XPRINTF(3) Library Functions Manual XPRINTF(3)

asxprintf, dxprintf, fxprintf, sxprintf, xprintf, vasxprintf, vdxprintf, vfxprintf, vsxprintf, vxprintfextensible printf

#include <printf.h>

asxprintf(char ** restrict ret, printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, ...);

dxprintf(int fd, printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, ...);

fxprintf(FILE * restrict stream, printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, ...);

sxprintf(char * restrict str, size_t size, printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, ...);

xprintf(printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, ...);

#include <stdarg.h>

vasxprintf(char ** restrict ret, printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap);

vdxprintf(int fd, printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap);

vfxprintf(FILE * restrict stream, printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap);

vsxprintf(char * restrict str, size_t size, printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap);

vxprintf(printf_domain_t restrict domain, locale_t restrict loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap);

These extensible printf (see xprintf(5)) variants behave like their normal printf counterparts (see printf(3)) without ‘x’ in the name (except () and () behave like () and (), respectively).

The domain argument must be a pointer to a printf domain structure, as returned by one of the functions described in xprintf_domain(3). The loc argument should be an extended locale (see xlocale(3)) or NULL, which means to use the current locale in effect (either the per-thread locale if set, or the global locale by default).

printf(3), xlocale(3), xprintf_domain(3), xprintf(5)

August 19, 2012 Darwin