oo(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation oo(3)

oo - syntactic sugar for Moo oneliners

  perl -Moo=Foo -e 'has bar => ( is => q[ro], default => q[baz] ); print Foo->new->bar'
  # loads an existing class and re-"opens" the package definition
  perl -Moo=+My::Class -e 'print __PACKAGE__->new->bar'

oo.pm is a simple source filter that adds "package $name; use Moo;" to the beginning of your script, intended for use on the command line via the -M option.

See Moo for support and contact information.

See Moo for authors.

See Moo for the copyright and license.

2020-04-08 perl v5.34.0