macOS — System Administration Tools and Daemons
- AEServer(8) — AEServer(8) -- System-wide daemon which recevies incoming (remote) AppleEvents
- AMPArtworkAgent(8) — The artwork agent for,, and iOS/iPod device syncing
- AMPDiscoveryService(8) — The discovery service for managing iOS/iPod device discovery
- AMPLibraryAgent(8) — The media library agent for and
- AMPSystemPlayerAgent(8) — The agent for MediaPlayer system player
- APFSUserAgent(8) — APFS new container observer
- ARDAgent(8) — Apple Remote Desktop Agent
- ASPCarryLog(8) — Daemon to collect NAND IO pattern on selected devices
- AVCAssistant(8) — CoreMediaIO DAL Assistant Process
- AccessibilityVisualsAgent(8) — Accessibility Visuals Launch Agent
- AddressBookSourceSync(8) — Syncs Contacts data with servers
- AppleQEMUGuestAgent(8) — implements support for QMP commands and events
- AppleVNCServer(8) — listens for VNC connections from clients
- AppleVirtualPlatformHIDBridge(8) — Bridge HID services from a Virtualization host
- AssetCache(8) — Caching service
- AssetCacheAgent(8) — Caching service agent
- AssetCacheLocatorService(8) — Service to find local macOS Content Caches
- AssetCacheLocatorUtil(8) — Utility for reporting information about macOS Content Caches
- AssetCacheManagerService(8) — Service to manage macOS Content Caching
- AssetCacheManagerUtil(8) — control the macOS Content Cache
- AssetCacheTetheratorService(8) — Service to support Internet sharing with USB devices
- AssetCacheTetheratorUtil(8) — control networking of tethered devices
- AuthBrokerAgent(8) — The proxy credential daemon
- AutomationModeUI(8) — Agent reflecting UI automation status
- BackgroundTaskManagementAgent(8) — User agent which manages notifications about background task processes
- BiomeAgent(8) — Biome operation graph execution launch agent
- BootCacheControl(8) — provides control of caches used during startup
- CFNetworkAgent(8) — The network compatibility daemon
- CSCSupportd(8) — Core System Check Support daemon
- CVMCompiler(8) — Mac OS X Core Virtual Machine Compiler
- CVMServer(8) — Mac OS X Core Virtual Machine Server
- CalendarAgentBookmarkMigrationService(8) — service for migrating persisted file bookmark data from a legacy agent to its replacement
- CloudKeychainProxy(8) — part of iCloud keychain syncing
- CommCenter(8) — Provides functionality to allow the Mac to make and receive phone calls
- CommCenterRootHelper(8) — Helper to CommCenter(8)
- ControlCenter(8) — macOS Control Center
- ControlStrip(8) — Touch Bar Control Strip
- CoreLocationAgent(8) — manages location authorization prompts
- CrashReporterSupportHelper(8) — Provides functionality in support of CrashReporterSupport
- DataDetectorsLocalSources(8) — DataDetectors user source content manager
- DataDetectorsSourceAccess(8) — DataDetectors sources utility
- DejaView(8) — -- reconstruct state in a log archive at a given time
- DevToolsSecurity(8) — Change the security authorization policies for developer systems
- DictationIM(8) — Implements system-wide Dictation and command & control
- DiskUnmountWatcher(8) — watches for disk unmount and remove cached credentials
- Dock(8) — Provides the Dock interface for the system
- FDERecoveryAgent(8) — Full Disk Encryption Key Recovery Transmission Agent
- FamilyControlsAgent(8) — Family Controls Agent
- FolderActionsDispatcher(8) — monitoring and settings daemon for Folder Actions
- GSSCred(8) — manages GSS-API credentials
- GameControllerConfigService(8) — game controller configuration service
- GamePolicyAgent(8) — Assists gamepolicyd in user optimization of system performance for running game processes, manages UI elements
- IIDCVideoAssistant(8) — CoreMediaIO DAL Assistant Process
- IOBluetoothUSBDFUTool(8) — Performs the USB Bluetooth automatic firmware update
- IOUIAgent(8) — I/O User Interface Launch Agent
- IPConfigurationHelper(8) — parsing helper for configd
- KernelEventAgent(8) — utility to provide user interface on behalf of the kernel
- Keychain Circle Notification(8) — Part of iCloud Keychain syncing
- LiveTranscriptionAgent(8) — Live Transcription Launch Agent
- MIDIServer(8) — Agent supporting CoreMIDI framework
- MTLAssetUpgraderD(8) — Metal asset upgrader daemon
- ManagedClient(8) — -- Managed preferences and configuration profiles daemon
- ManagedClientAgent(8) — -- Device enrollment and ManagedClient process notification daemon
- ManagedSettingsAgent(8) — Managed Settings Agent
- MotionTrackingAgent(8) — Motion Tracking Launch Agent
- NANDTaskScheduler(8) — Daemon to periodically refresh data on NAND
- NFRestoreService(8) — NearField restore daemon
- NRDUpdated(8) — The Network Recovery on Disk Update daemon
- NVMeAgent(8) — Agent for NVMe devices
- NetAuthAgent(8) — Shows dialogs on behalf of NetAuthSysAgent
- NetAuthSysAgent(8) — Mounts network shares
- NotificationCenter(8) — Notification Center service for display notifications
- OSDUIHelper(8) — OSDFramework UI helper
- PIPAgent(8) — A system service which provides picture in picture functionality
- PasswordService(8) — Mac OS X Server Password Server daemon
- PerfPowerServices(8) — manages structured log archives that enable retrieval of system power and performance data
- PerfPowerServicesExtended(8) — manages structured log archives that enable retrieval of system power and performance data
- PlistBuddy(8) — read and write values to plists
- PrintUITool(8) — a tool to perform privileged ui based operations on the printing system
- ProtectedCloudKeySyncing(8) — part of ProtectedCloudKey subsystem
- RFBEventHelperd(8) — Screen Sharing app helper daemon
- RemoteManagementAgent(8) — Remote Management protocol agent
- ReportCrash(8) — Generates crash reports
- ReportMemoryException(8) — generates memory usage diagnostic logs
- ReportSystemMemory(8) — Write jetsam event reports
- SSInvitationAgent(8) — Screen Sharing Invitation Agent
- SafeEjectGPU(8) — Facilitate safe eject/disconnect of eGPU(s) from system
- ScreenTimeAgent(8) — Screen Time Agent
- ScreensharingAgent(8) — communicates with screensharingd to provide access to a user session
- SecurityAgent(8) — Authorization Services Agent
- ServicesUIAgent(8) — Agent for displaying AppKit services
- SharePointManagementService(8) — Service agent which manages Share Points
- SidecarDisplayAgent(8) — Sidecar Virtual Display Service
- SidecarRelay(8) — Sidecar Relay Service
- SoftwareUpdateNotificationManager(8) — macOS software update
- SpeechDataInstallerd(8) — Manages downloading of speech-related assets
- SpeechSynthesisServer(8) — Implements speaking hotkey and time announcements text-to-speech features
- StatusKitAgent(8) — Agent backing StatusKit framework
- StorageManagementService(8) — Storage Management
- SubmitDiagInfo(8) — sends diagnostic information to Apple
- SystemUIServer(8) — Presents status items in the upper right of menu bar
- ThermalTrap(8) — system application for presenting thermal warnings
- TouchBarServer(8) — Touch Bar render server
- UASharedPasteboardProgressUI(8) — Progress UI Service for Universal Clipboard
- UASysAgent(8) — A tool used by UnmountAssistant
- USBAgent(8) — Agent for USB devices
- UniversalControl(8) — Universal Control
- UnmountAssistantAgent(8) — Provides help when a disk can't be ejected
- UsageTrackingAgent(8) — Usage Tracking Agent
- UserEventAgent(8) — high-level system event handler
- UserPictureSyncAgent(8) — Agent for synchronizing user picture between user record and Me card in Contacts
- VDCAssistant(8) — CoreMediaIO DAL Assistant Process
- VNCPrivilegeProxy(8) — Screen sharing server helper daemon
- WiFiAgent(8) — Wi-Fi User agent
- WindowServer(8) — Window management, compositing, and event routing daemon
- WirelessRadioManagerd(8) — Wireless Radio Manager daemon
- ac(8) — connect time accounting
- accton(8) — enable/disable system accounting
- adprivacyd(8) — advertising privacy services daemon
- airport(8) — get information for 802.11 interface
- airportd(8) — airport daemon
- amfid(8) — The mobile file integrity daemon
- amt(8) — Abstract Machine Test Utility
- analyticsagent(8) — Diagnostics and Usage
- anvil(8) — Postfix session count and request rate control
- apachectl(8) — Apache HTTP Server Control Interface
- apfs.util(8) — APFS file system utility
- apfs_condenser(8) — insert the contents of an existing B-tree into a new B-tree to improve B-tree space utilization
- apfs_hfs_convert(8) — convert an existing HFS file system to APFS file system
- apfs_systemsnapshot(8) — create and tag APFS system snapshots
- apfs_unlockfv(8) — unlock an APFS FileVault data volume
- apfsd(8) — APFS volume manager
- appinstalld(8) — macOS IPA installation daemon
- appleeventsd(8) — appleeventsd(8) -- System-wide daemon which coordinates AppleEvents activity on the system
- applekeystored(8) — helper process for keybag management
- applessdstatistics(8) — -- Storage statistics daemon
- appplaceholdersyncd(8) — Agent which syncs app info between devices
- appsleepd(8) — app sleep daemon
- apsd(8) — Apple Push Notification service daemon
- arp(8) — address resolution display and control
- aslmanager(8) — Apple System Log data life-cycle manager
- asr(8) — Apple Software Restore; copy volumes (e.g. from disk images)
- assessmentagent(8) — Assessment Mode's coordination agent
- assistantd(8) — Siri Daemon
- atrun(8) — run jobs queued for later execution
- atsutil(8) — font registration system utility
- attach_automation_image(8), -(8) — ."====================== attach_automation_image attach and initialize disk images for automation_trampoline(8) ." ."
- attentionawarenessd(8) — attention awareness daemon
- audioanalyticsd(8) — Audio Diagnostics and Usage Reporting
- audit(8) — audit management utility
- auditd(8) — audit log management daemon
- authorizationhost(8) — Authorization Services component
- autofsd(8) — daemon to update autofs mounts on network changes
- automation_trampoline(8), -(8) — ."====================== automation_trampoline runs automation on boot ." ." ." ."
- automationmode-writer(8) — Daemon entitled to enable or disable UI automation
- automount(8) — mount autofs on the appropriate mount points
- automountd(8) — automatic mount / unmount daemon for autofs
- backgroundassetsd(8) — helper for the BackgroundAssets framework
- backgroundtaskmanagementd(8) — Daemon which manages policy for background task processes and login items
- backupd(8) — Time Machine backup daemon
- backupd-helper(8) — Time Machine backup daemon helper
- biomed(8) — Biome operation graph execution daemon
- biomesyncd(8) — data synchronization daemon
- biometrickitd(8) — biometric daemon
- bird(8) — Documents in the Cloud
- bless(8) — set volume bootability and startup disk options
- bluetoothuserd(8) — Handles user context Bluetooth features
- bootinstalld(8) — macOS boot-time installation daemon
- bootpd(8) — DHCP/BOOTP
- bosreporter(8) — bridgeOS software update
- boswatcher(8) — bridgeOS software update
- bounce(8) — Postfix delivery status reports
- caffeinate(8) — prevent the system from sleeping on behalf of a utility
- calaccessd(8) — calendar data process
- callservicesd(8) — call server
- captiveagent(8) — Daemon to detect and process captive networks
- cd9660.util(8) — ISO 9660 file system utility
- cfprefsd(8) — defaults server
- chat(8) — Automated conversational script with a modem
- checkgid(8) — validate group identifiers
- chkpasswd(8) — verifies user password against various systems
- chown(8) — change file owner and group
- chroot(8) — change root directory
- ciphermld(8) — daemon that supports PIR/PEC workflow
- ckdiscretionaryd(8) — CloudKit Discretionary Daemon
- classkit-tool(8) — ClassKit Tool
- cleanup(8) — canonicalize and enqueue Postfix message
- cloudconfigurationd(8) — Device Enrollment client daemon
- cloudd(8) — CloudKit
- cloudphotod(8) — The macOS iCloud Photos agent
- colorsync.displayservices(8) — ColorSync Display Services
- colorsync.useragent(8), colorsync.usergaent(8) — ColorSync User Agent
- colorsyncd(8) — ColorSync Daemon
- — Safari Safe Browsing Service
- — CoreMediaIO DAL Registration Assistant Service
- — SmartCard reader daemon
- — Centralized text-to-speech process for generating speech output
- companiond(8) — Companion Services Daemon
- configd(8) — System Configuration Daemon
- contactsd(8) — contactsd daemon
- contactsdonationagent(8) — contactsdonationagent daemon
- containermanagerd(8) — Application and plug-in containerization management daemon
- containermanagerd_system(8) — System container directory management daemon
- coordinated(8) — Coordination Daemon
- coreautha(8) — LocalAuthentication user interface agent
- coreauthd(8) — LocalAuthentication daemon and agent
- corebrightnessd(8) — corebrightnessd daemon
- corecaptured(8) — corecaptured daemon
- coredatad(8) — coredatad handles CloudKit syncing for clients of Core Data + CloudKit
- corekdld(8) — CoreKDL daemon
- corestoraged(8) — CoreStorage volume manager
- coresymbolicationd(8) — daemon to manage debug symbols cache
- countryd(8) — Listens for country-level information and makes that available to users of RegulatoryDomain.framework
- cpuctl(8) — program to control CPUs
- create_automation_image_overlay(8), -(8) — ."====================== create_automation_image_overlay overlay automation image content onto another directory ." ."
- cron(8) — daemon to execute scheduled commands (Vixie Cron)
- cryptexd(8) — Cryptex management daemon
- csnameddata(8) — displays and sets information for the the CSNamedData service
- csrutil(8) — Configure system security policies
- csunique(8) — modify the UUIDs of CoreStorage metadata objects
- ctkahp(8) — SmartCard Agent
- ctkbind(8) — SmartCard pairing tool
- ctkd(8) — SmartCard daemon/agent
- cups-lpd(8) — receive print jobs and report printer status to lpd clients (deprecated)
- cups-snmp(8), snmp(8) — cups snmp backend (deprecated)
- cupsaccept(8), cupsaccept/cupsreject(8) — accept/reject jobs sent to a destination
- cupsctl(8) — configure cupsd.conf options
- cupsd(8) — cups scheduler
- cupsd-helper(8) — cupsd helper programs (deprecated)
- cupsdisable(8), cupsenable(8) — stop/start printers and classes
- cupsfilter(8) — convert a file to another format using cups filters (deprecated)
- dataaccessd(8) — calendar sync process
- ddns-confgen(8) — ddns key generation tool
- dedutil(8) — Command line interface for DiagnosticExtensionsDaemon.framework
- deleted(8) — The purgeable space / cache management daemon
- deleted_helper(8) — The APFS purge daemon
- dev_mkdb(8) — create /dev database
- dhcp6d(8) — Stateless DHCPv6 server
- diagnosticd(8) — unified logging system diagnostic daemon
- diagnosticextensionsd(8) — A background daemon for diagnostics gathering
- diagnostics_agent(8) — Triggers log submission
- digest-service(8) — handles server side authentication of digest protocols in the GSS-API suite
- dirhelper(8) — helper for special directory creation
- dirs_cleaner(8) — remove contents of directories
- discard(8) — Postfix discard mail delivery agent
- diskarbitrationd(8) — disk arbitration daemon
- diskimagesiod(8) — Handles I/O for disk images
- disklabel(8) — manipulate and query an Apple Label disk label
- diskmanagementstartup(8) — DiskManagement.framework helper tool
- diskutil(8) — modify, verify and repair local disks
- distnoted(8) — distributed notification server
- dmesg(8) — display the system message buffer
- dnctl(8) — Traffic shaper control program
- dnsblog(8) — Postfix DNS white/blacklist logger
- donotdisturbd(8) — do dot disturb daemon
- doubleagentd(8) — A daemon for parsing AppleDouble files in userspace
- dsconfigad(8) — retrieves/changes configuration for Active Directory
- dseditgroup(8) — group record manipulation tool
- dsenableroot(8) — enables or disables the root account
- dserr(8) — prints a description for an error code
- dspluginhelperd(8) — support daemon for legacy DirectoryService plugins
- dynamic_pager(8) — swap configuration daemon
- eapolcfg_auth(8) — A launch-on-demand daemon used to configure EAP over LAN (EAPOL)
- ecosystemanalyticsd(8) — Analyzes which frameworks and APIs are used by 3rd party applications
- edquota(8) — edit user quotas
- eligibilityd(8) — eligibilityd - computes feature availability
- endpointsecurityd(8) — Daemon that manages user space components of the EndpointSecurity (ES) subsystem
- error(8) — Postfix error/retry mail delivery agent
- exfat.util(8) — ExFAT file system utility
- fcgistarter(8) — Start a FastCGI program
- fdesetup(8) — FileVault configuration tool
- fdisk(8) — DOS partition maintenance program
- feedbackd(8) — A background daemon for feedback gathering
- fibreconfig(8) — Tool for configuring settings for Fibre Channel controllers and targets
- filecoordinationd(8) — system-wide file access coordination
- fileproviderd(8) — Part of File Coordination
- financed(8) — Apple Pay & Wallet daemon
- findmybeaconingd(8), FindMyBeaconDaemon(8) — Daemon to manage local Mac FindMy beaconing
- findmydevice-user-agent(8) — Find My Mac user agent
- findmydeviced(8) — Find My Mac daemon
- findmylocateagent(8) — User agent for the Find My subsystem
- firmwarepasswd(8) — tool for setting and removing firmware passwords on a system
- firmwaresyncd(8) — synchronize files used by the system firmware
- flush(8) — Postfix fast flush server
- fmfd(8) — Find My Friends daemon
- fontd(8) — Mac OS X system font registration manager
- fontmover(8) — Mac OS X system font mover
- fontrestore(8) — Restore the available system fonts to a pristine state, if possible
- fontworker(8) — Mac OS X system font registration and validation daemon
- fping(8) — send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
- fsck(8) — filesystem consistency check and interactive repair
- fsck_apfs(8) — APFS consistency check
- fsck_cs(8) — verify and repair CoreStorage logical volume groups
- fsck_exfat(8) — Verify and repair ExFAT file systems
- fsck_hfs(8) — HFS file system consistency check
- fsck_msdos(8) — DOS/Windows (FAT) file system consistency check
- fsck_udf(8) — check a UDF filesystem
- fskit_agent(8) — FSKit 3rd party extension support agent
- fskitd(8) — FSKit mount manager and mount support
- fstyp(8) — identify a file system
- fstyp_hfs(8) — check for an HFS volume
- fstyp_msdos(8) — check for an MSDOS FAT volume
- fstyp_ntfs(8) — check for a Windows NT File System (NTFS) volume
- fstyp_udf(8) — check for a UDF volume
- ftp-proxy(8) — Internet File Transfer Protocol proxy server
- gamecontrollerd(8) — game controller daemon
- gamepolicyd(8) — Optimizes system performance for running game processes
- generativeexperiencesd(8) — A daemon that powers generative experience
- getty(8) — set terminal mode
- gpt(8) — GUID partition table maintenance utility
- gputoolsserviced(8) — provides services for the GPU Debugger
- gssd(8) — Generic Security Services Daemon
- halt(8), reboot(8) — stopping and restarting the system
- hdid(8) — historical mechanism for attaching disk images
- hdiejectd(8) — disk image management daemon
- hdik(8) — lightweight tool to attach and mount disk images in-kernel
- healthd(8) — health daemon
- helpd(8) — Help Daemon
- hfs.util(8) — HFS+ file system utility
- hidd(8) — The HID library userland daemon
- homed(8) — home services daemon
- homeenergyd(8) — Home Energy Daemon
- hostinfo(8) — host information
- htcacheclean(8) — Clean up the disk cache
- httpd(8) — Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server
- httpd-wrapper(8) — Wrapper script for httpd web server
- iOSScreenCaptureAssistant(8) — CoreMediaIO DAL Assistant Process
- icdd(8) — ImageCapture Discovery Daemon
- idleassetsd(8) — helper for the TVIdleServices framework
- ifconfig(8) — configure network interface parameters
- ifcstart(8) — rebuilds international data caches
- inputanalyticsd(8) — User Input Diagnostics and Usage
- installd(8) — macOS software installation daemon
- installer(8) — system software and package installer tool
- installer-core(8) — helper for installer tool
- installerauthagent(8) — macOS installation
- intelligencecontextd(8) — This is a daemon that retrieves contextual information from various sources
- intelligenceflowd(8) — A daemon that manages sessions for intelligence services
- intelligenceplatformd(8) — A daemon that analyzes content on the device to build and query a general purpose knowledge graph
- intelligentroutingd(8), Other_name_for_same_program()(8), Yet another name for the same program.(8) — This line parsed for whatis database
- intro(8) — introduction to system maintenance procedures and commands
- ioalloccount(8) — Summarize IOKit memory usage
- ionodecache(8) — IOKit node caching daemon
- ioreg(8) — show I/O Kit registry
- iostat(8) — report I/O statistics
- ioupsd(8) — daemon to track UPS state
- ipconfig(8) — view and control IP configuration state
- ippusbd(8) — ipp to usb bridging daemon
- kadmin(8) — Kerberos administration utility
- kadmin.local(8) — compatiblity shim for MIT Kerberos kadmin.local
- kadmind(8) — server for administrative access to Kerberos database
- kcditto(8) — macOS kernel management helper tool
- kcm(8) — process-based credential cache for Kerberos tickets
- kcproxy(8) — Keychain Proxy
- kdc(8) — Kerberos 5 server
- kdcsetup(8) — Kerberos Open Directory Single Sign On
- kdumpd(8) — Mac OS X remote kernel core dump server
- kerberos(8) — introduction to the Kerberos system
- kext_logging(8), kext logging(8) — verbose/logging flags for kernel extensions (kexts) in the kernel and command-line utilities
- kextcache(8) — create kext cache files
- kextfind(8) — find kernel extensions (kexts) based on a variety of criteria and print information
- kextlibs(8) — find OSBundleLibraries needed by a kext
- kextload(8) — load kernel extensions (kexts) into the kernel
- kextstat(8) — display status of loaded kernel extensions (kexts)
- kextunload(8) — terminate driver I/O Kit driver instances and unload kernel extensions (kexts)
- kextutil(8) — load, diagnose problems with, and generate symbols for kernel extensions (kexts)
- klist_cdhashes(8) — reports information about kexts that have been approved via SKEL
- knowledgeconstructiond(8) — A daemon that analyzes content on the device to build a general purpose knowledge graph
- kpasswdd(8) — Kerberos 5 password changing server
- krbservicesetup(8) — Kerberos Open Directory Single Sign On
- ktutil(8) — manage Kerberos keytabs
- kuncd(8) — The Kernel User Notification Center daemon
- launchd(8) — System wide and per-user daemon/agent manager
- liquiddetectiond(8) — Liquid Detection and Corrosion Mitigation Daemon
- local(8) — Postfix local mail delivery
- localemanager(8) — Configure OpenDirectory Server Locales
- locate.code(8), locate.bigram(8) — sorted list compressor
- locate.updatedb(8) — update locate database
- locationd(8) — location services daemon
- logd(8) — unified logging system daemon
- logd_helper(8) — unified logging system daemon helper
- logd_reporter(8) — unified logging system reporter daemon
- loginitemregisterd(8) — Login Item Registration Daemon
- logkextloadsd(8) — logs information about the kexts that get loaded
- lpadmin(8) — configure cups printers and classes
- lpc(8) — line printer control program (deprecated)
- lpinfo(8) — show available devices or drivers (deprecated)
- lpmove(8) — move a job or all jobs to a new destination
- lsappinfo(8) — Control and query CoreApplicationServices about the app state on the system
- lsbom(8) — list contents of a bom file
- lsof(8) — list open files
- mDNSNetMonitor(8) — dumps mDNS traffic on a network
- mDNSResponder(8) — Multicast and Unicast DNS daemon
- mDNSResponderHelper(8) — mDNS privilege separation helper
- makewhatis(8) — create whatis database
- makewhatis.local(8) — start makewhatis for local file systems
- managedappdistributionagent(8) — macOS managed app distribution agent
- managedappdistributiond(8) — macOS managed app distribution daemon
- managedeventsd(8) — Device Management Endpoint Security client daemon
- mapspushd(8) — Maps application services daemon
- master(8) — Postfix master process
- mbbackgrounduseragent(8) — helper for the Setup Assistant application
- mbfloagent(8) — helper for the Setup Assistant application
- mbsystemadministration(8) — helper for the Setup Assistant application
- mbuseragent(8) — helper for the Setup Assistant application
- mbusertrampoline(8) — helper for the Setup Assistant application
- mddiagnose(8) — gather information to aid in diagnosing Spotlight issues
- mds(8) — metadata server
- mdworker(8) — metadata server worker
- mediasharingd(8) — The media sharing daemon
- metrickitd(8) — manages processing and vending of structured app specific metrics through MetricKit
- microstackshot(8) — aggregates microstackshot call graphs
- milod(8), Other_name_for_same_program()(8), Yet another name for the same program.(8) — This line parsed for whatis database
- mkbom(8) — create a bill-of-materials file
- mkextunpack(8) — extract or list the contents of a multikext (mkext) archive
- mkfile(8) — create a file
- mknod(8) — make device special file
- mkpassdb(8) — Mac OS X Server Password Server database creation tool
- mobiletimerd(8) — timer agent
- modelcatalogd(8) — A daemon that stores base models and adapters
- modelmanagerd(8) — Model Management Daemon
- mount(8) — mount file systems
- mount_9p(8) — mount a 9P volume
- mount_afp(8) — mount an afp (AppleShare) filesystem
- mount_apfs(8) — mount an APFS volume
- mount_cd9660(8) — mount an ISO-9660 filesystem
- mount_cddafs(8) — mount an Audio CD
- mount_exfat(8) — mount an ExFAT file system
- mount_fdesc(8) — mount the file-descriptor file system
- mount_ftp(8) — mount a FTP filesystem
- mount_hfs(8) — mount an HFS+ file system
- mount_msdos(8) — mount an MS-DOS file system
- mount_nfs(8) — mount NFS file systems
- mount_smbfs(8) — mount a shared resource from an SMB file server
- mount_tmpfs(8) — mount a tmpfs volume
- mount_udf(8) — mount a UDF filesystem
- mount_url(8) — mount a remote file system given a URL
- mount_virtiofs(8) — mount a virtio-fs volume
- mount_webdav(8) — mount a WebDAV filesystem
- mountd(8) — service remote NFS mount requests
- msdos.util(8) — DOS/Windows (FAT) file system utility
- mstreamd(8) — The macOS photo stream agent
- mtree(8) — map a directory hierarchy
- natpmpd(8) — NAT Port mapping daemon
- naturallanguaged(8) — System post editing daemon
- navd(8) — Time to Leave Daemon
- nbdst(8) — NetBoot deferred shadow tool
- ndp(8) — control/diagnose IPv6 neighbor discovery protocol
- neagent(8) — Host process for Network Extension plugins
- nearbyd(8) — The proximity daemon
- nehelper(8) — Helper daemon for the Network Extension framework
- nesessionmanager(8) — Daemon responsible for running and managing Network Extension sessions
- netbiosd(8) — NetBIOS protocol daemon
- netbootdisk(8) — find local drive to use with NetBoot
- networkQuality(8) — Network quality testing tool
- networkserviceproxy(8) — Transparent network proxy for Apple system services
- networksetup(8) — configuration tool for network settings in System Preferences
- newfs_apfs(8) — construct a new APFS volume
- newfs_exfat(8) — construct a new ExFAT file system
- newfs_hfs(8) — construct a new HFS Plus file system
- newfs_msdos(8) — construct a new MS-DOS (FAT) file system
- newfs_udf(8) — construct a new UDF file system
- newsyslog(8) — maintain system log files to manageable sizes
- nexusd(8) — Nexus Daemon
- nfcd(8) — NearField daemon
- nfs4mapid(8) — shows NFSv4 mappings from uids or gids to over the wire string names and string names to uids or gids
- nfsd(8) — NFS server daemon
- nfsiod(8) — local NFS asynchronous I/O
- nlcd(8) — Network Link Conditioner daemon
- nlcontrol(8) — NETLOGON secure channel utility
- nologin(8) — politely refuse a login
- notification_proxy(8) — notification server
- notifyd(8) — notification server
- nsurlsessiond(8) — The background NSURLSession daemon
- ntfs.util(8) — NTFS file system utility
- nvram(8) — manipulate firmware NVRAM variables
- od_user_homes(8) — executable map program for auto_home records synthesized from user records
- odproxyd(8) — OpenDirectory proxy daemon
- opendirectoryd(8) — is a launchd(8) job for client access to local or remote directory systems
- oqmgr(8) — old Postfix queue manager
- osaapplet(8) — Open Scripting Architecture OSA applet interpreter
- osanalyticshelper(8) — Helper process for analytics and diagnostics
- otherbsd(8) — Other Bootstrapper Daemon
- pam_env(8) — The Environment PAM module
- pam_group(8) — Group PAM module
- pam_krb5(8) — Kerberos 5 PAM module
- pam_launchd(8) — launchd PAM module
- pam_localauthentication(8) — LocalAuthentication PAM module
- pam_mount(8) — Home Folder Mounting PAM module
- pam_nologin(8) — No Login PAM module
- pam_ntlm(8) — NTLM PAM module
- pam_opendirectory(8) — OpenDirectory PAM module
- pam_rootok(8) — Root OK PAM module
- pam_sacl(8) — Service Access Control List PAM module
- pam_self(8) — Self PAM module
- pam_smartcard(8) — Smartcard PAM module
- pam_uwtmp(8) — User Accounting PAM module
- parentalcontrolsd(8) — Parental Controls helper process
- parsec-fbf(8) — Support daemon for Siri Search analytics
- parsecd(8) — Support daemon for Siri Search
- passd(8) — Apple Pay & Wallet daemon
- path_helper(8) — helper for constructing PATH environment variable
- pboard(8) — pasteboard server
- pbs(8) — general helper tool
- pdisk(8) — Apple partition table editor
- pfctl(8) — control the packet filter (PF) and network address translation (NAT) device
- pfd(8) — daemon for network firewall and Internet sharing configuration
- photoanalysisd(8) — The macOS photo library analysis agent
- photolibraryd(8) — The macOS photo library agent
- pickup(8) — Postfix local mail pickup
- ping(8) — send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
- ping6(8) — send ICMPv6 ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
- pipe(8) — Postfix delivery to external command
- pkd(8) — management and supervision daemon for plug-in services
- pkreporter(8) — inventories and reports PlugIn state
- pluginkit(8) — plugin plug-in extension pluginkit
- postscreen(8) — Postfix zombie blocker
- powerlogHelperd(8) — supports Battery Usage UI in System Preferences
- pppd(8) — Point-to-Point Protocol Daemon
- printtool(8) — a tool to configure the printing system
- privatecloudcomputed(8) — private cloud compute offload daemon
- proactiveeventtrackerd(8) — a process triggered by a daily XPC activity to transform and upload metrics stored in the aggregate state file
- productutil(8) — product archive utility
- progressd(8) — The macOS ClassKit sync agent
- proxymap(8) — Postfix lookup table proxy server
- ptpcamerad(8) — PTPCamera Daemon
- purge(8) — force disk cache to be purged (flushed and emptied)
- pwd_mkdb(8) — generate the password databases
- pwpolicy(8) — gets and sets password policies
- qmgr(8) — Postfix queue manager
- qmqpd(8) — Postfix QMQP server
- quotacheck(8) — filesystem quota consistency checker
- quotaon(8), quotaoff(8) — turn filesystem quotas on and off
- racoon(8) — IKE (ISAKMP/Oakley) key management daemon
- rapportd(8) — Rapport Daemon
- rarpd(8) — Reverse ARP Daemon
- rcd(8) — Remote control daemon
- recentsd(8) — recentsd daemon
- recoveryutild(8) — Accepts recovery-related commands from the recoveryutil CLI tool
- relatived(8) — Relative Motion daemon
- remindd(8), Other_name_for_same_program()(8), Yet another name for the same program.(8) — This line parsed for whatis database
- remoted(8) — Remote Service Discovery daemon
- remotemanagementd(8) — Remote Management protocol daemon
- renice(8) — alter priority of running processes
- replayd(8) — MacOS daemon to support ReplayKit on macOS
- replicatord(8) — remote widget sync daemon
- repquota(8) — summarize quotas for a file system
- retimerd(8) — Apple Type-C Retimer daemon
- reversetemplated(8) — daemon that processes user content in order to detect events
- revisiond(8) — storage manager for document revisions
- rotatelogs(8) — Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
- route(8) — manually manipulate the routing tables
- routined(8) — A daemon that learns the historical location patterns of a user
- rpc.lockd(8) — NFS file locking daemon
- rpc.rquotad(8), rquotad(8) — remote quota server
- rpc.statd(8) — host status monitoring daemon
- rpcbind(8) — portmap
- rpcinfo(8) — report RPC information
- rpcsvchost(8) — hosting environment for DCE/RPC services
- rtadvd(8) — router advertisement daemon
- rtcreportingd(8) — Diagnostics and Usage Reporting
- runningboardd(8) — assertion services daemon
- sa(8) — print system accounting statistics
- sandboxd(8) — sandbox daemon
- sc_auth(8) — SmartCard authorization setup script
- scache(8) — Postfix shared connection cache server
- screencaptureui(8) — screencapture daemon
- screensharingd(8) — listens for VNC connections from clients
- scselect(8) — Select system configuration location
- scsid(8) — SCSI subsystem daemon
- scutil(8) — Manage system configuration parameters
- searchpartyd(8) — searchparty daemon
- searchpartyuseragent(8) — searchparty user agent
- secd(8) — centralised keychain agent
- secinitd(8) — The security policy initialization daemon
- security-checksystem(8) — validate system keychain
- security_authtrampoline(8) — Trampoline used by AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges from Security.framework
- securityd_system(8) — system keychain agent
- securityuploadd(8) — Keychain Metrics Uploader
- seld(8) — Secure element manager daemon
- sentryd(8) — Collect tailspins for slow operations instrumented with os_signpost
- setkey(8) — manually manipulate the IPsec SA/SP database
- sftp-server(8) — OpenSSH SFTP server subsystem
- sharedfilelistd(8) — User agent which manages lists of file system items
- sharing(8) — create share points for smb services
- sharingd(8) — Sharing Daemon that enables AirDrop, Handoff, Instant Hotspot, Shared Computers, and Remote Disc in the Finder
- shazamd(8) — Shazam daemon
- showmount(8) — show remote NFS mounts on host
- showq(8) — list the Postfix mail queue
- shutdown(8) — close down the system at a given time
- signpost_reporter(8) — Report telemetry on intervals instrumented with os_signpost to Apple
- skywalkctl(8) — Interact with Skywalk subsystem
- slapacl(8) — Check access to a list of attributes
- slapadd(8) — Add entries to a SLAPD database
- slapauth(8) — Check a list of string-represented IDs for LDAP authc/authz
- slapcat(8) — SLAPD database to LDIF utility
- slapconfig(8) — -- tool to configure slapd and related daemons
- slapd(8) — Stand-alone LDAP Daemon
- slapdn(8) — Check a list of string-represented LDAP DNs based on schema syntax
- slapindex(8) — Reindex entries in a SLAPD database
- slappasswd(8) — OpenLDAP password utility
- slapschema(8) — SLAPD in-database schema checking utility
- slaptest(8) — Check the suitability of the OpenLDAP slapd configuration
- smb-sync-preferences(8) — synchronize SMB server preferences
- smbd(8) — SMB server daemon
- smbdiagnose(8) — gather information to aid in diagnosing SMB file sharing issues
- smd(8) — ServiceManagement framework daemon
- smtp(8) — Postfix SMTP+LMTP client
- smtpd(8) — Postfix SMTP server
- snmpd(8) — daemon to respond to SNMP request packets
- snmptrapd(8) — Receive and log SNMP trap messages
- sntpd(8) — very Simple Network Time Protocol server daemon
- sociallayerd(8) — Vends privacy-sensitive social UI for display throughout the system
- socketfilterfw(8) — Application Firewall daemon
- softwareupdate(8) — system software update tool
- spatialconnectctl(8) — Spatial Connect control interface
- spawn(8) — Postfix external command spawner
- spctl(8) — SecAssessment system policy security
- spindump(8) — Profile entire system during a time interval
- spindump_agent(8) — helper agent for spindump(8)
- spotlighthelper(8) — Spotlight Diagnostic Extension Helper
- spray(8) — send many packets to host
- ssh-keychain(8), ssh-keychain.dylib(8) — smartcard/token support library
- ssh-keysign(8) — OpenSSH helper for host-based authentication
- ssh-pkcs11-helper(8) — OpenSSH helper for PKCS#11 support
- ssh-sk-helper(8) — OpenSSH helper for FIDO authenticator support
- sshd(8) — OpenSSH daemon
- sso_util(8) — Kerberos Open Directory Single Sign On
- stickersd(8) — stickersd daemon
- storagekitd(8) — helper for the StorageKit framework
- studentd(8) — Classroom's student control agent
- sudo(8), sudoedit(8) — execute a command as another user
- sudoreplay(8) — replay sudo session logs
- suexec(8) — Switch user before executing external programs
- suggestd(8) — daemon that processes user content in order to detect contacts, events, named entities, etc
- suhelperd(8) — Helper daemon for softwareupdate - no user initiated interface
- swcd(8) — Shared Web Credentials Daemon
- swtransparencyd(8) — The swtransparency daemon
- symptomsd(8) — Symptom framework service daemon
- sync(8) — force completion of pending disk writes (flush cache)
- syncdefaultsd(8) — NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
- sysctl(8) — get or set kernel state
- sysdiagnose_agent(8) — performs UI related operations for sysdiagnose
- sysdiagnose_helper(8) — performs critical operations for sysdiagnose
- sysdiagnosed(8) — launchd daemon for the sysdiagnose cli tool
- sysextd(8) — system extension manager
- syslogd(8) — Apple System Log server
- sysmond(8) — system monitor daemon
- syspolicyd(8) — System Policy daemon
- system-override(8) — configure system overrides
- system_installd(8) — macOS software installation daemon
- system_profiler(8) — reports system hardware and software configuration
- systemextensionsctl(8) — examine and manage system extensions
- systemkeychain(8) — creates system keychains and allows keychains to unlock keychains
- systemsetup(8) — configuration tool for certain machine settings in System Preferences
- systemstats(8) — summarize system stats
- systemstats_boot(8) — initialize system stats
- tailspind(8) — helper daemon for tailspin(1)
- talagent(8) — interact with persistent state and the application lifecycle
- talagentd(8) — helper agent for application lifecycle features
- talkd(8) — remote user communication server
- taskgated(8) — task_for_pid access control daemon ..Sh DESCRIPTION is a system daemon that implements a policy for the task_for_pid system service. When the kernel is asked for the task port of a process, and preliminary access control checks pass, it invokes this daemon (via launchd) to make the decision
- taskgated-helper(8) — taskgated helper process
- taskpolicy(8) — execute a program with an altered I/O or scheduling policy or change settings of already running process
- tconctld(8) — TCON control daemon
- tftpd(8) — Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol server
- thermald(8) — thermal management daemon
- timed(8) — time synchronization daemon
- timemachinehelper(8) — TimeMachine Diagnostic Extension Helper
- tlsmgr(8) — Postfix TLS session cache and PRNG manager
- tlsproxy(8) — Postfix TLS proxy
- tmdiagnose(8) — gather information to aid in diagnosing Time Machine issues
- tmp_cleaner(8) — Remove old content from /tmp
- tmutil(8) — Time Machine utility
- tokenadmin(8) — Command-line interface to smartcards and other token-based keychains
- traceroute(8) — print the route packets take to network host
- traceroute6(8) — print the route IPv6 packets will take to a network node
- translationd(8) — Daemon that enables Translation features
- transparencyStaticKey(8) — The transparency static key pinning daemon
- transparencyd(8) — The transparency daemon
- trash(8) — Moves files and directories to the user trash folder
- trimforce(8) — enable TRIM commands on third-party drives
- trivial-rewrite(8) — Postfix address rewriting and resolving daemon
- trustd(8) — Daemon and LaunchAgent that performs trust evaluations
- trustdFileHelper(8) — Daemon that helps trustd with files
- trustevaluationagent(8) — LaunchAgent that performs trust evaluations
- uarppersonalizationd(8) — Personalize firmware for all tatsu audiences
- uasysdiagnose(8), uasysdiagone(8) — Produce system diagnostics for UserActivity.framework
- umount(8) — unmount filesystems
- universalaccessd(8) — universal access server
- upsshutdown(8) — UPS emergency low power shutdown script
- usbaudiod(8) — usbaudiod is a system daemon that runs USB audio diagnostics
- usbctelemetryd(8) — Daemon used for collecting USB Type-C Analytics
- usbcupdater(8) — update the USB-C subsystem components
- usbd(8) — daemon for USB devices
- usbmuxd(8) — iOS communications daemon
- usernoted(8) — Notification Center daemon
- uuchk(8) — display information read from the UUCP configuration files
- uucico(8) — UUCP file transfer daemon
- uusched(8) — schedule the uucp file transport program
- uuxqt(8) — UUCP execution daemon
- verify(8) — Postfix address verification server
- vifs(8) — safely edit fstab
- vipw(8) — edit the password file
- virtual(8) — Postfix virtual domain mail delivery agent
- visudo(8) — edit the sudoers file
- vpnd(8) — Mac OS X VPN service daemon
- vsdbutil(8) — manipulates the volume status DB
- warmd_agent(8) — general helper tool
- watchdogd(8) — watchdog daemon
- wdutil(8) — Wireless Diagnostics command line utility
- weakpass_edit(8) — Mac OS X Server Password Server weak password dictionary insertion tool
- webprivacyd(8) — WebPrivacy Daemon
- wfsctl(8) — WebDAV File Sharing control utility
- wifiFirmwareLoader(8) — load wifi firmware to chip
- wifip2pd(8) — Daemon responsible for managing peer-to-peer Wi-Fi discovery and data links
- wifive(8) — Wi-Fi performance and diagnostics utility
- wifivelocityd(8) — launchd daemon for the WiFiVelocity framework
- wps(8) — Wireless Protected Setup daemon
- wspd(8) — search in smb share according to MS-WSP protocol
- xartstorageremoted(8) — xART Remote Storage Daemon
- xpcproxy(8) — configures the execution environment for XPC services
- xscertadmin(8) — -- process Certificate Revocation Lists in an OD environment
- xscertd(8) — -- Certificate signing daemon
- xscertd-helper(8) — xscertd helper process
- yp(8) — description of the YP/NIS system
- zdump(8) — timezone dumper
- zic(8) — timezone compiler