MKBOM(8) System Manager's Manual MKBOM(8)

mkbomcreate a bill-of-materials file

mkbom [-s] directory bom

mkbom [-s] -i filelist bom

mkbom -h | --help

The mkbom command creates a bill-of-materials (bom(5)). You must specify either a source as a directory, or a text file containing a file listing as outputted by lsbom(8). mkbom will generate bill-of-materials information based on that information. Any existing bomfile will be overwritten by the new bomfile.


print full usage
create a simplified bom containing only file paths
use the information in filelist, one entry per line, to construct the bom file. The format of the file should match lsbom(8) output with no formatting options (the default). If -s is given to mkbom, the input filelist should contain only pathnames, as with lsbom -s.

bom(5), ditto(8), mkbom(8)

The mkbom command appeared in NeXTSTEP as a tool to create bom files used during installation.

September 26, 2006 Mac OS X