smbd(8) System Manager's Manual smbd(8)

smbdSMB server daemon

smbd [options]

smbd runs on a server machine to service SMB protocol requests from SMB client machines.

The service will log extensive debug information and may perform extra diagnostic checks. In debug mode, smbd will not exit when idle.
Prints a usage message and exits.
The service will listen on each of the TCP ports specified in the comma-separated list. This option is typically only used for debugging, since smbd is normally launched by launchd(8) on port 445.
Causes smbd to print log messages to standard output instead of the system log.
In normal operation, smbd will respond to client symlink requests but will never follow symlinks itself. This flag causes smbd to restrict client access to symlink operations and to always follow symlinks. In this case, clients will not be aware that symlinks are in use because they will always be directed to the symlink target.

The primary configuration for the SMB stack. This file is updated by various system services and should not be edited by hand.
The smbd service's property list file for launchd(8).

This signal causes smbd to re-read its configuration settings.


The SMB protocol is documented as part of the Microsoft Work Group Server Protocol Program (WSPP) technical documentation set, specifically

Common Internet File System Specification
Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol Specification

The smbd utility first appeared in Mac OS 10.7.

Wed Nov 4 17:03:55 PST 2009 Darwin