Test::File::ShareDir::Utils(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Test::File::ShareDir::Utils(3)

Test::File::ShareDir::Utils - Simple utilities for File::ShareDir testing

version 1.001002

  use Test::File::ShareDir::Utils qw( extract_dashes );
  my $hash = extract_dashes('dists', $oldhash );

A utility that helps transform:

  -opt_a => bar
  -opt_b => baz
  NameA  => NameAValue
  NameB  => NameBValue


  opt_a => bar
  opt_b => baz
  modules => {
    NameA => NameAValue
    NameB => NameBValue

This is a useful approach used all over import and functional style interfaces due to explicit configuration being needed only on rare occasions.

Kent Fredric <kentnl@cpan.org>

This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Kent Fredric <kentnl@cpan.org>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2017-03-01 perl v5.34.0