MooseX::Meta::Method::Transactional(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation MooseX::Meta::Method::Transactional(3)

MooseX::Meta::Method::Transactional - Transactional methods trait

This Role wraps methods in transactions to be used with DBIx::Class, KiokuDB or any other object providing a txn_do method.

This role overrides wrap so that the actual method is wrapped in a txn_do call. It uses the 'schema' accessor to obtain the object in which it will call txn_do.

This attribute contains a CodeRef that should return the schema object. It can be used to pass a schema object when it can be defined in compile-time, otherwise it will call "schema" on the object instance to find it.

MooseX::TransactionalMethods, Class::MOP::Method

Daniel Ruoso <>

With help from rafl and doy from #moose.

Copyright 2010 by Daniel Ruoso et al

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2015-03-26 perl v5.34.0