TRACE(1) General Commands Manual TRACE(1)

tracerecord and modify trace files

trace record file-name [options]
trace amend file-path --add provider [options]
trace trim file-name [options]
trace plans [options]
trace providers [options]

trace records and modifies files of software events used for performance analysis. A trace file captures what the system was doing over a period of time, like which threads are scheduled, what memory is used for the first time, and thousands of other kinds of events from software running in the kernel, user space, or on coprocessors.

Trace files (with the extension) capture how a Darwin system behaves for a period of time. By default, they include a selection of kdebug trace events, Unified Logging information, and metadata to support analysis, like symbols and machine configuration.

The record subcommand creates these files from the current system, according to a plan and options passed in on the command line. The file-name positional argument is used as a prefix and can include path components. The path to the file is derived by adding an incrementing number at the end, followed by the file extension. To write to a particular file path, end the argument with ‘.atrc’. The default plan produces files readable by Instruments System Trace and spindump(1).

Plans support safe configuration by the user with ‘layers’ and ‘providers’. Layers are listed by the help output for trace record and alter basic configuration of the plan, like which events are collected. Listing providers is not yet implemented, but they add more complex features, like custom data sources beyond kdebug trace. Unified Logging support is implemented as a provider, for instance.

This subcommand is opinionated about unsafe operations, and requires any options that may impact the reliability of the tool to also include the --unsafe flag to acknowledge that the files produced may be unusable. Experimental features are treated similarly, requiring a --experimental flag while they are still being vetted.

Present a help message for the record subcommand.
Use a non-default plan. Must be one of those listed by trace plans.
Add a layer or provider to the chosen plan, augmenting its behavior. The list of layers is shown in the help message or trace plans. The list of providers can be obtained using trace providers.
Set the option option-name to option-value for use by the provider named provider-name. The list of possible options are reported by trace providers.
Omit a default layer or provider from the chosen plan.
Allow the output file to overwrite a pre-existing file.
Compress the events in the output file.
Emit a Darwin notification named notification-name with notify(3) after starting the trace session. Other systems can use this notification to stage their workloads, either with the notify(3) interfaces or notifyutil(1). For instance, ‘notifyutil -1 ktrace-start’ will wait for the notification named ktrace-start to be published and then exit. This option can be specified multiple times to send additional notifications.
Emit a Darwin notification named notification-name with notify(3) after the trace session has finished.
End tracing after the specified time period elapses.
End tracing when a Darwin notification matching the notification-nameis published with notify(3).
End tracing when a kdebug event with the given event-id is emitted. This is currently experimental and unsafe if the event is not part of the plan.
End tracing when the file reaches the specified size-bytes number of bytes for kdebug events.
Only include events within the specified duration before trace is ended. In other words, keep a ringbuffer of events, dropping any that are older than duration time in the past. This can be used to reduce the impact of recording's I/O on storage, at the cost of higher CPU usage spent processing incoming events.
Wait to start tracing until a Darwin notification matching the notification-name is published with notify(3) or notifyutil(1). For instance, ‘notifyutil -p ktrace-end’ published a notification named ktrace-end.
Fire the profiling timer at a different rate than the plan specifies. The duration argument accepts suffixes of , , and s.

The following options are unsafe and have a may produce an unusable trace file.

Allow unsafe options to be used.
Allow experimental plans and options to be used.
Override the default buffer size for the kdebug trace system. Smaller buffers are likely to lose events, while larger buffers can have a more significant impact on the system.
Specify additional kdebug events to include in the trace file, following a filter description. Filter descriptions are a comma-separated list of either two rules:
Filter all events in the given class; in this case, class 1.
Filter events in a particular subclass, where the top byte is the class and the bottom byte is the subclass within that class. In this case, class 1 and subclass 0x40.

Additional events may require changes to the buffer size.

Prevent kdebug events from being included in the trace file, following a filter description. Some events are necessary for particular analysis tools.
Use the highest collection priority possible, or the value specified by --collection-priority. Potentially interferes with other processes.
Set priority of collection, potentially interfering with other processes.

trace amend adds more information to previously-recorded trace files from providers.

At least one provider must be added to the amending process.
Set options for the provider to amend with, as described in trace providers.

trace trim removes events from a trace file except for those within a specified time range.

Removes all events before the provided time-spec, which is a number interpreted based on its prefix:
event timestamp
seconds since the start of tracing
seconds before the end of tracing
Removes all events after the provided time-spec.
| path
Write the trimmed file to the specified path.

trace plans lists the plans available to trace record and the layers that can be added to them.

Print additional information about each plan, like its documentation.
Show experimental plans.

trace providers lists the providers available to trace record and the options that can be passed to them.

Show experimental providers.

The ‘ktrace’ feature is supported by two kernel subsystems: kdebug provides the event format and buffering system and kperf emits sampling information as events based on triggers.

The event format used by kdebug is simple and constraining, but effective. Events are classified using a 32-bit debug ID:

 class  subclass     code     function
│  8   │   8   │     14      │2│
╰──────────────╯               │
 class-subclass              00│
│          event ID            │
           debug ID

Classes are assigned in <sys/kdebug.h> for broad parts of the system. Each class can assign its own subclasses. The class-subclass is the finest granularity that can be filtered on. Codes are for specific events in each subclass, and functions denote whether the event is a start (DBG_FUNC_START), end (DBG_FUNC_END), or impulse (left unset). An event ID is a debug ID with the function bits set to 0.

Events also contain a timestamp, 4 pointer-sized arguments, the ID of the thread that emitted the event, and the CPU ID on which it was emitted. The CPU ID may be greater than the number of CPUs on the system — denoting a coprocessor event.

Trace files can be analyzed with dedicated tools, including fs_usage(1), spindump(1), or Instruments, depending on how they were recorded and the filters in effect.

The trace utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

fs_usage(1), notify(3), ktrace(5), and ktrace(1)

December 1, 2023 Darwin