gluGetTessProperty - get a tessellation object property

void gluGetTessProperty( GLUtesselator* tess,

	GLenum which,
	GLdouble* data )

Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess).
Specifies the property whose value is to be fetched. Valid values are GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE, GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY, and GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE.
Specifies a pointer to the location into which the value of the named property is written.

gluGetTessProperty retrieves properties stored in a tessellation object. These properties affect the way that tessellation objects are interpreted and rendered. See the gluTessProperty reference page for information about the properties and what they do.

gluNewTess, gluTessProperty