pt::pe::op - Parsing Expression Utilities
package require Tcl 8.5
package require pt::pe::op ?1?
package require pt::pe ?1?
package require struct::set
::pt::pe::op drop dropset pe
::pt::pe::op rename nt ntnew
::pt::pe::op called pe
::pt::pe::op flatten pe
::pt::pe::op fusechars pe
Are you lost ? Do you have trouble understanding this document ?
In that case please read the overview provided by the Introduction to
Parser Tools. This document is the entrypoint to the whole system the
current package is a part of.
This package provides additional commands to work with the
serializations of parsing expressions as managed by the PEG and related
packages, and specified in section PE serialization format.
This is an internal package, for use by the higher level packages
handling PEGs, their conversion into and out of various other formats, or
other uses.
- ::pt::pe::op drop dropset pe
- This command removes all occurences of any of the nonterminals symbols in
the set dropset from the parsing expression pe, and
simplifies it. This may result in the expression becoming
"epsilon", i.e. matching nothing.
- ::pt::pe::op rename nt ntnew pe
- This command renames all occurences of the nonterminal nt in the
parsing expression pe into ntnew.
- ::pt::pe::op called pe
- This command extracts the set of all nonterminal symbols used, i.e.
'called', in the parsing expression pe.
- ::pt::pe::op flatten pe
- This command transforms the parsing expression by eliminating sequences
nested in sequences, and choices in choices, lifting the children of the
nested expression into the parent. It further eliminates all sequences and
choices with only one child, as these are redundant.
The resulting parsing expression is returned as the result of
the command.
- ::pt::pe::op fusechars pe
- This command transforms the parsing expression by fusing adjacent
terminals in sequences and adjacent terminals and ranges in choices, it
(re)constructs highlevel strings and character classes.
The resulting pseudo-parsing expression is returned as the
result of the command and may contain the pseudo-operators str
for character sequences, aka strings, and cl for character
choices, aka character classes.
The result is called a pseudo-parsing expression
because it is not a true parsing expression anymore, and will fail a
check with ::pt::peg verify if the new pseudo-operators are
present in the result, but is otherwise of sound structure for a parsing
expression. Notably, the commands ::pt::peg bottomup and
::pt::peg topdown will process them without trouble.
Here we specify the format used by the Parser Tools to serialize
Parsing Expressions as immutable values for transport, comparison, etc.
We distinguish between regular and canonical
serializations. While a parsing expression may have more than one regular
serialization only exactly one of them will be canonical.
- Regular
- Atomic Parsing
- [1]
- The string epsilon is an atomic parsing expression. It matches the
empty string.
- [2]
- The string dot is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
- [3]
- The string alnum is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode alphabet or digit character. This is a custom extension of PEs
based on Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [4]
- The string alpha is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode alphabet character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on
Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [5]
- The string ascii is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode character below U0080. This is a custom extension of PEs based on
Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [6]
- The string control is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode control character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on
Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [7]
- The string digit is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode digit character. Note that this includes characters outside of the
[0..9] range. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's builtin
command string is.
- [8]
- The string graph is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode printing character, except for space. This is a custom extension
of PEs based on Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [9]
- The string lower is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode lower-case alphabet character. This is a custom extension of PEs
based on Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [10]
- The string print is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode printing character, including space. This is a custom extension of
PEs based on Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [11]
- The string punct is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode punctuation character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on
Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [12]
- The string space is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode space character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's
builtin command string is.
- [13]
- The string upper is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode upper-case alphabet character. This is a custom extension of PEs
based on Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [14]
- The string wordchar is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
Unicode word character. This is any alphanumeric character (see alnum),
and any connector punctuation characters (e.g. underscore). This is a
custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's builtin command string
- [15]
- The string xdigit is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
hexadecimal digit character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on
Tcl's builtin command string is.
- [16]
- The string ddigit is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any
decimal digit character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's
builtin command regexp.
- [17]
- The expression [list t x] is an atomic parsing expression. It
matches the terminal string x.
- [18]
- The expression [list n A] is an atomic parsing expression. It
matches the nonterminal A.
- Combined Parsing
- [1]
- For parsing expressions e1, e2, ... the result of [list /
e1 e2 ... ] is a parsing expression as well. This is the
ordered choice, aka prioritized choice.
- [2]
- For parsing expressions e1, e2, ... the result of [list x
e1 e2 ... ] is a parsing expression as well. This is the
- [3]
- For a parsing expression e the result of [list * e] is a
parsing expression as well. This is the kleene closure, describing
zero or more repetitions.
- [4]
- For a parsing expression e the result of [list + e] is a
parsing expression as well. This is the positive kleene closure,
describing one or more repetitions.
- [5]
- For a parsing expression e the result of [list & e] is a
parsing expression as well. This is the and lookahead
- [6]
- For a parsing expression e the result of [list ! e] is a
parsing expression as well. This is the not lookahead
- [7]
- For a parsing expression e the result of [list ? e] is a
parsing expression as well. This is the optional input.
- Canonical
- The canonical serialization of a parsing expression has the format as
specified in the previous item, and then additionally satisfies the
constraints below, which make it unique among all the possible
serializations of this parsing expression.
- [1]
- The string representation of the value is the canonical representation of
a pure Tcl list. I.e. it does not contain superfluous whitespace.
- [2]
- Terminals are not encoded as ranges (where start and end of the
range are identical).
Assuming the parsing expression shown on the right-hand side of
the rule
Expression <- '(' Expression ')'
/ Factor (MulOp Factor)*
then its canonical serialization (except for whitespace) is
{/ {x {t (} {n Expression} {t )}} {x {n Factor} {* {x {n MulOp} {n Factor}}}}}
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly
contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category
pt of the Tcllib SF Trackers
[]. Please also report any
ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or
EBNF, LL(k), PEG, TDPL, context-free languages, expression,
grammar, matching, parser, parsing expression, parsing expression grammar,
push down automaton, recursive descent, state, top-down parsing languages,
Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries <>