glColorSubTable - respecify a portion of a color table
void glColorSubTable( GLenum target,
GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *data )
glColorSubTable is used to respecify a contiguous portion of a color table previously defined using glColorTable. The pixels referenced by data replace the portion of the existing table from indices start to start + count -1, inclusive. This region may not include any entries outside the range of the color table as it was originally specified. It is not an error to specify a subtexture with width of 0, but such a specification has no effect.
glColorSubTable is present only if GL_ARB_imaging is returned when glGetString is called with an argument of GL_EXTENSIONS.
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if target is not one of the allowable values.
GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if start + count > width.
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if format is not one of the allowable values.
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if type is not one of the allowable values.
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glColorSubTable is executed between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd.
glGetColorTable, glGetColorTableParameter
glColorSubTable, glColorTableParameter, glCopyColorTable, glCopyColorSubTable, glGetColorTable