HFS.UTIL(8) System Manager's Manual HFS.UTIL(8)

hfs.utilHFS+ file system utility

hfs.util -m device mountpoint [mountflag1] [mountflag2] [mountflag3] [mountflag4]

hfs.util -p device [mountflag1] [mountflag2] [mountflag3] [mountflag4]

hfs.util -J [size] mountpoint

hfs.util -U mountpoint

hfs.util -N device

hfs.util -I mountpoint

hfs.util [-aksu] device

The hfs.util command supports the mounting, probing, and unmounting of HFS+ file systems.


Adopt permissions for the HFS file system at device
Print out status information about the journal on the HFS file system at mountpoint
Enable journaling on the HFS file system mounted on mountpoint. An optional size may be specified (e.g. 32M for a 32 megabyte journal).
Get the UUID key for the HFS file system at device.
Mount the HFS file system located on device onto mountpoint with the flags mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4
Force mount the HFS file system located on device onto mountpoint with the flags mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4. This is a deprecated option.
Disable journaling on a HFS+ file system located at device
Probe the device for an HFS file system using the flags mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4
Set the UUID key (generates a new UUID value) for the HFS file system at device
Unmount the HFS file system located at device
Disable journaling on the HFS+ file system mounted on mountpoint

The mountflags referenced above are either:

Note that for the device references above, you must only supply the last component of the path to the device in question, such as disk0s2 rather than /dev/disk0s2.


Derived from the Openstep Workspace Manager file system utility programs.

October 27, 2020 Darwin