sc_auth(8) System Manager's Manual sc_auth(8)

sc_authSmartCard authorization setup script

sc_auth pair [-v] -u user -h hash

sc_auth unpair [-v] [-u user] [-h hash]

sc_auth pairing_ui [-v] [-f] [-s enable|disable|status]

sc_auth identities

sc_auth list [-v] [-u user] [-d domain]

sc_auth changepin [-t tokenid] [-u]

sc_auth verifypin [-t tokenid] [-p PIN]

sc_auth enable_for_login -c class-id

sc_auth filevault -o operation [-u user] [-h hash]

CTK Identity

sc_auth create-ctk-identity -l label -k p-256|p-384|p-521|p-256-ne|p-384-ne [-t bio|none] [-N CN] [-E emailAddress] [-U OU] [-O O] [-L L] [-S ST] [-C C]

sc_auth delete-ctk-identity -h hash

sc_auth delete-all-ctk-identities

sc_auth list-ctk-identities [-t sha1|sha256|ssh] [-e hex|b64]

sc_auth import-ctk-identities -f fileName [-t bio|none] [-p password]

sc_auth export-ctk-identity -h hash -f fileName [-p password]

sc_auth create-ctk-csr -h hash -f fileName [-N CN] [-E emailAddress] [-U OU] [-O O] [-L L] [-S ST] [-C C]

sc_auth import-ctk-certificate -f fileName

Legacy Support

sc_auth accept [-v] [-u user] [-d domain] -k keyname

sc_auth accept [-v] [-u user] [-d domain] -h hash

sc_auth remove [-v] [-u user] [-d domain]

sc_auth hash [-k keyname]

Configures a local user account to permit authentication using a supported SmartCard. Authentication is via asymmetric key (also known as public-key) encryption.

CTK Identity

CTK Identity allows to create and manipulate CryptoTokenKit identities. CryptoTokenKit identities can use non-exportable or exportable private keys. The non-exportable private key is protected by the Secure Enclave and the key never leves the Secure Enclave in open form. The exportable private key is encrypted with Elliptic Curve Encryption Standard Variable IVX963 algorithm which is backed by a Secure Enclave key. CryptoTokenKit Identities and private keys can be used for TLS authentication, email protection and SSL using ssh-keychain(8) library.

Legacy Support

Performs the legacy actions.

list [-v] [-u user] [-d domain] List all public keys associated with a user.

changepin [-t tokenid] [-u] Change or unblock SmartCard PIN. This command works only for Personal Identity Verification (PIV) SmartCards.
verifypin [-t tokenid] [-p PIN] Verify SmartCard PIN. This command works only for Personal Identity Verification (PIV) SmartCards.
enable_for_login [-c class-id] Enable the app extension for login and make the token available to the system for authentication.
filevault -o status|enable|disable [-u user] [-h hash] Manage SmartCard support for FileVault unlock.

sc_auth is a shell script. It is intended to be modified by administrators to suit their local environments.

sc_auth is only known to work with a local directory. Consult the script's source for some limited guidance to using remote directories.

SmartCardServices(7), SmartCardServices-legacy(7), pam_smartcard(8), ssh-keychain(8)

December 11, 2006 MacOSX