glutGameModeGet(3GLUT) GLUT glutGameModeGet(3GLUT)

glutGameModeGet - retrieves GLUT device information represented by integers.

#include <GLUT/glut.h>
int glutGameModeGet(GLenum info);

Name of game mode information to retrieve.
Non-zero if GLUT's game mode is active; zero if not active. Game mode is not active initially. Game mode becomes active when glutEnterGameMode is called. Game mode becomes inactive when glutLeaveGameMode is called.
Non-zero if the game mode string last specified to glutGameModeString is a possible game mode configuration; zero otherwise. Being "possible" does not guarantee that if game mode is entered with glutEnterGameMode that the display settings will actually changed. GLUT_GAME_MODE_DISPLAY_CHANGED should be called once game mode is entered to determine if the display mode is actually changed.
Width in pixels of the screen when game mode is activated.
Height in pixels of the screen when game mode is activated.
Pixel depth of the screen when game mode is activiated.
Screen refresh rate in cyles per second (hertz) when game mode is activated. Zero is returned if the refresh rate is unknown or cannot be queried.
Non-zero if entering game mode actually changed the display settings. If the game mode string is not possible or the display mode could not be changed for any other reason, zero is returned.

glutGameModeGet retrieves GLUT game mode information represented by integers. The info parameter determines what type of game mode information to return. Requesting game mode information for an invalid GLUT game mode information name returns negative one.

glutGet, glutDeviceGet, glutLayerGet, glutGameModeString, glutEnterGameMode, glutLeaveGameMode

Mark J. Kilgard (

3.7 GLUT