menubutton(n) | Tk Built-In Commands | menubutton(n) |
menubutton - Create and manipulate menubutton widgets
menubutton pathName ?options?
-activebackground -disabledforeground -padx -activeforeground -font -pady -anchor -foreground -relief -background -highlightbackground -takefocus -bitmap -highlightcolor -text -borderwidth -highlightthickness -textvariable -cursor -image -underline -compound -justify -wraplength
See the options manual entry for details on the standard options.
[-direction direction] Specifies where the menu is going to be popup up. above tries to pop the menu above the menubutton. below tries to pop the menu below the menubutton. left tries to pop the menu to the left of the menubutton. right tries to pop the menu to the right of the menu button. flush pops the menu directly over the menubutton. In the case of above or below, the direction will be reversed if the menu would show offscreen. [-height height] Specifies a desired height for the menubutton. If an image or bitmap is being displayed in the menubutton then the value is in screen units (i.e. any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels); for text it is in lines of text. If this option is not specified, the menubutton's desired height is computed from the size of the image or bitmap or text being displayed in it. [-indicatoron indicatorOn] The value must be a proper boolean value. If it is true then a small indicator rectangle will be displayed on the right side of the menubutton and the default menu bindings will treat this as an option menubutton. If false then no indicator will be displayed. [-menu menu] Specifies the path name of the menu associated with this menubutton. The menu must be a child of the menubutton. [-state state] Specifies one of three states for the menubutton: normal, active, or disabled. In normal state the menubutton is displayed using the foreground and background options. The active state is typically used when the pointer is over the menubutton. In active state the menubutton is displayed using the activeForeground and activeBackground options. Disabled state means that the menubutton should be insensitive: the default bindings will refuse to activate the widget and will ignore mouse button presses. In this state the disabledForeground and background options determine how the button is displayed. [-width width] Specifies a desired width for the menubutton. If an image or bitmap is being displayed in the menubutton then the value is in screen units (i.e. any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels); for text it is in characters. If this option is not specified, the menubutton's desired width is computed from the size of the image or bitmap or text being displayed in it.
The menubutton command creates a new window (given by the pathName argument) and makes it into a menubutton widget. Additional options, described above, may be specified on the command line or in the option database to configure aspects of the menubutton such as its colors, font, text, and initial relief. The menubutton command returns its pathName argument. At the time this command is invoked, there must not exist a window named pathName, but pathName's parent must exist.
A menubutton is a widget that displays a textual string, bitmap, or image and is associated with a menu widget. If text is displayed, it must all be in a single font, but it can occupy multiple lines on the screen (if it contains newlines or if wrapping occurs because of the wrapLength option) and one of the characters may optionally be underlined using the underline option. In normal usage, pressing mouse button 1 over the menubutton causes the associated menu to be posted just underneath the menubutton. If the mouse is moved over the menu before releasing the mouse button, the button release causes the underlying menu entry to be invoked. When the button is released, the menu is unposted.
Menubuttons are typically organized into groups called menu bars that allow scanning: if the mouse button is pressed over one menubutton (causing it to post its menu) and the mouse is moved over another menubutton in the same menu bar without releasing the mouse button, then the menu of the first menubutton is unposted and the menu of the new menubutton is posted instead.
There are several interactions between menubuttons and menus; see the menu manual entry for information on various menu configurations, such as pulldown menus and option menus.
The menubutton command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following general form:
pathName option ?arg arg ...?
Tk automatically creates class bindings for menubuttons that give them the following default behavior:
If the menubutton's state is disabled then none of the above actions occur: the menubutton is completely non-responsive.
The behavior of menubuttons can be changed by defining new bindings for individual widgets or by redefining the class bindings.
ttk::menubutton(n), menu(n)
menubutton, widget
4.0 | Tk |