dsenableroot(8) System Manager's Manual dsenableroot(8)

dsenablerootenables or disables the root account.

dsenableroot [-d] [-u username] [-p password] [-r rootPassword]

dsenableroot sets the password for the root account if enabling the root user account. Otherwise, if disable [-d] is chosen, the root account passwords are removed and the root user is disabled.

A list of flags and their descriptions:

Username of a user that has administrative privileges on this computer.
Password to use in conjunction with the specified username. If this is not specified, you will be prompted for entry.
Password to be used for the root account. If this is not specified for enabling, you will be prompted for entry.

Your username will be used and you will be queried for both your password and the new root password to be set to enable the root account.
-dsenableroot -d
Your username will be used and you will be queried for only your password to disable the root account.
-dsenableroot -u username -p userpassword -r rootpassword
The supplied arguments will be used to enable the root account.
-dsenableroot -d -u username -p userpassword
The supplied arguments will be used to disable the root account.
August 08 2003 Mac OS X