dedutil(8) System Manager's Manual dedutil(8)

dedutilCommand line interface for DiagnosticExtensionsDaemon.framework.

dedutil communicates with diagnosticextensionsd using DiagnosticExtensionsDaemon.framework APIs. This tool is also the recommended way to test DiagnosticExtensions

--help: Prints this help article.
--exit: Exits dedutil.
--pause=<seconds>: Pause the execution for the specified number of seconds
--no-wait: dedutil will not wait for collect/finish operations to complete.
--wait: dedutil will wait for collect/finish operations to complete (default).
--blocking: dedutil will block on each of the collect calls.
--no-blocking: dedutil will not block on each of the collect/finish calls (default).
--interactive: Enter dedutil interactive mode
--print-state: Prints out the current state of dedutil.
--reset: Reset DED state.
--connections: List diagnosticextensionsd XPC connections.

--ping: Ping the daemon.
--ping-session=[session ID]: Ping the specified or current session.

Device Discovery/Targeting
--transport=<IDS|Sharing>: Sets the transport for remote devices. Defaults to IDS.
--discover=[seconds]: Discover devices over Sharing and IDS for the specified number of seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.
--devices: List discovered devices.
--stop-discover: Stop device discovery.
--pair=[device identifier]: Pair with a device using Sharing.
--device=<device identifier>: Set the target device for subsequent sessions.
--local-device: Set target device to local device.

Session Creation
--session=[session ID]: Create or reconnect to a session and set the current session for the current device.
--set-session=<session ID>: Set current session to an existing session (as returned in show-sessions.
--show-sessions: Show all sessions known to this invocation of dedutil.
--session-exists=<session ID>: Check if a session exists in the daemon.
--localization=<localization>: Set the localization value to be used with 'extension-text' command

--device-capabilities=[device identifier]: Show device's capabilities.
--session-capabilities=[session ID]: Show capabilities of current/specified session.
--set-configuration=<{fba|unset|default}>: Set the configuration for subsequently created sessions.
--set-capabilities=<{default|all|all-v1}>: Set the capabilities for subsequently created sessions.
--show-capabilities: Show the capabilities that will be used for subsequently created sessions.

Session Status
--status=[session ID]: Get session status
--session-state: Gets pre and post-commit state of given Bug Session

Collect/Load/Run DE
--parameters=<JSON file or JSON string>: Set parameters for the NEXT collect call ONLY.
--set-timeout=<timeout in seconds>: Override the collect timeout.
--collect=<DE bundle ID>: Run diagnostic extension and collect files.
--collect-all: Run all diagnostic extensions on system and collect files.
--defer-delay=[delay in seconds]: Get/set the deferred execution delay
--collect-deferred=<DE bundle ID>: Collect DE using deferred execution.
--show-extensions: Lists all available DiagnosticExtensions for the current session.
--extension-text=<extension identifier>: Load Diagnostic Extension text data

Cancel Collection
--cancel=<DEDExtensionIdentifier string>: Cancel specified collection in the current session, using the DEDExtensionIdentifier string.
--cancel-all=<DE bundle ID>: Cancel all collections matching this bundle identifier.

Finish Session
--finish=[session ID]: Finish and copy the diagnostics.

Notify Session
--force-cancel-notify: Use the backup API for clearing notifications on Bug Sessions that can't be started
--notify=[session ID]: Notify the current/specified session.
--cancel-notify=[session ID]: Cancel the notification for the current/specified session.

Cancel Session
--cancel-session=[session ID]: Cancel and cleanup the current/specified session.

Other Commands
--send-data: Send and write a data blob to the target device

Run a DiagnosticExtension:

Run a DiagnosticExtension with parameters:
dedutil --parameters="{

Run a DiagnosticExtension with parameters from JSON file:
dedutil --parameters=sysdiagnose.json

Run a DiagnosticExtension on a remote device:
dedutil --device=1234567890987654321abcdef

Run multiple DiagnosticExtensions:
dedutil --device=1234567890987654321abcdef

Change the capabilities set:
dedutil --set-capabilities=default

January 9, 2023 macOS