nlcontrol(8) System Manager's Manual nlcontrol(8)

nlcontrolNETLOGON secure channel utility

nlcontrol [reconfigure] status [options] status

nlcontrol [options] verify

nlcontrol [options] change-password

The NETLOGON channel is a secure connection to a Windows Domain Controller that is used for non-Kerberos user authentication. nlcontrol can be used to manipulate and test the status of the NETLOGON channel.

The service will log extensive debug information and may perform extra diagnostic checks. This option is typically only useful for debugging.
Prints a usage message and exits.
The service will listen on each of the TCP ports specified in the comma-separated list. This option is typically only used for debugging.

nlcontrol supports the following commands:

Force the NETLOGON service to re-read its configuration information. This is not necessary in normal operation, since the NETLOGON service will detect relevant configuration changes and re-establish the secure channel automatically.
Print the current status of the NETLOGON channel without altering its state.
Attempt to verify that the NETLOGON channel is available and working correctly.
Bring up the NETLOGON channel and change the password of the machine account. The machine account is used to authenticate to the Domain Controller in order to secure the channel.

nlcontrol will exit with a non-zero error code if the command fails. It may also display a Windows error code, which is typically self-explanatory.

The nlcontrol utility first appeared in Mac OS 10.7.

Wed Nov 4 17:03:55 PST 2009 Darwin