__TANPI(3) Library Functions Manual __TANPI(3)

__tanpitangent-pi function

#include <math.h>

__tanpif(float x);

__tanpi(double x);

The () function returns the tangent of pi times x (measured in radians). This can be computed more accurately than tan(M_PI * x), because it can implicitly use as many bits of pi as are necessary to deliver a well-rounded result, instead of the 53-bits to which M_PI is limited. For large x it may also be more efficient, as the argument reduction involved is significantly simpler.

This function may be especially useful for working with degrees; whereas (M_PI * x / 180.0) cannot produce exact results for angles that naively "should" be exact, like 90 degrees, __tanpi(x / 180.0) can be computed exactly.

__tanpi(-x) is the same as - __tanpi(x) for any finite x.
__tanpi(±0) returns ±0.
__tanpi(n) returns +0 for any positive even integer n.
__tanpi(n) returns -0 for any positive odd integer n.
__tanpi(n + 0.5) returns +infinity for any even integer n.
__tanpi(n + 0.5) returns -infinity for any odd integer n.
__tanpi(±infinity) raises the invalid floating-point exception and returns NaN.

If you need to apply the __tanpi() function to SIMD vectors or arrays, using the following functions provided by the Accelerate.framework may be useful:

#include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>

vFloat (vFloat x);
void (float *y, const float *x, const int *n);
void (double *y, const double *x, const int *n);

__cospi(3), __sinpi(3), __sincospi(3), math(3)

December 15, 2012 macOS 15.3