page_util_norm_lemon(n) Parser generator tools page_util_norm_lemon(n)

page_util_norm_lemon - page AST normalization, LEMON

package require page::util::norm_lemon ?0.1?

package require snit

::page::util::norm::lemon tree

This package provides a single utility command which takes an AST for a lemon grammar and normalizes it in various ways. The result is called a Normalized Lemon Grammar Tree.

Note that this package can only be used from within a plugin managed by the package page::pluginmgr.

::page::util::norm::lemon tree
This command assumes the tree object contains for a lemon grammar. It normalizes this tree in place. The result is called a Normalized Lemon Grammar Tree.

The exact operations performed are left undocumented for the moment.

This document, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category page of the Tcllib SF Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have.

graph walking, lemon, normalization, page, parser generator, text processing, tree walking

Page Parser Generator

Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries <>
1.0 page