MPSRayOriginMinDistanceDirectionMaxDistance(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSRayOriginMinDistanceDirectionMaxDistance(3)

MPSRayOriginMinDistanceDirectionMaxDistance - Represents a 3D ray with an origin, a direction, and an intersection distance range from the origin.

#include <MPSRayIntersectorTypes.h>

MPSPackedFloat3 origin
Ray origin. The intersection test will be skipped if the origin contains NaNs or infinities. float minDistance
Minimum intersection distance from the origin along the ray direction. The intersection test will be skipped if the minimum distance is equal to positive infinity or NaN. MPSPackedFloat3 direction
Ray direction. Does not need to be normalized. The intersection test will be skipped if the direction has length zero or contains NaNs or infinities. float maxDistance
Maximum intersection distance from the origin along the ray direction. May be infinite. The intersection test will be skipped if the maximum distance is less than zero, NaN, or less than the minimum intersection distance.

Represents a 3D ray with an origin, a direction, and an intersection distance range from the origin.

This type is available from the Metal Shading Language by including the MetalPerformanceShaders/MetalPerformanceShaders.h header.

MPSPackedFloat3 MPSRayOriginMinDistanceDirectionMaxDistance::direction

Ray direction. Does not need to be normalized. The intersection test will be skipped if the direction has length zero or contains NaNs or infinities.

Maximum intersection distance from the origin along the ray direction. May be infinite. The intersection test will be skipped if the maximum distance is less than zero, NaN, or less than the minimum intersection distance.

Minimum intersection distance from the origin along the ray direction. The intersection test will be skipped if the minimum distance is equal to positive infinity or NaN.

MPSPackedFloat3 MPSRayOriginMinDistanceDirectionMaxDistance::origin

Ray origin. The intersection test will be skipped if the origin contains NaNs or infinities.

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Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3