rwbytype.d(1m) USER COMMANDS rwbytype.d(1m)

rwbytype.d - read/write bytes by vnode type. Uses DTrace.


This program identifies the vnode type of read/write activity - whether that is for regular files, sockets, character special devices, etc. This is measuring at the application level, so file activity may well be cached by the system.

Since this uses DTrace, only users with root privileges can run this command.

# rwbytype.d

process ID
process name
vnode type (describes I/O type)
direction, Read or Write
total bytes

See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with verbose descriptions explaining the output.

rwbytype.d will sample until Ctrl-C is hit.

Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]

rwbypid.d(1M), rwbbypid.d(1M), dtrace(1M)

January 11, 2006 version 0.70