KernelEventAgentutility to provide user interface on behalf of the kernel

KernelEventAgent [-dv] [-f fsname] [-t timeout]

The KernelEventAgent utility is responsible for displaying disk full and unresponsive file server messages. It is not intended to be run directly, but rather started by the system. The few options it has are intended as debugging aids. Typically, allowing the system to start KernelEventAgent by itself, without any additional options, is the ideal configuration.

The options are as follows:

Debug mode. Do not fork into a detached process, and write messages to stderr as well as the system log.
Verbose mode. System messages of LOG_INFO level and LOG_DEBUG level are raised to the LOG_NOTICE level.
The file system identified by fsname is also passed the timeout value via the VFS_CTL_TIMEO sysctl.
The timeout value, specified in seconds, is the amount of time to wait before the user is notified again after dismissing notice of an unresponsive network mount point.
October 4, 2005 macOS 15.3