BOOTPTAB(5) File Formats Manual BOOTPTAB(5)

bootptabInternet Bootstrap Protocol server database

The file /etc/bootptab contains a list of host entries used by bootpd (see bootpd(8)) to associate a hardware address with a particular IP address.

The bootptab file contains two sections. The two sections are separated by a single line containing just "%%". The first section is ignored. The second section contains host entries, one host per line. The format of the line is:

hostname     hwtype     hwaddr     ipaddr     bootfile

Here is an example /etc/bootptab:

# bootptab example
# machine entries have the following format:
# hostname      hwtype  hwaddr              ipaddr          bootfile
client1         1       00:01:02:03:04:05       boot0
client2         1       00:a0:b2:ef:ff:0a       boot

xinetd(8), tftpd(8), netinfo(5), exports(5)

September 7, 2006 Mac OS X