Net::Server::Proto::UDP(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Net::Server::Proto::UDP(3)

Net::Server::Proto::UDP - Net::Server UDP protocol.

See Net::Server::Proto.

Protocol module for Net::Server. This module implements the SOCK_DGRAM socket type under INET (also known as UDP). See Net::Server::Proto.

The following paramaters may be specified in addition to normal command line parameters for a Net::Server. See Net::Server for more information on reading arguments.

Specifies the number of bytes to read from the UDP connection handle. Data will be read into $self->{'server'}->{'udp_data'}. Default is 4096. See IO::Socket::INET and recv.
See recv. Default is 0.
Default is undef.

  Key               Value                    Default
  ## UDP protocol parameters
  udp_recv_len      \d+                      4096
  udp_recv_flags    \d+                      0
  udp_broadcast     bool                     undef

Returns an object with parameters suitable for eventual creation of a IO::Socket::INET object listining on UDP.
Called when actually binding the port. Handles default parameters before calling parent method.

Distributed under the same terms as Net::Server

2017-08-10 perl v5.34.0