KTRACE(1) General Commands Manual KTRACE(1)

ktracerecord kernel trace files

ktrace info
ktrace trace
[-ACNnrSstu] [-R path | -E] [-C codes-path [...]] [-T timeout] [-f filter-desc] [-b buffer-size-mb] [-x pid-or-process-name [...] | -p pid-or-process-name [...]] [--json | --csv | --ndjson | --json-64] [-c command [...]] [--only-named-events] [--no-default-codes-files] [--continuous] [--disable-coprocessors]
ktrace dump
[-E] [-f filter-desc] [-l compression-level] [-T timeout] [-b buffer-size-mb] [-p pid-or-process-name] [--stackshot-flags extra-flags] [--include-log-content] [--disable-coprocessors] [--notify-tracing-started key] [path]
ktrace init
buffer-size-mb | n-events
ktrace setopt
[-f filter-desc] [-w] [-x pid-or-process-name [...] | -p pid-or-process-name [...]]
ktrace enable
ktrace disable
ktrace remove
ktrace reset
ktrace decode debugid [debugid [...]]
ktrace emit
debugid [arg1 [arg2 [arg3 [arg4]]]]
ktrace symbolicate
ktrace machine
ktrace config
ktrace compress
[-l -fast|balanced|small] path
ktrace artrace
[-nr] [-t timeout] [-i interval] [-o filename] [-b buffer-size-mb] [-f filter-desc] [-F filter-desc] [-p pid-or-process-name] [--kperf=sampler-name[,sampler-name@]timer-period|timer-frequency|kdebug-filter-desc] [--remote[=remote-device]] [--type=full|profile|lite|morelite|none] [--stackshot-flags extra-flags] [--notify-tracing-started key] [-c command [...]]

ktrace can configure the system to trace events, or record them to a file, and print a human-readable representation of the events.

ktrace uses a subcommand syntax to separate different functionality into logical groups. Each subcommand takes its own set of options, though a few options may be used in multiple subcommands.

Print information about the current configuration of kernel trace.
[-ACNnrSstu] [-R path | -E] [-C codes-path [...]] [-T timeout] [-f filter-desc] [-b buffer-size-mb] [-x pid-or-process-name [...] | -p pid-or-process-name [...]] [--json | --csv | --ndjson | --json-64] [-c command [...]] [--only-named-events] [--no-default-codes-files] [--continuous] [--disable-coprocessors]

Print events to stdout(4) in a human-readable format, automatically providing wall clock time, process names, and event names for each event. Without the -R or -E options, ktrace initializes the trace buffers to a reasonable size and enables tracing until it terminates.

Print events from the trace file at path.
Use an existing configuration, instead of creating a new configuration. This is necessary to use the trace subcommand with other ktrace subcommands, like init and setopt.
Don't display names of events.
Print timestamps in continuous time.
Display thread names.
Just configure and start trace running in windowed or ring buffer mode -- do not print the events. ktrace trace -E can later be used to read the in-memory events.
Print arguments as strings for tracepoints known to include strings
Attempt to symbolicate addresses found in arguments to symbols.
Print times as Mach absolute timestamps, instead of the default local wall clock time.
Print times as seconds since the start of trace.
Attempt to symbolicate addressess to uuid-offset tuples.
Use a custom codes file to provide event ID to name mappings. See trace(1) for more details on the format of codes files.
Set a custom buffer size in megabytes.
Apply a filter description to the trace session, controlling which events are traced. See FILTER DESCRIPTIONS for details on the syntax of a filter. If no filter description is provided, all events will be traced.
End tracing after timeout has elapsed. Suffixes like ns or ms are supported, but seconds are the default if just a number is supplied.
pid-or-process-name [...] | pid-or-process-name [...]
Restrict the processes that can trace events. Either exclude (-x) or only trace events (-p) from the provided processes by name or pid. These options are mutually exlusive. Processes that cannot be attached to are always excluded on release kernels. Similarly, events in the Mach scheduling subclass are included, regardless of the this option, to allow tools to maintain thread scheduling state machines.
Print events as an array of JSON objects.
Print events as CSV entries.
Print events as a stream of newline-delimited JSON objects.
Print events as JSON objects, with 64-bit numbers.
command [...]
Run the command specified by command and stop tracing when it exits. All arguments after this option are passed to the command.

Write trace to a file at path for later inspection with ktrace trace -R. If no path is specified, the tool writes to a new, numbered file in the working directory, starting with trace001.ktrace. The command continues to write events until ktrace is terminated, the optional timeout triggers, or the trace buffers fill up when using an existing configuration with wrapping disabled. If a compression level is specified, the file is compressed as it is written. Using non-default values for this option may increase the overhead of collecting events.

Use an existing configuration, instead of creating a new configuration.
Apply a filter description to events written to the file, controlling which events are traced. See FILTER DESCRIPTIONS for details on the syntax of a filter. If no filter description is provided, all events will be traced.
Only record events that occur for the process identified by pid or process-name. Only the first 16 characters of the name are observed, due to a kernel limitation. FILTER DESCRIPTIONS for details on the syntax of a filter. If no filter description is provided, all events will be traced.
End tracing after timeout has elapsed. Suffixes like ns or ms are supported, but seconds are the default if just a number is supplied.
Pass the provided extra-flags integer as additional flags when recording stackshots.
Post a notification on key after tracing has started.
-b buffer-size-mb | n-events

Initialize trace to allocate buffer-size-mb megabytes of space or n-events events for its trace buffers. This subcommand must be provided before using the setopt, enable, or disable subcommands initially or after using the remove subcommand.

[-f filter-desc] [-w] [-x pid-or-process-name [...] | -p pid-or-process-name [...]]

Set options on the existing trace configuration. The trace configuration must already be initialized.

Apply a filter description to the current configuration, controlling which events are traced. See FILTER DESCRIPTIONS for details on the syntax of a filter. If no filter description is provided, all events will be traced.
Configure trace to operate in “windowed” mode, where the trace buffer acts as a ring buffer, removing old events to make room for new ones. By default, tracing ends when the buffer runs out of space for new events.
pid-or-process-name [...] | pid-or-process-name [...]
Restrict the processes that can trace events. Either exclude (-x) or only trace events (-p) from the provided processes by name or pid. These options are mutually exlusive. Processes that cannot be attached to are always excluded on release kernels. Similarly, events in the Mach scheduling subclass are included, regardless of the this option, to allow tools to maintain thread scheduling state machines.
Start tracing events.
Stop tracing events. Tracing can be started again after it has been disabled, using the same configuration.
Remove the current trace configuration and free the memory associated with tracing.
Reset tracing and associated subsystems, including kperf, to their default state.
debugid [debugid [...]]
Print the components that make up the provided debugids.
debugid [arg1 [arg2 [arg3 [arg4]]]]

Emit an event into the trace stream with the provided debugid and arguments.

Symbolicate the trace file located at path.
Print the current system's trace configuration.
Print the current system's machine information.
[-l fast|balanced|small] path
Compress the trace file located at path using the small compression level, unless otherwise specified with the -l option.
[-nr] [-t timeout] [-i interval] [-o filename] [-b buffer-size-mb] [-f filter-desc] [-F filter-desc] [-p pid-or-process-name] [--remote[=device-name]] [--type=full|profile|lite|morelite|none] [--kperf=sampler-name,sampler-name@timer-period|timer-frequency|kdebug-filter-desc] [-d group] [-e group] [--stackshot-flags extra-flags] [--disable-coprocessors] [-c command [...]]
Profile the system, writing trace events to an automatically named file. By default, this measures scheduler, VM, and system call usage, and samples threads on-core periodically.
Specify the name of the file to be created.
Trace the classes and subclasses specified by the filter description. See FILTER DESCRIPTIONS for details on the syntax of a filter.
Exclude events from the default set. Use this options with care, since analysis tools may rely on certain events being present.
Stop tracing and exit after timeout option is provided, stop tracing and exit after timeout has elapsed. The timeout value may have us, ms, or s appended to indicate the time units.
Set the interval that the profiling timer fires (supports the same time suffixes as -t).
Disable the profiling timer entirely.
Set the trace buffer size.
Configure tracing and leave it running in ring buffer mode.
Only record events that occur for the process identified by pid or process-name. Only the first 16 characters of the name are observed, due to a kernel limitation.
Disable the group named group. See GROUPS for a list of groups.
Enable the group named group. See GROUPS for a list of groups.
Also trace on the provided device-name or the local bridge if not specified.
Trace using the specified type. full is the default, while profile just enables the profiling timer, but does not closely track scheduling events. The lite and morelite trace types are meant for long-running, low overhead analysis and prioritize analyzing threads that are blocked for relatively long periods of time, at the cost of an unbiased sample towards threads that cause a CPU to come out of idle.

The ‘lite’ modes work by lazily sampling threads as they are unblocked, and only those threads that block for more than a set threshold. Further, the typical profiling timer is disabled, in lieu of sampling the CPUs opportunistically, on other interrupts. The morelite mode has a more restrictive typefilter than lite. none mode acts like ktrace dump.

Pass the provided extra-flags integer as additional flags when recording stackshots.
command [...]
Run the command specified by command and stop tracing when it exits. All arguments after this option are passed to the command.
Sample using kperf according to the given sampling description. For the syntax of sampling descriptions, see SAMPLING DESCRIPTIONS.

A filter description is a comma-separated list of class and subclass specifiers that indicate which events should be traced. A class specifier starts with ‘C’ and contains a single byte, specified in either decimal or hex. A subclass specifier starts with ‘S’ and takes two bytes. The high byte is the class and the low byte is the subclass of that class.

For example, this filter description would enable classes 1 and 37 and the subclasses 33 and 35 of class 5: ‘C1,C0x25,S0x0521,S0x0523’. The ‘ALL’ filter description enables events from all classes.

A sampling description is similar to a filter description, but it configures sampling. It's composed of two parts: a samplers section and a trigger section, separated by @. The overall form is sampler-name[,sampler-name]@ Ns timer-period|timer-frequency|kdebug-filter-desc. The valid names of samplers are ‘ustack’, ‘kstack’, ‘thinfo’, ‘thsnapshot’, ‘meminfo’, ‘thsched’, ‘thdispatch’, ‘tksnapshot’, ‘sysmem’, and ‘thinstrscycles’.

For example, to sample user stacks every 10 milliseconds, use ‘ustack@10ms’. To sample thread scheduling information and system memory every time the ‘0xfeedfac0’ event is emitted, use ‘thsched,sysmem@D0xfeedfac0’.

Sample backtraces on system calls.
Sample backtraces on page faults.
Include graphics events.

The ktrace utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

Once trace has been initialized with the init subcommand (or the trace and artrace subcommands with the -r flag), it remains in use until the space is reclaimed with the remove subcommand. This prevents background diagnostic tools from making use of trace.

fs_usage(1), notify(3), ktrace(5), and trace(1)

June 1, 2022 Darwin