install::TempContent::Objects::mod_perl-2.0.12::docs::api::APR::String(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation install::TempContent::Objects::mod_perl-2.0.12::docs::api::APR::String(3)

APR::String - Perl API for manipulating APR UUIDs

  use APR::String ();
  # 42_000 => " 41K",
  my $size_str = APR::String::format_size($size);

"APR::String" provides strings manipulation API.

"APR::String" provides the following functions and/or methods:

  my $size_str = APR::String::format_size($size);
returns a formatted size string representation of a number. The size given in the string will be in units of bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes, depending on the size. The length of that string is always 4 chars long. For example:

    0               => "  0 ",
    42              => " 42 ",
    42_000          => " 41K",
    42_000_000      => " 40M",

mod_perl 2.0 documentation.

mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.

The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors.

2022-01-30 perl v5.34.0