glutSolidCube(3GLUT) GLUT glutSolidCube(3GLUT)

glutSolidCube, glutWireCube - render a solid or wireframe cube respectively.

#include <GLUT/glut.h>
void glutSolidCube(GLdouble size);
void glutWireCube(GLdouble size);

Length of each edge.

glutSolidCube and glutWireCube render a solid or wireframe cube respectively. The cube is centered at the modeling coordinates origin with sides of length size.

glutSolidSphere, glutSolidCone, glutSolidTorus, glutSolidDodecahedron, glutSolidOctahedron, glutSolidTetrahedron, glutSolidIcosahedron, glutSolidTeapot

Mark J. Kilgard (

3.7 GLUT