glutSpecialUpFunc(3GLUT) GLUT glutSpecialUpFunc(3GLUT)

glutSpecialUpFunc - sets the special keyboard up (key release) callback for the current window.

#include <GLUT/glut.h>
void glutSpecialUpFunc(void (*func)(int key, int x, int y));

The new special callback function.

glutSpecialUpFunc sets the special keyboard up (key release) callback for the current window. The special keyboard up callback is triggered when keyboard function or directional keys are released. The key callback parameter is a GLUT_KEY_* constant for the special key pressed. The x and y callback parameters indicate the mouse in window relative coordinates when the key was pressed. When a new window is created, no special up callback is initially registered and special key releases in the window are ignored. Passing NULL to glutSpecialUpFunc disables the generation of special up callbacks.

During a special up callback, glutGetModifiers may be called to determine the state of modifier keys when the key release generating the callback occurred.

To avoid the reporting of key release/press pairs due to auto repeat, use glutIgnoreKeyRepeat to ignore auto repeated keystrokes.

An implementation should do its best to provide ways to generate all the GLUT_KEY_* special keys. The available GLUT_KEY_* values are:

F1 function key.
F2 function key.
F3 function key.
F4 function key.
F5 function key.
F6 function key.
F7 function key.
F8 function key.
F9 function key.
F10 function key.
F11 function key.
F12 function key.
Left directional key.
Up directional key.
Right directional key.
Down directional key.
Page up directional key.
Page down directional key.
Home directional key.
End directional key.
Inset directional key.

Note that the escape, backspace, and delete keys are generated as an ASCII character.

glutSpecialFunc, glutKeyboardFunc, glutKeyboardUpFunc, glutMouseFunc, glutSpaceballButtonFunc, glutButtonBoxFunc, glutTabletButtonFunc, glutGetModifiers, glutIgnoreKeyRepeat

Mark J. Kilgard (

3.7 GLUT