xpc_array_create(3) Library Functions Manual xpc_array_create(3)

xpc_array_createcreation and management of XPC arrays

#include <xpc/xpc.h>

xpc_array_create(const xpc_object_t *objects, size_t count);

xpc_array_set_value(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, xpc_object_t value);

xpc_array_append_value(xpc_object_t array, xpc_object_t value);

xpc_array_get_value(xpc_object_t array, size_t index);

xpc_array_get_count(xpc_object_t array);

xpc_array_apply(xpc_object_t array, xpc_array_applier_t applier);

xpc_array_set_bool(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, bool value);

xpc_array_set_int64(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, int64_t value);

xpc_array_set_uint64(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, uint64_t value);

xpc_array_set_double(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, double value);

xpc_array_set_date(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, int64_t value);

xpc_array_set_data(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, const void *bytes, size_t length);

xpc_array_set_string(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, const char *value);

xpc_array_set_uuid(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, const uuid_t value);

xpc_array_set_fd(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, int value);

xpc_array_set_connection(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, xpc_connection_t value);

xpc_array_get_bool(xpc_object_t array, size_t index);

xpc_array_get_int64(xpc_object_t array, size_t index);

xpc_array_get_uint64(xpc_object_t array, size_t index);

xpc_array_get_double(xpc_object_t array, size_t index);

xpc_array_get_date(xpc_object_t array, size_t index);

const void *
xpc_array_get_data(xpc_object_t array, size_t index, size_t *length);

const uint8_t *
xpc_array_get_uuid(xpc_object_t array, size_t index);

const char *
xpc_array_get_string(xpc_object_t array, size_t index);

xpc_array_dup_fd(xpc_object_t array, size_t index);

XPC arrays are collections of XPC objects ordered by index. The index is zero-based. XPC arrays are contiguous, and values must exist at all indexes between zero and the greatest index of the array. A hole in the array can be simulated by using a null object as returned by xpc_null_create(3).

The () function returns a newly created array. The caller may optionally provide objects, a C array of XPC object references, to initialize the array. The count is used to specify the size of the C array. If objects is NULL, then count must be zero. If count specifies more elements than are actually present in values or if values is NULL and count is non-zero, the behavior is undefined.

The () function may be used to append a value to the end of an array. This operation increases the count of the values in the array by one.

The value of a specific index in the array may be set using the () function. The value must be non-NULL, and the index must already exist (i.e. less than the count provided at creation or extended through previous append operations).

The value at a specific index of an array may be retrieved using the () function. The result of getting a non-existing index (i.e. one that was not specified at creation or through a previous append operation) in undefined.

Various functions exist for retrieving primitive C and operating system types directly from an array without the need for an intermediate boxed object. See xpc_object(3) for more information.

The special XPC_ARRAY_APPEND constant may be used to append a value to the end of the array instead of operating on a specific index.

The () function may be used to iterate the index and value pairs of an array using an applier callback block. The callback block is invoked for each pair and must return a bool indicating whether the iteration should continue (true if it should continue, false if it should not). The xpc_array_apply() function will return true if the applier block was called and returned true for all pairs, or false if it was not (i.e. the applier returned false during the iteration, which may have caused iteration to stop early).

xpc_object(3), xpc_objects(3), xpc_dictionary_create(3)

1 July, 2011 Darwin