symlink(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation symlink(3)

PerlIO::via::symlink - PerlIO layers for create symlinks

 open $fh, '>:via(symlink)', $fname;
 print $fh "link foobar";
 close $fh;

The PerlIO layer "symlink" allows you to create a symbolic link by writing to the file handle.

You need to write C"link $name" to the file handle. If the format does not match, "close" will fail with EINVAL.

 ----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
 File                                  stmt branch   cond    sub   time  total
 ----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
 blib/lib/PerlIO/via/       100.0  100.0    n/a  100.0  100.0  100.0
 Total                                100.0  100.0    n/a  100.0  100.0  100.0
 ----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

Chia-liang Kao <>

Copyright 2004-2005 by Chia-liang Kao <>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

See <>

2005-03-01 perl v5.34.0