MooseX::Meta::Method::Authorized::CheckRoles(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation MooseX::Meta::Method::Authorized::CheckRoles(3)

MooseX::Meta::Method::Authorized::CheckRoles - Check roles of the user

This verifier module will check if the user has any of the roles defined in the "requires" attribute of the method. To get the user this module will call "user" on the object which is the invocant for this method, to get the roles it will call "roles" on the user object.

This is the method that does the actual verification. It only invokes the coderef after checking if the user has any of the required roles. It will die otherwise with a string like:

  Access Denied. User "johndoe" does not have any of the required
  roles ("foo") required to invoke method "bla" on class
  "My::ClassTest1". User roles are: ("foo","bar","baz")

It will only show the user id if the user implements the method "id".

MooseX::AuthorizedMethods, Class::MOP::Method

Daniel Ruoso <>

With help from rafl and doy from #moose.

Copyright 2010 by Daniel Ruoso et al

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2010-11-24 perl v5.34.0