fileutil::magic::mimetype(n) file utilities fileutil::magic::mimetype(n)

fileutil::magic::mimetype - Procedures implementing mime-type recognition

package require Tcl 8.4

package require fileutil::magic::mimetype ?1.0.2?

::fileutil::magic::mimetype filename

This package provides a command for the recognition of file types in pure Tcl. The output is standardized to mime-types.

The core part of the recognizer was generated from a "magic(5)" file containing the checks to perform to recognize files, and associated mime-types.

::fileutil::magic::mimetype filename
This command is similar to the command fileutil::fileType.

The output of the command for the specified file is not a list of attributes describing the type of the file, but a list of standard mime-types the file may have.

This list will be empty if the type of the file is not recognized.

File(1) sources [] This site contains the current sources for the file command, including the magic definitions used by it. The latter were used by us to generate this recognizer.

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category fileutil :: magic of the Tcllib SF Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

file(1), fileutil, magic(5)

file recognition, file type, file utilities, mime, type

Programming tools

1.0.2 fumagic