — phonographic character test
- isprint(3) — printing character test (space character inclusive)
- ispunct(3) — punctuation character test
- isrune(3) — valid character test
- isspace(3) — white-space character test
- isspecial(3) — special character test
- isupper(3) — upper-case character test
- iswalnum(3), iswalpha(3), iswascii(3), iswblank(3), iswcntrl(3), iswdigit(3), iswgraph(3), iswhexnumber(3), iswideogram(3), iswlower(3), iswnumber(3), iswphonogram(3), iswprint(3), iswpunct(3), iswrune(3), iswspace(3), iswspecial(3), iswupper(3), iswxdigit(3) — wide character classification utilities
- iswalnum_l(3), iswalpha_l(3), iswblank_l(3), iswcntrl_l(3), iswdigit_l(3), iswgraph_l(3), iswhexnumber_l(3), iswideogram_l(3), iswlower_l(3), iswnumber_l(3), iswphonogram_l(3), iswprint_l(3), iswpunct_l(3), iswrune_l(3), iswspace_l(3), iswspecial_l(3), iswupper_l(3), iswxdigit_l(3) — wide character classification utilities
- iswctype(3), iswctype_l(3), wctype(3), wctype_l(3) — wide character class functions
- isxdigit(3), ishexnumber(3) — hexadecimal-digit character test
- j0(3), j1(3), jn(3), y0(3), y1(3), yn(3) — bessel functions of first and second kind
- kld(3), kld_load(3), kld_load_from_memory(3), kld_lookup(3), kld_forget_symbol(3), kld_unload_all(3), kld_load_basefile(3), kld_load_basefile_from_memory(3), kld_address_func(3), kld_set_link_options(3) — programmatically link edit and load driver object files
- krb5_appdefault(3), krb5_appdefault_boolean(3), krb5_appdefault_string(3), krb5_appdefault_time(3) — get application configuration value
- labs(3) — return the absolute value of a long integer
- lber-memory(3), ber_memalloc(3), ber_memcalloc(3), ber_memrealloc(3), ber_memfree(3), ber_memvfree(3) — OpenLDAP LBER memory allocators
- lber-sockbuf(3), ber_sockbuf_alloc(3), ber_sockbuf_free(3), ber_sockbuf_ctrl(3), ber_sockbuf_add_io(3), ber_sockbuf_remove_io(3), Sockbuf_IO(3) — OpenLDAP LBER I/O infrastructure
- lchflags(3) — set file flags
- lchmod(3) — change mode of file
- ldap(3) — OpenLDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol API
- ldap_abandon_ext(3) — Abandon an LDAP operation in progress
- ldap_add_ext(3), ldap_add_ext_s(3) — Perform an LDAP add operation
- ldap_bind(3), ldap_bind_s(3), ldap_simple_bind(3), ldap_simple_bind_s(3), ldap_sasl_bind(3), ldap_sasl_bind_s(3), ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s(3), ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result(3), ldap_unbind(3), ldap_unbind_s(3), ldap_unbind_ext(3), ldap_unbind_ext_s(3), ldap_set_rebind_proc(3) — LDAP bind routines
- ldap_compare(3), ldap_compare_s(3), ldap_compare_ext(3), ldap_compare_ext_s(3) — Perform an LDAP compare operation
- ldap_control_create(3), ldap_control_find(3), ldap_control_dup(3), ldap_controls_dup(3), ldap_control_free(3), ldap_controls_free(3) — LDAP control manipulation routines
- ldap_delete(3), ldap_delete_s(3), ldap_delete_ext(3), ldap_delete_ext_s(3) — Perform an LDAP delete operation
- ldap_dup(3), ldap_destroy(3) — Duplicate and destroy LDAP session handles
- ldap_extended_operation(3), ldap_extended_operation_s(3) — Extends the LDAP operations to the LDAP server
- ldap_first_attribute(3), ldap_next_attribute(3) — step through LDAP entry attributes
- ldap_first_entry(3), ldap_next_entry(3), ldap_count_entries(3) — LDAP result entry parsing and counting routines
- ldap_first_message(3), ldap_next_message(3), ldap_count_messages(3) — Stepping through messages in a result chain
- ldap_first_reference(3), ldap_next_reference(3), ldap_count_references(3) — Stepping through continuation references in a result chain
- ldap_get_dn(3), ldap_explode_dn(3), ldap_explode_rdn(3), ldap_dn2ufn(3) — LDAP DN handling routines
- ldap_get_option(3), ldap_set_option(3) — LDAP option handling routines
- ldap_get_values(3), ldap_get_values_len(3), ldap_count_values(3) — LDAP attribute value handling routines
- ldap_init(3), ldap_initialize(3), ldap_open(3) — Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to an LDAP server
- ldap_is_ldap_url(3), ldap_url_parse(3), ldap_free_urldesc(3) — LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
- ldap_memfree(3), ldap_memvfree(3), ldap_memalloc(3), ldap_memcalloc(3), ldap_memrealloc(3), ldap_strdup(3) — LDAP memory allocation routines
- ldap_modify_ext(3), ldap_modify_ext_s(3) — Perform an LDAP modify operation
- ldap_modrdn(3), ldap_modrdn_s(3), ldap_modrdn2(3), ldap_modrdn2_s(3) — Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
- ldap_parse_reference(3) — Extract referrals and controls from a reference message
- ldap_parse_result(3) — Parsing results
- ldap_parse_sort_control(3) — Decode the information returned from a search operation that used a server-side sort control
- ldap_parse_vlv_control(3) — Decode the information returned from a search operation that used a VLV (virtual list view) control
- ldap_perror(3), ld_errno(3), ldap_result2error(3), ldap_errlist(3), ldap_err2string(3) — LDAP protocol error handling routines
- ldap_rename(3), ldap_rename_s(3) — Renames the specified entry
- ldap_result(3) — Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
- ldap_search(3), ldap_search_s(3), ldap_search_st(3), ldap_search_ext(3), ldap_search_ext_s(3) — Perform an LDAP search operation
- ldap_sort_entries(3), ldap_sort_values(3), ldap_sort_strcasecmp(3) — LDAP sorting routines (deprecated)
- ldap_start_tls(3), ldap_start_tls_s(3), ldap_tls_inplace(3), ldap_install_tls(3) — LDAP TLS initialization routines
- ldap_str2syntax(3), ldap_syntax2str(3), ldap_syntax2name(3), ldap_syntax_free(3), ldap_str2matchingrule(3), ldap_matchingrule2str(3), ldap_matchingrule2name(3), ldap_matchingrule_free(3), ldap_str2attributetype(3), ldap_attributetype2str(3), ldap_attributetype2name(3), ldap_attributetype_free(3), ldap_str2objectclass(3), ldap_objectclass2str(3), ldap_objectclass2name(3), ldap_objectclass_free(3), ldap_scherr2str(3) — Schema definition handling routines
- ldap_sync(3), ldap_sync_init(3), ldap_sync_init_refresh_only(3), ldap_sync_init_refresh_and_persist(3), ldap_sync_poll(3) — LDAP sync routines
- ldexp(3) — multiply by integer power of 2
- ldiv(3) — return quotient and remainder from division
- lfind(3), lsearch(3) — linear search and append
- libEndpointSecurity(3) — Library used to interact with the EndpointSecurity subsystem
- libarchive(3) — functions for reading and writing streaming archives
- libarchive_changes(3) — changes in libarchive interface
- libarchive_internals(3) — description of libarchive internal interfaces
- libbsm(3) — Basic Security Module (BSM) Audit API
- libcache(3) — the caching framework
- libcryptex(3) — Cryptex management library
- libcurl(3) — client-side URL transfers
- libcurl-easy(3) — easy interface overview
- libcurl-env(3) — environment variables libcurl understands
- libcurl-errors(3) — error codes in libcurl
- libcurl-multi(3) — how to use the multi interface
- libcurl-security(3) — security considerations when using libcurl
- libcurl-share(3) — how to use the share interface
- libcurl-thread(3) — libcurl thread safety
- libcurl-tutorial(3) — libcurl programming tutorial
- libcurl-url(3) — URL interface overview
- libcurl-ws(3) — WebSocket interface overview
- libexslt(3) — extension library for XSLT
- libgmalloc(3) — (Guard Malloc), an aggressive debugging malloc library
- libxml(3) — library used to parse XML files
- libxslt(3) — library used to do XSL transformations on XML documents
- link_addr(3), link_ntoa(3) — elementary address specification routines for link level access
- llabs(3) — returns absolute value
- lldiv(3) — returns quotient and remainder
- localeconv(3), localeconv_l(3) — natural language formatting for C
- lockf(3) — record locking on files
- log(3), log2(3), log10(3), log1p(3) — logarithm functions
- logb(3) — return exponent as a floating-point number
- login(3), logout(3), logwtmp(3) — login utility functions (DEPRECATED)
- lutimes(3) — set file access and modification times of symlink
- makecontext(3), swapcontext(3) — modify and exchange user thread contexts
- malloc_create_zone(3), malloc_destroy_zone(3), malloc_default_zone(3), malloc_zone_from_ptr(3), malloc_zone_malloc(3), malloc_zone_calloc(3), malloc_zone_valloc(3), malloc_zone_realloc(3), malloc_zone_memalign(3), malloc_zone_free(3) — zone-based memory allocation
- malloc_good_size(3), malloc_size(3) — memory allocation information
- math(3) — mathematical library functions
- matherr(3) — deprecated floating-point error-reporting function
- mblen(3), mblen_l(3) — get number of bytes in a character
- mbr_check_membership(3), mbr_check_service_membership(3) — check whether a user is a member of a group or service ACL
- mbr_uid_to_uuid(3), mbr_gid_to_uuid(3), mbr_uuid_to_id(3), mbr_sid_to_uuid(3), mbr_uuid_to_sid(3) — user and group identifier translation functions
- mbrlen(3), mbrlen_l(3) — get number of bytes in a character (restartable)
- mbrtowc(3), mbrtowc_l(3) — convert a character to a wide-character code (restartable)
- mbrune(3), mbrrune(3), mbmb(3) — multibyte rune support for C
- mbsinit(3), mbsinit_l(3) — determine conversion object status
- mbsnrtowcs(3), mbsnrtowcs_l(3), mbsrtowcs(3), mbsrtowcs_l(3) — convert a character string to a wide-character string (restartable)
- mbstowcs(3), mbstowcs_l(3) — convert a character string to a wide-character string
- mbtowc(3), mbtowc_l(3) — convert a character to a wide-character code
- memccpy(3) — copy string until character found
- memchr(3) — locate byte in byte string
- memcmp(3) — compare byte string
- memcpy(3) — copy memory area
- memmem(3) — locate a byte substring in a byte string
- memmove(3) — copy byte string
- memset(3) — fill a byte string with a byte value
- memset_pattern4(3), memset_pattern8(3), memset_pattern16(3) — memset of a multi-byte pattern
- memset_s(3) — copy a value to all bytes of a memory buffer
- mkpath_np(3) — Auxiliary routine for efficiently creating paths
- mktemp(3), mkstemp(3), mkdtemp(3), mkdtempat_np(3), mkstemps(3), mkstempsat_np(3), mkostemp(3), mkostemps(3), mkostempsat_np(3) — make temporary file name (unique)
- modf(3) — return integral and fractional parts
- mpool(3) — shared memory buffer pool
- multibyte(3) — multibyte and wide character manipulation functions
- nan(3) — generate a quiet NaN
- nearbyint(3) — round to integral value in floating-point format
- netsnmp_agent_api(3) — embedding an agent into a external application
- newlocale(3) — Create a new locale
- nextwctype(3), nextwctype_l(3) — iterate through character classes
- nice(3) — set program scheduling priority
- nl_langinfo(3), nl_langinfo_l(3) — language information
- nlist(3) — retrieve symbol table name list from an executable file
- notify_post(3), notify_register_check(3), notify_register_dispatch(3), notify_register_signal(3), notify_register_mach_port(3), notify_register_file_descriptor(3), notify_check(3), notify_get_state(3), notify_set_state(3), notify_suspend(3), notify_resume(3), notify_cancel(3), notify_is_valid_token(3) — event distribution functions
- open_memstream(3), open_wmemstream(3) — dynamic memory buffer stream open functions
- opendev(3) — short form device open routine
- opendir(3), fdopendir(3), readdir(3), readdir_r(3), telldir(3), seekdir(3), rewinddir(3), closedir(3), dirfd(3) — directory operations
- openpam_borrow_cred(3) — temporarily borrow user credentials
- openpam_borrow_cred(3), openpam_free_data(3), openpam_free_envlist(3), openpam_get_option(3), openpam_log(3), openpam_nullconv(3), openpam_readline(3), openpam_restore_cred(3), openpam_set_option(3), openpam_ttyconv(3), pam_error(3), pam_get_authtok(3), pam_info(3), pam_prompt(3), pam_setenv(3), pam_unsetenv(3), pam_verror(3), pam_vinfo(3), pam_vprompt(3) — Pluggable Authentication Modules Library
- openpam_free_data(3) — generic cleanup function
- openpam_free_envlist(3) — free an environment list
- openpam_get_option(3) — returns the value of a module option
- openpam_log(3) — log a message through syslog
- openpam_nullconv(3) — null conversation function
- openpam_readline(3) — read a line from a file
- openpam_restore_cred(3) — restore credentials
- openpam_set_option(3) — sets the value of a module option
- openpam_ttyconv(3) — simple tty-based conversation function
- openpty(3), login_tty(3), forkpty(3) — tty utility functions
- os_activity_initiate(3), os_activity_initiate_f(3) — activity related routines
- os_log(3), os_log_info(3), os_log_debug(3), os_log_error(3), os_log_fault(3) — log a message scoped by the current activity (if present)
- os_log_create(3) — create an object that tracks the state of logging for a given system
- os_trace(3), os_trace_debug(3), os_trace_error(3), os_trace_fault(3) — trace message for the current activity
- pam_acct_mgmt(3) — perform PAM account validation procedures
- pam_acct_mgmt(3), pam_authenticate(3), pam_chauthtok(3), pam_close_session(3), pam_end(3), pam_get_data(3), pam_get_item(3), pam_get_user(3), pam_getenv(3), pam_getenvlist(3), pam_open_session(3), pam_putenv(3), pam_set_data(3), pam_set_item(3), pam_setcred(3), pam_start(3), pam_strerror(3) — Pluggable Authentication Modules Library
- pam_authenticate(3) — perform authentication within the PAM framework
- pam_chauthtok(3) — perform password related functions within the PAM framework
- pam_close_session(3) — close an existing user session
- pam_conv(3) — PAM conversation system
- pam_end(3) — terminate the PAM transaction
- pam_error(3) — display an error message
- pam_get_authtok(3) — retrieve authentication token
- pam_get_data(3) — get module information
- pam_get_item(3) — get PAM information
- pam_get_user(3) — retrieve user name
- pam_getenv(3) — retrieve the value of a PAM environment variable
- pam_getenvlist(3) — returns a list of all the PAM environment variables
- pam_info(3) — display an information message
- pam_open_session(3) — open a user session
- pam_prompt(3) — call the conversation function
- pam_putenv(3) — set the value of an environment variable
- pam_set_data(3) — set module information
- pam_set_item(3) — set authentication information
- pam_setcred(3) — modify / delete user credentials for an authentication service
- pam_setenv(3) — mirrors setenv(3)
- pam_sm_acct_mgmt(3) — service module implementation for pam_acct_mgmt
- pam_sm_authenticate(3) — service module implementation for pam_authenticate
- pam_sm_chauthtok(3) — service module implementation for pam_chauthtok
- pam_sm_close_session(3) — service module implementation for pam_close_session
- pam_sm_open_session(3) — service module implementation for pam_open_session
- pam_sm_setcred(3) — service module implementation for pam_setcred
- pam_start(3) — initiate a PAM transaction
- pam_strerror(3) — get PAM standard error message string
- pam_unsetenv(3) — mirrors unsetenv(3)
- pam_verror(3) — display an error message
- pam_vinfo(3) — display an information message
- pam_vprompt(3) — call the conversation function
- pause(3) — stop until signal
- pclose(3), popen(3) — process I/O
- perror(3), strerror(3), strerror_r(3), sys_errlist(3), sys_nerr(3) — system error messages
- posix_memalign(3) — aligned memory allocation
- posix_spawn_file_actions_addchdir_np(3), posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(3) — add open or close actions to a posix_spawn_file_actions_t
- posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(3), posix_spawn_file_actions_init posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(3) — initialize or destroy spawn file actions objects
- posix_spawn_file_actions_init(3), posix_spawn_file_actions_init posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(3) — initialize or destroy spawn file actions objects
- posix_spawnattr_destroy(3), posix_spawnattr_init posix_spawnattr_destroy(3) — initialize or destroy a spawn attributes object
- posix_spawnattr_getarchpref_np(3), posix_spawnattr_setarchpref_np posix_spawnattr_getarchpref_np(3) — set or get the cpu/subcpu preference attribute on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_getbinpref_np(3), posix_spawnattr_setbinpref_np posix_spawnattr_getbinpref_np(3) — set or get the spawn-binpref attribute on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_getflags(3), posix_spawnattr_setflags posix_spawnattr_getflags(3) — get or set flags on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_getpgroup(3), posix_spawnattr_setpgroup posix_spawnattr_getpgroup(3) — set or get the spawn-pgroup attribute on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault(3), posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault(3) — set or get the spawn-sigdefault attribute on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_getsigmask(3), posix_spawnattr_setsigmask posix_spawnattr_getsigmask(3) — set or get the spawn-sigmask attribute on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_init(3), posix_spawnattr_init posix_spawnattr_destroy(3) — initialize or destroy a spawn attributes object
- posix_spawnattr_setexceptionports_np(3), posix_spawnattr_setspecialport_np posix_spawnattr_setexceptionports_np(3) — set special ports on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_setpgroup(3), posix_spawnattr_setpgroup posix_spawnattr_getpgroup(3) — set or get the spawn-pgroup attribute on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault(3), posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault(3) — set or get the spawn-sigdefault attribute on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_setsigmask(3), posix_spawnattr_setsigmask posix_spawnattr_getsigmask(3) — set or get the spawn-sigmask attribute on a posix_spawnattr_t
- posix_spawnattr_setspecialport_np(3), posix_spawnattr_setspecialport_np posix_spawnattr_setexceptionports_np(3) — set special ports on a posix_spawnattr_t
- pow(3) — power function
- printf(3), fprintf(3), sprintf(3), snprintf(3), asprintf(3), dprintf(3), vprintf(3), vfprintf(3), vsprintf(3), vsnprintf(3), vasprintf(3), vdprintf(3) — formatted output conversion
- psignal(3), strsignal(3), strsignal_r(3), sys_siglist(3), sys_signame(3) — system signal messages
- psort(3), psort_b(3), psort_r(3) — parallel sort functions
- pthread(3) — POSIX thread functions
- pthread_atfork(3) — register handlers to be called before and after fork
- pthread_attr_destroy(3), pthread_attr_init(3) — thread attribute operations
- pthread_attr_getdetachstate(3), pthread_attr_setdetachstate(3) — thread attribute operations
- pthread_attr_getinheritsched(3), pthread_attr_setinheritsched(3) — thread attribute operations
- pthread_attr_getschedparam(3), pthread_attr_setschedparam(3) — thread attribute operations
- pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(3), pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(3) — thread attribute operations
- pthread_attr_getscope(3), pthread_attr_setscope(3) — thread attribute operations
- pthread_attr_getstackaddr(3), pthread_attr_setstackaddr(3) — thread attribute operations
- pthread_attr_getstacksize(3), pthread_attr_setstacksize(3) — thread attribute operations
- pthread_attr_init(3), pthread_attr_destroy(3), pthread_attr_setstack(3), pthread_attr_getstack(3), pthread_attr_setguardsize(3), pthread_attr_getguardsize(3) — thread attribute operations
- pthread_cancel(3) — cancel execution of a thread
- pthread_cleanup_pop(3) — call the first cleanup routine
- pthread_cleanup_push(3) — add a cleanup function for thread exit
- pthread_cond_broadcast(3) — unblock all threads waiting for a condition variable
- pthread_cond_destroy(3) — destroy a condition variable
- pthread_cond_init(3) — create a condition variable
- pthread_cond_signal(3) — unblock a thread waiting for a condition variable
- pthread_cond_timedwait(3) — wait on a condition variable for a specific amount of time
- pthread_cond_wait(3) — wait on a condition variable
- pthread_condattr_init(3), pthread_condattr_destroy(3) — condition attribute operations
- pthread_create(3) — create a new thread
- pthread_detach(3) — detach a thread
- pthread_equal(3) — compare thread IDs
- pthread_exit(3) — terminate the calling thread
- pthread_getspecific(3) — get a thread-specific data value
- pthread_jit_write_protect_supported_np(3), pthread_jit_write_protect_np(3), pthread_jit_write_with_callback_np(3), pthread_jit_write_freeze_callbacks_np(3) — thread JIT region write protection settings
- pthread_join(3) — wait for thread termination
- pthread_key_create(3) — thread-specific data key creation
- pthread_key_delete(3) — delete a thread-specific data key
- pthread_main_np(3) — identify the initial thread
- pthread_mutex_destroy(3) — free resources allocated for a mutex
- pthread_mutex_init(3) — create a mutex
- pthread_mutex_lock(3) — lock a mutex
- pthread_mutex_trylock(3) — attempt to lock a mutex without blocking
- pthread_mutex_unlock(3) — unlock a mutex
- pthread_mutexattr_init(3), pthread_mutexattr_destroy(3), pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling(3), pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling(3), pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(3), pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol(3), pthread_mutexattr_settype(3), pthread_mutexattr_gettype(3) — mutex attribute operations
- pthread_once(3) — dynamic package initialization
- pthread_rwlock_destroy(3) — destroy a read/write lock
- pthread_rwlock_init(3) — initialize a read/write lock
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(3), pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(3) — acquire a read/write lock for reading
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(3) — release a read/write lock
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(3), pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(3) — acquire a read/write lock for writing
- pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(3) — destroy a read/write lock
- pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(3) — get the process shared attribute
- pthread_rwlockattr_init(3) — initialize a read/write lock
- pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(3) — set the process shared attribute
- pthread_self(3) — get the calling thread's ID
- pthread_setcancelstate(3), pthread_setcanceltype(3), pthread_testcancel(3) — set cancelability state
- pthread_setname_np(3) — set the thread name
- pthread_setschedparam(3), pthread_getschedparam(3) — thread scheduling parameter manipulation
- pthread_setspecific(3) — set a thread-specific data value
- pthread_threadid_np(3) — get the calling thread's unique ID
- pthread_yield_np(3) — yield control of the current thread
- pwcache(3) — cache password and group entries
- querylocale(3) — Get locale name for a specified category
- radixsort(3), sradixsort(3) — radix sort
- raise(3) — send a signal to the current thread
- rand(3), rand_r(3), srand(3), sranddev(3) — bad random number generator
- rbtree(3), rb_tree_init(3), rb_tree_insert_node(3), rb_tree_remove_node(3), rb_tree_find_node(3), rb_tree_find_node_geq(3), rb_tree_find_node_leq(3), rb_tree_iterate(3), rb_tree_count(3), RB_TREE_MIN(3), RB_TREE_MAX(3), RB_TREE_FOREACH(3), RB_TREE_FOREACH_SAFE(3), RB_TREE_FOREACH_REVERSE(3), RB_TREE_FOREACH_REVERSE_SAFE(3) — red-black tree
- rcmd(3), rresvport(3), iruserok(3), ruserok(3), rcmd_af(3), rresvport_af(3), iruserok_sa(3) — routines for returning a stream to a remote command
- readpassphrase(3) — get a passphrase from the user
- realpath(3) — returns the canonicalized absolute pathname
- recno(3) — record number database access method
- regcomp(3), regcomp_l(3), regerror(3), regexec(3), regfree(3), regncomp(3), regncomp_l(3), regnexec(3), regnwcomp(3), regnwcomp_l(3), regnwexec(3), regwcomp(3), regwcomp_l(3), regwexec(3) — regular-expression library
- register_config_handler(3), register_const_config_handler(3), register_prenetsnmp_mib_handler(3), unregister_config_handler(3), register_mib_handlers(3), unregister_all_config_handlers(3), register_app_config_handler(3), register_app_prenetsnmp_mib_handler(3), unregister_app_config_handler(3), read_configs(3), read_premib_configs(3), read_config_print_usage(3), config_perror(3), config_pwarn(3) — netsnmp_config_api functions
- remainder(3) — floating-point remainder function
- remove(3) — remove directory entry
- removefile(3), removefileat(3), removefile_state_alloc(3), removefile_state_free(3), removefile_state_get(3), removefile_state_set(3) — remove files or directories
- remquo(3) — floating-point remainder and quotient function
- res_query(3), res_search(3), res_mkquery(3), res_send(3), res_init(3), dn_comp(3), dn_expand(3), dn_skipname(3), ns_get16(3), ns_get32(3), ns_put16(3), ns_put32(3) — resolver routines
- rindex(3) — locate character in string
- rint(3), lrint(3), llrint(3) — round to integral value
- round(3), lround(3), llround(3) — round to integral value, regardless of rounding direction
- rpc(3) — library routines for remote procedure calls
- sandbox_init(3), sandbox_free_error(3) — set process sandbox (DEPRECATED)
- sasl_authorize_t(3) — The SASL authorization callback
- sasl_auxprop(3) — How to work with SASL auxiliary properties
- sasl_auxprop_getctx(3) — Acquire an auxiliary property context
- sasl_auxprop_request(3) — Request Auxiliary Properties from SASL
- sasl_callbacks(3) — How to work with SASL callbacks
- sasl_chalprompt_t(3) — Realm Acquisition Callback
- sasl_checkapop(3) — Check an APOP challenge/response
- sasl_checkpass(3) — Check a plaintext password
- sasl_client_init(3) — SASL client authentication initialization
- sasl_client_new(3) — Create a new client authentication object
- sasl_client_start(3) — Begin an authentication negotiation
- sasl_client_step(3) — Perform a step in the authentication negotiation
- sasl_decode(3) — Decode data received
- sasl_dispose(3) — Dispose of a SASL connection object
- sasl_done(3) — Dispose of a SASL connection object
- sasl_encode(3) — Encode data for transport to authenticated host
- sasl_errdetail(3) — Retrieve detailed information about an error
- sasl_errors(3) — SASL error codes
- sasl_errstring(3) — Translate a SASL return code to a human-readable form
- sasl_getopt_t(3) — The SASL get option callback
- sasl_getpath_t(3) — The SASL callback to indicate location of the mechanism drivers
- sasl_getprop(3) — Get a SASL property
- sasl_getrealm_t(3) — Realm Acquisition Callback
- sasl_getsecret_t(3) — The SASL callback for secrets (passwords)
- sasl_getsimple_t(3) — The SASL callback for username/authname/realm
- sasl_idle(3) — Perform precalculations during an idle period
- sasl_listmech(3) — Retrieve a list of the supported SASL mechanisms
- sasl_log_t(3) — The SASL logging callback
- sasl_server_init(3) — SASL server authentication initialization
- sasl_server_new(3) — Create a new server authentication object
- sasl_server_start(3) — Begin an authentication negotiation
- sasl_server_step(3) — Perform a step in the authentication negotiation
- sasl_server_userdb_checkpass_t(3) — Plaintext Password Verification Callback
- sasl_server_userdb_setpass_t(3) — UserDB Plaintext Password Setting Callback
- sasl_setpass(3) — Check a plaintext password
- sasl_setprop(3) — Set a SASL property
- sasl_user_exists(3) — Check if a user exists on server
- sasl_verifyfile_t(3) — The SASL file verification
- scalbn(3) — scalbln
- scandir(3), scandir_b(3), alphasort(3) — scan a directory
- send_easy_trap(3), send_trap_vars(3), send_v2trap(3) — send TRAPs or INFORMs from a Net-SNMP MIB module
- setac(3), endac(3), getacdir(3), getacmin(3), getacexpire(3), getacfilesz(3), getacflg(3), getacna(3), getacpol(3), au_poltostr(3), au_strtopol(3) — look up information from the audit_control database
- setauuser(3), endauuser(3), getauuserent(3), getauuserent_r(3), getauusernam(3), getauusernam_r(3), au_user_mask(3), getfauditflags(3) — look up information from the audit_user database
- setbuf(3), setbuffer(3), setlinebuf(3), setvbuf(3) — stream buffering operations
- setlocale(3) — natural language formatting for C
- setruid(3), setrgid(3) — set user and group ID
- setrunelocale(3), setinvalidrune(3), sgetrune(3), sputrune(3), fgetrune(3), fungetrune(3), fputrune(3) — rune support for C
- sigaddset(3), sigdelset(3), sigemptyset(3), sigfillset(3), sigismember(3) — manipulate signal sets
- siginterrupt(3) — allow signals to interrupt system calls
- signal(3) — simplified software signal facilities
- signbit(3) — determine whether a floating-point number's sign is negative
- sin(3) — sine function
- sinh(3) — hyperbolic sine function
- sleep(3) — suspend thread execution for an interval measured in seconds
- snmp_alarm_register(3), snmp_alarm_register_hr(3), snmp_alarm_unregister(3) — alarm functions
- snmp_pdu_add_variable(3), snmp_varlist_add_variable(3), snmp_add_null_var(3), snmp_clone_varbind(3), snmp_set_var_objid(3), snmp_set_var_value(3), snmp_set_var_typed_value(3), snmp_set_var_typed_integer(3), print_variable(3), fprint_variable(3), snprint_variable(3), print_value(3), fprint_value(3), snprint_value(3), snmp_free_var(3), snmp_free_varbind(3) — netsnmp_varbind_api functions
- snmp_pdu_create(3), snmp_clone_pdu(3), snmp_fix_pdu(3), snmp_free_pdu(3) — netsnmp_pdu_api functions
- snmp_sess_init(3), snmp_open(3), snmp_send(3), snmp_select_info(3), snmp_read(3), snmp_timeout(3), snmp_close(3), snmp_perror(3), snmp_sess_perror(3), snmp_error(3), snmp_api_errstring(3) — netsnmp_session_api functions
- snmp_sess_init(3), snmp_sess_open(3), snmp_sess_session(3), snmp_sess_send(3), snmp_sess_async_send(3), snmp_sess_select_info(3), snmp_sess_read(3), snmp_sess_timeout(3), snmp_sess_close(3), snmp_sess_error(3) — session functions
- sockatmark(3) — determine whether the read pointer is at the OOB mark
- sourcefilter(3) — advanced multicast group membership API
- sqrt(3) — square root function
- stdarg(3) — variable argument lists
- stdio(3) — standard input/output library functions
- stpcpy(3), stpncpy(3), strcpy(3), strncpy(3) — copy strings
- strcasecmp(3), strcasecmp_l(3), strncasecmp(3), strncasecmp_l(3) — compare strings, ignoring case
- strcat(3), strncat(3) — concatenate strings
- strchr(3), strrchr(3) — locate character in string
- strcmp(3), strncmp(3) — compare strings
- strcoll(3), strcoll_l(3) — compare strings, according to current collation
- strdup(3), strndup(3) — save a copy of a string
- strfmon(3), strfmon_l(3) — convert monetary value to string
- strftime(3), strftime_l(3) — format date and time
- stringlist(3), sl_init(3), sl_add(3), sl_free(3), sl_find(3) — stringlist manipulation functions
- strlcpy(3), strlcat(3) — size-bounded string copying and concatenation
- strlen(3), strnlen(3) — find length of string
- strmode(3) — convert inode status information into a symbolic string
- strpbrk(3) — locate multiple characters in string
- strptime(3), strptime_l(3) — parse date and time string
- strsep(3) — separate strings
- strspn(3), strcspn(3) — span a string
- strstr(3), strcasestr(3), strnstr(3) — locate a substring in a string
- strtod(3), strtof(3), strtold(3) — convert ASCII string to floating point
- strtod_l(3), strtof_l(3), strtold_l(3) — convert ASCII string to floating point
- strtoimax(3), strtol(3), strtoll(3), strtoq(3) — convert a string value to a long, long long, intmax_t or quad_t integer
- strtok(3), strtok_r(3) — string tokens
- strtol_l(3), strtoll_l(3), strtoimax_l(3), strtoq_l(3), strtoul_l(3), strtoull_l(3), strtoumax_l(3), strtouq_l(3) — convert a string value to a long, long long, intmax_t, quad_t unsigned long, unsigned long long, uintmax_t, or u_quad_t integer
- strtonum(3) — reliably convert string value to an integer
- strtoul(3), strtoull(3), strtoumax(3), strtouq(3) — convert a string to an unsigned long, unsigned long long, uintmax_t, or u_quad_t integer
- strxfrm(3), strxfrm_l(3) — transform a string under locale
- style(3) — C language style guide for Darwin low-level userspace projects
- swab(3) — swap adjacent bytes
- sync_volume_np(3) — Sync a mounted filesystem
- sys_cache_control(3), sys_icache_invalidate(3), sys_dcache_flush(3) — cache control
- sysconf(3) — get configurable system variables
- sysctl(3), sysctlbyname(3), sysctlnametomib(3) — get or set system information
- sysdir_start_search_path_enumeration(3), sysdir_get_next_search_path_enumeration(3) — Enumeration of the filesystem paths for the various standard system directories where apps, resources, etc. get installed
- sysexits(3) — preferable exit codes for programs
- system(3) — pass a command to the shell
- tan(3) — tangent function
- tanh(3) — hyperbolic tangent function
- tcdrain(3), tcflow(3), tcflush(3), tcsendbreak(3) — line control functions
- tcgetpgrp(3) — get foreground process group ID
- tcgetsid(3) — get the process group ID for the session leader for the controlling terminal
- tcsetpgrp(3) — set foreground process group ID
- tdelete(3), tfind(3), tsearch(3), twalk(3) — manipulate binary search trees
- tempnam(3), tmpfile(3), tmpnam(3) — temporary file routines
- tgamma(3), lgamma(3), gamma(3) — gamma and log of gamma
- time(3) — get time of day
- time2posix(3), posix2time(3) — convert seconds since the Epoch
- times(3) — process times
- timespec_get(3) — get current calendar time
- timezone(3) — return the timezone abbreviation
- timingsafe_bcmp(3) — timing-safe byte sequence comparisons
- toascii(3) — convert a byte to 7-bit ASCII
- tolower(3), tolower_l(3) — upper case to lower case letter conversion
- toupper(3), toupper_l(3) — lower case to upper case letter conversion
- towctrans(3), towctrans_l(3), wctrans(3), wctrans_l(3) — wide character mapping functions
- towlower(3), towlower_l(3) — upper case to lower case letter conversion (wide character version)
- towupper(3), towupper_l(3) — lower case to upper case letter conversion (wide character version)
- trunc(3) — truncate to integer value
- ttyname(3), ttyname_r(3), isatty(3) — get name of associated terminal (tty) from file descriptor
- tzset(3), tzsetwall(3) — initialize time conversion information
- ualarm(3) — schedule signal after specified time
- ucontext(3) — user thread context
- ulimit(3) — get and set process limits
- uname(3) — get system identification
- ungetc(3) — un-get character from input stream
- ungetwc(3), ungetwc_l(3) — un-get wide character from input stream
- unvis(3), strunvis(3), strnunvis(3), strunvisx(3), strnunvisx(3) — decode a visual representation of characters
- uselocale(3) — Set the per-thread locale
- usleep(3) — suspend thread execution for an interval measured in microseconds
- utime(3) — set file times
- uuid(3) — DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library
- uuid_clear(3) — reset value of UUID variable to the NULL value
- uuid_compare(3) — compare whether two UUIDs are the same
- uuid_copy(3) — copy a UUID value
- uuid_generate(3), uuid_generate_random(3), uuid_generate_time(3) — create a new unique UUID value
- uuid_is_null(3) — compare the value of the UUID to the NULL value
- uuid_parse(3) — convert an input UUID string into binary representation
- uuid_unparse(3) — convert an UUID from binary representation to a string
- vis(3), nvis(3), strvis(3), stravis(3), strnvis(3), strvisx(3), strnvisx(3), strenvisx(3), svis(3), snvis(3), strsvis(3), strsnvis(3), strsvisx(3), strsnvisx(3), strsenvisx(3) — visually encode characters
- wcpcpy(3), wcpncpy(3), wcscasecmp(3), wcscat(3), wcschr(3), wcscmp(3), wcscpy(3), wcscspn(3), wcsdup(3), wcslcat(3), wcslcpy(3), wcslen(3), wcsncasecmp(3), wcsncat(3), wcsncmp(3), wcsncpy(3), wcsnlen(3), wcspbrk(3), wcsrchr(3), wcsspn(3), wcsstr(3), wmemchr(3), wmemcmp(3), wmemcpy(3), wmemmove(3), wmemset(3) — wide character string manipulation operations
- wcrtomb(3), wcrtomb_l(3) — convert a wide-character code to a character (restartable)
- wcscoll(3), wcscoll_l(3) — compare wide strings according to current collation
- wcsftime(3), wcsftime_l(3) — convert date and time to a wide-character string
- wcsnrtombs(3), wcsnrtombs_l(3), wcsrtombs(3), wcsrtombs_l(3) — convert a wide-character string to a character string (restartable)
- wcstod(3), wcstof(3), wcstold(3) — convert string to float, double, or long double
- wcstof_l(3), wcstod_l(3), wcstold_l(3) — convert string to float, double or long double
- wcstoimax(3), wcstol(3), wcstoll(3), wcstoul(3), wcstoull(3), wcstoumax(3) — convert a wide character string value to a intmax_t, long, long long, unsigned long, unsigned long long, or uintmax_t integer
- wcstoimax_l(3), wcstol_l(3), wcstoll_l(3), wcstoul_l(3), wcstoull_l(3), wcstoumax_l(3) — convert a wide character string value to a long, unsigned long, long long, unsigned long long, intmax_t or uintmax_t integer
- wcstok(3) — split wide-character string into tokens
- wcstombs(3), wcstombs_l(3) — convert a wide-character string to a character string
- wcswidth(3), wcswidth_l(3) — number of column positions in wide-character string
- wcsxfrm(3), wcsxfrm_l(3) — transform a wide string under locale
- wctomb(3), wctomb_l(3) — convert a wide-character code to a character
- wcwidth(3), wcwidth_l(3) — number of column positions of a wide-character code
- wordexp(3) — perform shell-style word expansions
- wprintf(3), fwprintf(3), swprintf(3), vwprintf(3), vfwprintf(3), vswprintf(3) — formatted wide character output conversion
- wprintf_l(3), fwprintf_l(3), swprintf_l(3), vwprintf_l(3), vfwprintf_l(3), vswprintf_l(3) — formatted wide character output conversion
- xattr_preserve_for_intent(3), xattr_name_with_flags(3), xattr_name_without_flags(3), xattr_flags_from_name(3), xattr_intent_with_flags(3) — obtain properties related to extended attributes, for use in copying
- xdr(3), xdr_array(3), xdr_bool(3), xdr_bytes(3), xdr_char(3), xdr_destroy(3), xdr_double(3), xdr_enum(3), xdr_float(3), xdr_free(3), xdr_getpos(3), xdr_hyper(3), xdr_inline(3), xdr_int(3), xdr_long(3), xdr_longlong_t(3), xdrmem_create(3), xdr_opaque(3), xdr_pointer(3), xdrrec_create(3), xdrrec_endofrecord(3), xdrrec_eof(3), xdrrec_skiprecord(3), xdr_reference(3), xdr_setpos(3), xdr_short(3), xdrstdio_create(3), xdr_string(3), xdr_u_char(3), xdr_u_hyper(3), xdr_u_int(3), xdr_u_long(3), xdr_u_longlong_t(3), xdr_u_short(3), xdr_union(3), xdr_vector(3), xdr_void(3), xdr_wrapstring(3) — library routines for external data representation
- xlocale(3) — Extended locale support
- xpc(3) — a structured, asynchronous interprocess communication library
- xpc_abort(3) — conditions which cause XPC to abort
- xpc_array_create(3) — creation and management of XPC arrays
- xpc_connection_create(3) — creation and management of XPC connections
- xpc_dictionary_create(3) — creation and management of XPC messages
- xpc_events(3) — launch-on-demand for high-level events
- xpc_main(3) — XPC service runtime
- xpc_object(3) — XPC object protocol
- xpc_objects(3) — boxed XPC objects reference
- yp_all(3), yp_bind(3), yp_first(3), yp_get_default_domain(3), yp_master(3), yp_match(3), yp_next(3), yp_order(3), yp_unbind(3), yperr_string(3), ypprot_err(3) — Interface to the YP subsystem
- zlib(3) — compression/decompression library