Net::Server::Proto::UNIXDGRAM(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Net::Server::Proto::UNIXDGRAM(3)

Net::Server::Proto::UNIXDGRAM - Net::Server UNIXDGRAM protocol.

See Net::Server::Proto.

Protocol module for Net::Server. This module implements the UNIX SOCK_DGRAM socket type. See Net::Server::Proto.

Any sockets created during startup will be chown'ed to the user and group specified in the starup arguments.

The following paramaters may be specified in addition to normal command line parameters for a Net::Server. See Net::Server for more information on reading arguments.

Specifies the number of bytes to read from the SOCK_DGRAM connection handle. Data will be read into $self->{'server'}->{'udp_data'}. Default is 4096. See IO::Socket::INET and recv.
See recv. Default is 0.

  Key               Value                    Default
  ## UNIXDGRAM socket parameters
  udp_recv_len      \d+                      4096
  udp_recv_flags    \d+                      0

Distributed under the same terms as Net::Server

2017-08-10 perl v5.34.0