pwpolicy(8) System Manager's Manual pwpolicy(8)

pwpolicygets and sets password policies

pwpolicy [-h]

pwpolicy [-v] [-a authenticator] [-p password] [-u username | -c computername] [-n nodename] command command-arg

pwpolicy [-v] [-a authenticator] [-p password] [-u username | -c computername] [-n nodename] command "policy1=value1 policy2=value2 ..."

pwpolicy manipulates password policies.

name of the authenticator
name of the computer account to modify
password (omit this option for a secure prompt)
name of the user account to modify
use a specific directory node; the search node is used by default.

Get global policies. DEPRECATED.
Set global policies. DEPRECATED.
Get policies for a user. DEPRECATED.
Gets the combination of global and user policies that apply to the user. DEPRECATED.
Set policies for a user. DEPRECATED.
Set a new password for a user. Non-administrators can use this command to change their own passwords.
Enable a user account that was disabled by a password policy event.
Disable a user account.
Returns the default list of password hashes stored on disk for this system.
Edits the default list of password hashes stored on disk for this system.
Returns a list of password hashes stored on disk for a user account.
Edits the list of password hashes stored on disk for a user account.
Sets (replaces) the account polices for the specified user. If no user is specified, sets the global account policies. Takes one argument: the name of the file containing the policies.
Gets the account policies for the specified user. If no user is specified, gets the global account policies.
Removes all of the account policies for the specified user. If no user is specified, removes the global account policies.
Determines if the policies allow the user to authenticate

Account policies are the replacement for the deprecated legacy global and user policies. Account policies are specified as a dictionary containing three keys, one key for each policy category. Note that the dictionary is not required to contain all of the policy categories. Valid keys for the policy categories are:

Controls when a user may login/authenticate.
Determines if/when a user is required to change their password
Controls the set of allowable characters in a password.

Each policy category contains an array of individual policy dictionaries. Valid keys in the policy dictionary are:

A user-defined unique identifier for the policy.
An optional key that contains a dictionary of parameters to be used in the policy or used for display purposes.
The actual policy string, from which an NSPredicate can be created. Any valid NSPredicate keyword may be used, as well as certain parameters from the user's record and the policy's parameters dictionary.

Below is an example account policy dictionary. Not all policy categories need be present in the dictionary.

            <string>policyAttributeMaximumFailedAuthentications &lt; policyAttributeFailedAuthentications</string>
            <string>failed auths</string>
            <string>policyAttributeCurrentTime &gt; policyAttributeLastPasswordChangeTime + policyAttributeExpiresEveryNDays * DAYS_TO_SECONDS</string>
            <string>Change every 30 days</string>
            <string>policyAttributePassword matches '.{3,}+'</string>

The following keywords may be used in the policy content. The values from the user's record will be substitued for the keyword when the policy is evaluated. User-defined keywords may also be used, as long the keyword is present in the policy's parameters dictionary.

User's new password.
Hashes of the new password. Compared against the history.
User's password history.
How much password history to keep.
Current date and time as an NSDate. Use for comparing localized NSDates.
Current date and time in seconds. Used for date/time calculations, i.e. date + interval.
Current day of the week (integer).
Current time of day (0000 to 2359).
Number of consecutive failed authentication attempts.
Maximum allowed consecutive failed authentication attempts.
Time of the last failed authentication.
Time of the last successful authentication.
Time of the last password change.
Time when a new password is required.
Time when the account was created.
Number of consecutive (i.e. run of the same) characters in a password.
Maximum number of consectuive characters allowed in a password.
Number of sequention (ascending or descending) characters in a password.
Maximum allowed nmber of sequention (ascending or descending) characters in a password.
Expires every n number of days.
Synonym for the above.
Date on which the account is enabled (localized NSDate).
Date on which the account will expire (localized NSdate).
Day of week on which the account is enabled (integer).
Day of week on which the account will expire (integer).
Time of day at which the account is enabled (integer, 0000-2359).
Time of day at which the account will expire (integer, 0000-2359).

0 = user can reuse the current password, 1 = user cannot reuse the current password, 2-15 = user cannot reuse the last n passwords.
If 1, user is required to change password on the date in expirationDateGMT
If 1, user's account is disabled on the date in hardExpireDateGMT
If 1, user's password is required to have a character in [A-Z][a-z].
If 1, user's password is required to have a character in [0-9].
Date for the password to expire, format must be: mm/dd/yy
Date for the user's account to be disabled, format must be: mm/dd/yy
Date for the user's account to be enabled, format must be: mm/dd/yy
user is required to change the password at this interval
user's account is disabled after this interval
user's account is disabled if it is not accessed by this interval
user's account is disabled if the failed login count exceeds this number
passwords must contain at least minChars
passwords are limited to maxChars

If 1, user account is not allowed to authenticate, ever.
If 1, this user can administer accounts on the password server.
If 1, the user will be prompted for a new password at the next authentication. Applications that do not support change password will not authenticate.
If 1, the user can change the password.

Required for IMAP.
Required for APOP and WebDAV. Only available on Mac OS X Server edition.
The default for loginwindow.
Legacy hash for loginwindow.
Required for compatibility with Windows NT/XP file sharing.
Legacy hash for loginwindow.
Legacy hash for loginwindow.

To get global policies:

To set global policies:

To get policies for a specific user account:

To set policies for a specific user account:

To change the password for a user:

To set the list of hash types for local accounts:


13 November 2002 Mac OS X