LSBOM(8) System Manager's Manual LSBOM(8)

lsbomlist contents of a bom file

lsbom [-b] [-c] [-d] [-f] [-l] [-m] [-s] [-x] [--arch archVal] [-p parameters] bom ...

lsbom -h | --help

The lsbom command interprets the contents of binary bom (bom(5)) files. For each file in a bom, lsbom prints the file path and/or requested information.

If no options are given, lsbom will display the output formatted such that each line contains the path of the entry, its mode (octal), and its UID/GID. There are slight differences in the output for plain files, directories, symbolic links, and device files as follows:

plain files
the UID/GID is followed by the file size and a 32-bit CRC checksum of the file's contents.
symbolic links
the UID/GID is followed by the size and checksum of the link path, and the link path itself.
device files
the UID/GID file number is followed by the device number.

The -p option can be used to specify a user-defined format for lsbom's output. The format string consists of one or more characters described below where each character represents a data type. Data types will be separated by tab characters, and each line will end with a newline character. One can use this mechanism to create output similar to the ls(1) command.

The options are:

print full usage
list block devices
list character devices
list directories
list files
list symbolic links
print modified times (for plain files only)
print only the path of each file
suppress modes for directories and symlinks
when displaying plain files that represent Universal Mach-O binaries, print the size and checksum of the file contents for the specified archVal (either "ppc", "ppc64", or "i386")
print only some of the results Note: each option can only be used once:
32-bit checksum
file name
file name with quotes (i.e. "/mach_kernel")
group id
group name
file mode (permissions)
symbolic file mode (i.e. "dr-xr-xr-x" )
file size
formatted size
mod time
formatted mod time
user id
user name
user id/group id
user name/group name

lsbom bomfile
list the contents of bomfile
lsbom -s bomfile
list only the paths of the contents of the bomfile
lsbom -f -l bomfile
list the plain files and symbolic links of the bomfiles (but not directories or devices)
lsbom -p MUGsf bomfiles
list the contents of bomfile displaying only the files' modes, user name, group name, size, and filename

bom(5), ditto(8), mkbom(8), pkgutil(1)

The lsbom command appeared in NeXTSTEP as a tool to browse the contents of bom files used during installation.

The -p flag appeared in Mac OS X 10.1 in an attempt to make lsbom's output more convenient for human beings.

May 7, 2008 Mac OS X