lrepeat(n) Tcl Built-In Commands lrepeat(n)

lrepeat - Build a list by repeating elements

lrepeat number element1 ?element2 element3 ...?

The lrepeat command creates a list of size number * number of elements by repeating number times the sequence of elements element1 element2 .... number must be a positive integer, elementn can be any Tcl value. Note that lrepeat 1 arg ... is identical to list arg ..., though the arg is required with lrepeat.

lrepeat 3 a
      → a a a
lrepeat 3 [lrepeat 3 0]
      → {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}
lrepeat 3 a b c
      → a b c a b c a b c
lrepeat 3 [lrepeat 2 a] b c
      → {a a} b c {a a} b c {a a} b c

list(n), lappend(n), linsert(n), llength(n), lset(n)

element, index, list

8.5 Tcl