ntext(n) Alternative Bindings for the Text Widget ntext(n)

ntext - Alternative Bindings for the Text Widget

package require Tcl 8.5

package require Tk 8.5

package require ntext ?0.81?

The purpose of the ntext package is to make the text widget behave more like other text-editing applications. It makes the text widget more useful for implementing a text editor, and makes it behave in a way that will be more familiar to most users.

The package provides a binding tag named Ntext for use by text widgets in place of the default Text binding tag.

Package ntext 's functions and variables are contained entirely in the ::ntext namespace; its other code is contained in the binding tag Ntext. ntext has no exports to the global or other namespaces, and no new widget commands. It uses modified copies of the Tk code, leaving the original code, and the Text binding tag, unchanged.

The differences between the Ntext binding tag and the default Text binding tag are in three categories:

The remainder of this page describes the basic use and configuration of all three aspects of Ntext. For more detailed information on the different facilities of Ntext, see the pages ntextBindings, ntextIndent, and ntextWordBreak.

See Section EXAMPLE for how to apply the Ntext binding tag in place of the Text binding tag.

Ntext provides alternatives to a number of behaviours of the classic Text binding tag. Where there is an option, the Ntext behaviour (except for display-line indentation) is switched on by default.

The behaviour of Ntext may be configured application-wide by setting the values of a number of namespace variables:







To create a text widget .t and use the Ntext bindings:

package require ntext
text .t
bindtags .t {.t Ntext . all}

See bindtags for more information.

bindtags, ntextBindings, ntextIndent, ntextWordBreak, re_syntax, regexp, text

bindtags, re_syntax, regexp, text

0.81 ntext