TORQUE(1) General Commands Manual TORQUE(1)

torqueLaunches one or more child processes, each of which performs a series of bandwidth intensive operations, and after completion torque reports the bandwidth actually achieved by each operation during a period when all operation streams were executing simultaneously.

torque [Global Parameters] [[Local Parameters] Action1] [[Local Parameters] Action2] [[Local Parameters] Action3] [...]

Global Parameters (affect all actions performed):
[-aliasFile f] [-bo] [-c configuration file] [-example] [-f test file] [-fast] [-freeSharedMemory] [-g] [-h] [-ha] [-help] [-hg] [-hl] [-nh] [-printAlias] [-quit] [-seed n] [-slow] [-smkey key] [-sp] [-v] [-version] [-vl n]

Local Parameters (only affect immediately following action):
[-affinityNumber n] [-affinityNumberDiff n] [-affinityParent n] [-B bytes] [-bp p] [-bpkey p] [-bp1 p] [-bp2 p] [-bt p] [-btr] [-cfiles] [-checkpoint] [-dir path] [-display display] [-execChild] [-extraReadB n] [-fbc] [-GB GBytes] [-i iterations] [-IH pixels] [-IW pixels] [-KB KBytes] [-linesize bytes] [-m] [-MB MBytes] [-mfileKB n] [-mfileXfer transfers] [-n transfers] [-noResetParentAffinity] [-noVideoInitLoops] [-offsetB n] [-p process count] [-percR p] [-s offset] [-sa interval] [-sample interval] [-sleepEnd n] [-stride bytes] [-T usec] [-touch] [-touch4K] [-vectorB n] [-wire]

Actions (Specific action to perform):
[-aio n] [-bcopy] [-bzero] [-child n] [-files n] [-load] [-ls] [-memStreams label lookahead size bw startTime runTime mfile] [-r] [-rand] [-rmw] [-rw] [-Sadd] [-scan fn] [-scanfile fn] [-Scopy] [-spinWait] [-Sscale] [-store] [-streams label lookahead size bw startTime runTime mfile] [-Striad] [-V n] [-w]

torque exercises a computer system in ways that mimic normal operation, while retaining as much simplicity as possible to aid in debugging. This is achieved by launching one or more child processes performing a series of operations (usually high bandwidth) and after completion reporting the bandwidth achieved by each operation during a period where all operation streams were executing simultaneously in their steady-state behavior. Note that torque only measures its own processes and does not measure bandwidth of any other executing process.

This tool is currently in use for measuring system bandwidth, testing for interactions between different sub-systems, reproducing problems, power analysis, thermal analysis, signal sensitivity analysis, and more. torque contains a number of simple tests that are used together in any combination to exercise memory, video, and/or any component that supports a file system. Each separate test is run in its own process, and each action listed above specifies one or more tests to execute simultaneously. Common processor memory access patterns such as bcopy, bzero, load, and store are supported as well as different ways to access the file system. All test runtime parameters can be entered using a configuration file or as a command line parameter.

When executed, torque reports the most common system characteristics such as processor speed and memory size. In addition many more configuration details are left behind in the file sysctl.current. During an execution, the first two things displayed are always the torque version number and the command line used for execution to make it as easy as possible to rerun the test and reproduce results at a later time.

Since torque uses a large number of operational parameters, the command line parameters are broken into three groups: global test parameters, local test parameters, and actions/tests. All tests have default configurations and can be executed with just an action parameter. For example, " torque -V 7", the action parameter is "-V 7" (run video test 7) requesting execution of a video system memory read test.

If a user wishes to change the tests for things like working-set size, transaction size, number of transactions, duration, etc.; all local test parameters on the command line before the action apply to the action. For the video read test a common sequence is

torque -n 256 -i 1 -V 6

to make sure there are exactly 256 transactions (-n 256) issued once. The local parameters "-n 256 -i 1" only apply to the video read test and not to any other test. If the user wishes to execute a stream of memory reads while performing the video read test an example command line is:

torque -p 1 -n 8 -i 20 -MB 4 -load -n 256 -V 6

In this case the load test has a working-set size of 4 x 8 = 32 MBytes (-n 8 -MB 4) that is executed twenty times (-i 20). The video test still uses the same parameters mentioned above but is executed ten times (default) since "-i 1" was not entered on the command line. Note that the "-i 20" does not apply to the video test in this example.

Global parameters can be entered anywhere on the command line and control functions that affect all of the tests. For example

torque -n 256 -i 1 -V 6 -nh

removes the header output for each test, reducing the amount of text added to the screen after execution.

n = number of outstanding transactions
Performs reads and writes of transferSize (e.g. -B, -KB, -MB, -GB) using asynchronous I/O. The argument -percR sets the percentage of reads and writes. One process is launched that keeps the specified number of Asynchronous I/Os outstanding. Using Asynchronous I/O allows the file system greater flexibility in ordering transactions. All test transactions are sequential, unless vector stride (-vectorKB) is set to space the transactions linearly across a single file. Setting -percR 100 makes all outstanding transactions reads and -percR 0 makes all outstanding transactions writes. Any other settings causes each transaction to randomly be a read or write. Note that the system has a maximum number of outstanding AIOs for every process which for OS 10.4.3 is 16. torque makes sure a single process does not go over this limit, but it is up to the user to make sure multiple processes do not exceed the system's maximum outstanding AIO limit.
Perform bcopy test. Uses system bcopy function.
Perform bzero test. Uses system bzero function
n = number of files to test

Random access read/write test to large number of files. To adjust read vs. write and max file size set -percR and -mfileMB repectively. The files test represents the use of a web server. There are thousands of files being read and written in random increments as the web site is being accessed. The accesses are of fixed size (transfer size) but random file choice and file location.

Perform loads as fast as possible. The default is one integer load for every sequential cache line.
Performs bursts of loads and stores as fast as possible. The burst size is the transactionSize specified.
<label> <lookahead> <size> <bw> <startTime> <runTime> <mfile>
Same as -streams, but works with system memory instead of files. At this time only the read stream has been tested.
Perform Sequential Read Test
Randomly read transaction size chunks from a file. Be sure the file exists before executing and to set a max file size. The percentage of reads is set using the -percR parameter.
Performs test to read, modify, write back to a file using a Sequential Read Transfer Size, then Write Transfer to modify read data.
Perform read of the specified transaction size, then write to the next sequential file location. The following read/write is to the next two sequential file locations.
Add test from stream benchmark. Adds two matrix of doubles and writes to a third matrix (c[j] = a[j]+b[j]).
fn = filename; includes /dev/rdisk0>

It is preferred to use this command when scanning using the raw file I/O interface (e.g. /dev/rdisk0). This action can also scan through the standard file interface if the file location supplied is not in /dev. This action is designed to use the raw file I/O interface to perform transactions with equal spacing across an entire disk drive/file. When testing across an entire hard drive, this test provides bandwidth information for the different tracks on the physical disk by using the "sample 0" modifier. This is useful since accesses to inner hard drive tracks tend to have one half the bandwidth of accesses to the outer tracks. Note that this command automatically wires down the memory buffers and the wiring requires root access (see -wire). The easiest way to provide root access is by using the sudo command.

fn = filename; includes /dev/rdisk0>

Scan using standard file I/O interface to perform the same function as -scanDisk, but using the standard interface. The only real difference is the memory is not wired by default when using the -scanfile command. This command behaves identically to -scan if the -wire local parameter is set.

Copy test from stream benchmark ( Copies double values from one matrix to another (c[j] = a[j]).
This test is a random number generation routine. No bandwidth is generated or measured, but the processor is kept busy. This can be very useful when using affinity as it keeps a processor busy.
Scale test from stream benchmark. Scales doubles from one matrix to another (b[j] = scalar*c[j]).
Perform stores as fast as possible. The default is one integer store for every sequential cache line.
<label> <lookahead> <size> <bw> <startTime> <runTime> <mfile>
Labels: r,w,rw,wr,rwr,rrw
r = read stream
w = write stream
rw = write back the stream being read (modify stream)
wr = read back the stream being written (from camera)
rwr = read, change and write back, then read back
rrw = combine to reads and write back (two cameras)
Lookahead: # of Transfers for 1st read stream to prefetch
Size: Size of each transfer (KBytes)
BW: Bandwidth of each process within the stream (MBytes/sec)
StartTime: Delay in seconds before starting stream
RunTime: Length in seconds of stream duration
mfile: reset stream to start of file when reached (Mbytes)

Instead of trying to discover the maximum bandwidth capability of a path to memory or I/O, the stream/HDTV test attempts to hold one or more streams to a particular bandwidth. In addition, streams can be dependent upon each other. The goal is to simulate how video streams are used. For example, the rrw option represents a video stream composed of combining two video feeds. This means that the two read streams are consumed to produce the one write stream. The option rwr consists of a read stream that is then written back with a second read stream reading the written results. This may happen on a video feed that is being saved and watched at the same time. All combinations of rw,wr,rwr, and rrw include dependencies. If the goal is to create streams without dependencies, then just specify multiple streams using r and w. If it is not possible to meet the specified bandwidth, then torque reports the achieved bandwidth.

Triad test from stream benchmark. Scales a matrix of doubles, adds from another matrix and then writes to a third matrix. (a[j] = b[j]+scalar*c[j]).
n = video test number

n=1; Read Pixels (W): proc. reads VRAM, writes system memory
n=2; sync image copy (W): Video DMA to system memory
n=3; async image copy (W): Video DMA to system memory
n=4; test 3 with glFlush() (W): Video DMA to sys. memory
n=5; sync PBO copy (W): Video PBO DMA to system memory
n=6; async PBO copy (W): Video PBO DMA to system memory;
n=7; async image copy (R): DMA system memory to VRAM
n=8; sync image copy (R): DMA to VRAM (Added glFlush())
n=9; sync image copy (R): DMA to VRAM (Added glFinish())
n=10; async image copy (R): DMA system memory to VRAM
n=11; sync image copy (R): DMA to VRAM (Added glFlush())
n=12; sync image copy (R): DMA to VRAM (Added glFinish())

The first video test consists of the processor reading the VRAM, the next five video tests involve copying data from the VRAM to system memory, and the sixth through ninth tests copy data from system memory to VRAM. Tests 10 through 12 are identical to tests 6 through 9, but the texture is rotated between three different textures every transaction. This was necessary since the newest video cards are only performing the first transfer on tests 6 through 9 and reporting unbelievable bandwidths. The hope is that the card is now smart enough to buffer the texture, but this has not yet been proven. If tests 6 through 9 report unbelievable bandwidths, use the results from tests 10 through 12 instead. The default transfer size is 1.32 MBytes, but this can be changed using -IH and -IW.

Perform Sequential Write test.

Provides file location for torque alias definitions.
only print bandwidth results.
<configuration filename>
Choose the configuration file for torque ; Torque.config is the default. A configuration file may contain any option or argument that may be entered on the command line of torque This is very useful for commands that are required for every execution of torque such as -f. Note that command line arguments are consumed before configuration file commands.
Grabs shared memory and executes test for child n. In Leopard, the video tests can no longer be executed as a forked process. Instead a fork-exec is used with command line parameters telling torque which child needs to be executed as a separate program. When this happens, torque grabs the shared memory already set up for the child process and executes the test.
Print Testing Example.
The usage/help output is long, so there are ways to display only a portion of the help file. The -h option displays the shortest output and the -help option displays everything.
<test file>
Place new test file on file list. As many as 128 tests may be included in this list. It is usually easiest to place the tests in the configuration file and use the -s option to make sure each test uses the appropriate file. A file on the command line is placed on the file list before any files from the configuration file. Each test stops upon its own completion. With more than one test, all tests might not be running during the measurment interval. If torque is interrupted, this can be used to removed shared memory. Running torque a second time without interruption should also work.
Delay start of torque using getchar. No testing starts until a key is pressed. This is useful for finding the PID and attaching shark to the process before testing begins. See shark documentation for details. A reference to the shark documentation can be found in the SEE ALSO section.
Print torque Global Usage/Help
Print torque Tests/Actions Usage/Help
Print All torque Usage and Example
Print torque Global Usage/Help
Print torque Local Usage/Help
Don't print header. Along with the Bandwidth numbers, certain header information is included to help describe the test choices under execution and the system under test. This option reduces the output to just the Bandwidth results.
Print current set of torque aliases.
Quits torque as soon as the command line parameters and configuration file are parsed. Sometimes it is useful to see how the parameters are parsed before testing begins. This option allows the checking of parameters without having to wait for results.
Provide seed for all random number generation. This provides the seed for the first random number generated. All numbers after that depend on the first random number generated otherwise the current time is used. Providing a random number guarrentees that two identical executions are identical even when random numbers are used.
Continue All testing until slowest test completes. When executing two tests that interact during the testing phase, if one test finishes before the other, there is a period where only one test is executing. This makes the test that ran without overlap produce a higher bandwidth number. The -slow option keeps all tests running until the slowest test completes. Note that the testing takes at least twice as long in this mode. This option is on by default whenever more than one test is run simultaneously.
Provides new key for shmget (default: 0xDECA). Does not currently work with -childExec.
Run torque as a single process. Normally torque forks off one process for every test and leave behind the main process to gather results. This option is useful for a single test where the main process should perform the testing. For example it is much easier to use this option for debugging.
Use couts in code (gv->verbose). A large amount of information about the program and how the tests are progressing is sent to stdout. Unluckily cout and printf are very system invasive and using the -v option may skew test results.
Prints installed torque version information.
Set verbose level greater than one. This option provides more feedback than just using -v. Currently torque supports three levels of verbosity. Using -vl 1 is equivalent to -v while using -vl 2 or -vl 3 provides so much detail that in some cases stdout shows information about every transaction. This level of verbosity tends to reduce the effectiveness of tests, but provides for detailed debugging. This should never be used by a typical user.

Provides a test with an affinity number used for process scheduling. All processes in a group of tests will have the same affinity number. Leopard Only.
Provides a test with an affinity number used for process scheduling. All processes in a group of tests will have different affinity numbers. Leopard Only.
Provides the parent process with the affinity number of the child before launch. This is used for process scheduling. Leopard Only.
Set test transfer size; Bytes to transfer.
Memory Test Pattern Initialization. Sets 64 bit init pattern 1 and 2 for Memory Tests. For example "-bp 0x5555555555555555".
Sets whether the Memory Test Pattern Initialization starts each buffer with a unique key that can be detected by a logic analyzer.
0 = Do not add a key to memory test buffer.
1 = add LA Key to start of Memory Buffer Init (default).
Memory Test Pattern Initialization. Sets 64 bit init pattern 1 for Memory Tests. For example "-bp 0x5555555555555555".
Memory Test Pattern Initialization. Sets 64 bit init pattern 2 for Memory Tests. For example "-bp 0x5555555555555555".
Memory Test Pattern Initialization. Sets usage of 64 bit init patterns 1 and 2 for Memory Tests.
p = percentage of bit toggling on a 64 bit bus0;
0 = pattern 1 is written every bus cycle
100 = alternate between pattern 1 and 2
50 = alternate between pairs of pattern 1 and 2
75 = repeating pattern using pattern 1 and 2
101 = Pattern visually recognizable on a logic analyzer0;
102 = Random Pattern0;
Memory Test Pattern Initialization with random numbers.
Make sure files exist for files test. The files test requires a specific file structure. If the tester has any doubt that the correct file structure exists, this command generates the required file structure. In some cases perfomance can be slightly different after creating a file structure so it is important to know the effects of running this command before the test as a separate execution and on the same command line as the test. The actual file creation is performed before the test and is not timed.
Used for measuring times for different portions of torque execution. Currently only works for memory tests.
Specifies directory used for files test. If no directory is specified, the default is to use filestest in the launching directory.
Picks display used by video test. Warning: openGL cannot see a display unless a monitor is attached.
This is a mechanism to perform an execp() if a forked test uses mach calls. The video tests require this for leopard if they are not run standalone. If the video tests are run standalone, then -sp should be used instead.
Add an extra read and lseek back for every transfer (Read test Only).
Add an extra read and lseek back for every transfer (Read test Only).
Add an extra read and lseek back for every transfer (Read test Only).
This parameter causes an extra read to be performed after each test transfer of the specified size. After the extra read is performed, a lseek is also performed to reset the file pointer to where it was before the read
Turn on unix file buffer cache.
By default the file buffer cache (fbc) is disabled by the test. Using this parameter re-enables the file buffer cache. Note turning off the file buffer cache for a file prevents new data from entering the fbc. If the file already has data in the fbc, the data remains until pushed out. This may cause problems if trying to execute with and without the file buffer cache enabled. The results for a torque run may be dependent upon a previous execution. When enabling the fbc, make sure to execute twice, once to warm up the fbc and once to get results.
Set test transfer size in GBytes.
<number of iterations>
A test may be run more than one time using this command. The bandwidth reported is averaged over all iterations.
Image height for Video Tests in pixels.
Image width for Video Tests in pixels.
Video Image Size = h x w x 4 bytes.
The Video tests work with one Image at a time. The image size defaults to 720 x 480 = 1.32 Mbytes, but can be changed to provide different transfer sizes.
Set test transfer size in KBytes.
<bytes of cache line>
System cache line size for -load and -store for integer access spacing. A system's cache line size is determined by torque during initializaiton and the line size is used for the default stride of the -load and -store tests. The -linesize option overrides the cache line size determined by the system and is used as a new default by torque. Since -stride overides the cache line size for -load and -store, changing the line size has no effect if -stride is specified for the test. torque automatically sets the cache line size for the processor under test, but this parameter can override torque and replace the value with whatever the user desires. This is really the same as setting -stride.
Cause valloced memory not to be on page boundaries. Vallocs are carefully aligned on 4 KByte page boundaries. This option offsets all of the file test vallocs (not bcopy, bzero, store, and load) by one byte to make sure nothing is properly aligned.
Set test transfer size in MBytes.
<4 KBytes Chunks>
Setting Max File Size in number of 4K blocks.
Setting Max File Size in GBytes.
Setting Max File Size in KBytes.
Setting Max File Size in MBytes.
Setting Max File Size in number of transfer size chunks.
Some tests require a maximum file size. In addition, if a file is smaller than the desired test requirement, this setting can cause the test to wrap and reuse the file until the desired number of transfers have been completed. Be careful with this command as processor caches, the file buffer cache, and other artifacts may alter the performance results when the file size is too small. One way to be certain is to use 4 GByte file sizes. If this is not set, torque does not check that the file size is large enough to perform the test. In the case of writes, accessing an offset greater than the file size just increases the file size. In the case of reads an error is returned and displayed to stdout for every transaction when the offset exceeds the file size.
<file transfers>
Specifies number of data transfers of transferSize.
When using affinity, do not reset the parent's affinity number. All child processes still have their affinity number changed. Leopard Only.
Disables video test warm-up. This allows using -sample to measure all video transactions as the warmup is not measured.
Begin test transfers at offset n Bytes.
Begin test transfers at offset n KBytes.
Begin test transfers at offset n MBytes.
Used for starting transfers at a place in a file or buffer other than the start. The offset given is in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes; and if maxFileSize is set, the transfers wrap to the beginning of the file, not the offset.
<process count>
This parameter controls the number duplicate tests running in the system simultaneously using separate processes for a single action. Each test behaves identically, but usually accesses different files/memory. For example -p 2 may be used in a two hard drive system to test each hard drive simultaneously. This gives the user a chance to see if each hard drive can affect the other using the specified test sequence. For example two Hard Drives on one ATA cable may both compete for bandwidth reducing each hard drive's individual bandwidth component. The two files used are specified with multiple -f parameters or in the configuration file. This is a short cut method for duplicate tests. The long-hand method would be to write the test parameters twice on the same command line.
For -rand, percent of reads executed (default 100) and any other test that uses a random percentage of reads verses writes. The -rand test performs a series of random reads and writes of the requested transfer size. The -percR parameter specifies the percentage of reads and writes from/to the file. For example -percR 100 would cause the test to only perform reads and no writes. Note that the -rand test still chooses reads vs. writes randomly, it just makes sure that the reads happen a given percentage of the time.
<start with offset into file list>
Each file added by the -f parameter is numbered starting from zero. If -s is not specified, the third test uses the third file specified. If -s is specified, then the test uses the specified file instead. If the test uses more than one file (e.g. -p), then the second file used for the test is s+1, the third is s+2, etc.
Same as -sample, but only outputs the bandwidth portion of the sampled data. Showing only the bandwidth of sampled transactions is very useful if the display is not wide enough to show all results. Since all sampled results are displayed as one table, using -sa applies to all sampled results even if -sample ocurrs again on the same command line.
Interval = how many transfers between samples.
Samples I/O requests for duration and bandwidth.
torque automatically reports an aggregate bandwidth for each test stream. In addition each stream may take up to 1024 transaction samples allowing periodic capture of bandwidth between intervals. Since the time at the beginning and end of the sample is also given, bandwidth during intervals can be calculated, but torque currently only calculates the bandwidth during each sample. This is especially important if a file is not sequentially located on the hard drive as the outer edge of the hard disk can be about twice as fast as the inner edge (-scan). It is also a good way to detect bursty behavior due to a bad hard drive, choppy file placement, or other system effects. A sample is time stamped after a specified number of transactions. Please make sure and check the number of transfers requested to make sure to keep the number of samples less than 1024 samples as that is the maximum that can be collected. For a test performing 2048 transfers, the interval must be set to greater than one or only the first 1/2 of the test is sampled. Sometimes it is useful to set the interval higher say 255 (2048 transfers implies 8 samples) to reduce the amount of data reported. Note that torque automatically stops taking samples after 1024, so any extra are lost. Remember these are samples; therefore the argument "-sample 3" measures every fourth transaction. Warning, if the transactions being measured are small and a lot of samples are taken, sampling can reduce the accuracy of the average bandwidth measurements performed by torque
Test option to space load/store tests by stride. For the load and store tests an integer is loaded or stored. The default is to stride by cache line size since that equates to every load or store accessing system memory, but any stride can be specified. If a stride is specified smaller than the size of an integer, then torque may not perform as expected due to processor and cache line edge constraints. Note the default stride is automatically set to a system's cache line size; therefore the default is dependent upon what system the test is executed on.
Slows down (throttles) a test to consume less than the maximum bandwidth possible. This is performed by adding the specified delay in microseconds to every transfer. If the delay is too small, then it may not have an effect for things like I/O where there is substantial overhead that is not in the process requesting the I/O. If the delay is too big, then the bandwidth consumed may become too small to be interesting. The best setting is usually determined by trial and error since it is very dependant upon the hardware being used and the desires of the testor.
Access one byte in the buffer holding the read data for each read transfer. This can be important if the tester is worried that the test commands were optimized away due to doing nothing with the data. As of Mac OS 10.4.8 this has not yet become an issue.
Access one byte for each 4K page in a read transfer. This parameter only affects read transfers. When set, the processor reads from the fetched read data (after it is placed in memory) one word for every transfer (-touch), or one word from every 4 Kbyte block (-touch4K) in a transfer. This makes sure the data fetched by a file read is used by the processor to detect any optimizations that perform differently when a file I/O fetch is not used by the processor. It also causes at least one cache line of each file transfer to be in a processor's cache.
Test option to space file operations by stride in Bytes.
Test option to space file operations by stride in KBytes.
Test option to space file operations by stride in MBytes.
Full spacing is transferSize + stride.
When used, the test performs a transfer then performs a lseek of "stride" before performing the next transfer.
Wire malloc'ed memory for test. The user must have root access to wire memory. This is performed automatically for ScanDisk Test. This was originally meant to be an option of the ScanDisk Test, but was later decided to be mandatory. It is still an option for all other tests except bcopy, bzero, load, store.

This section details how to use torque and understand the returned results. The goal of torque is to exercise desired portions of the computer system exactly as specified and report on the results. To provide maximum flexibility every operation is detailed through user specified parameters. To prevent very long command lines, every parameter has a default that may be overridden by the user. The user parameters can be provided through the command line or through a specification file. The default specification file provided with torque is called Torque.config and is read in automatically if it exists unless overridden with the -c option.

Below is a simple two processor load test, that can be run using either of the two equivalent command lines shown below. The test output follows the two command lines. Note that this test was executed on a single processor system and the total bandwidth reports the same results (with a small deviation) when performing a one or two process test. With one processor a two process test has each test running individually and then context switching with the other test. Therefore you get the same bandwidth, but it takes twice as long to complete.

torque -p 2 -n 8 -i 10 -MB 4 -load


torque -p 1 -n 8 -i 10 -MB 4 -load -p 1 -n 8 -i 10 -MB 4 -load

torque, version: 2.0(1014)-17
torque -p 2 -n 8 -i 10 -MB 4 -load
Wed Aug 2 11:02:52 PDT 2006

hw.machine: Power Macintosh
hw.model: PowerBook3,4
Ethernet Address: 00:03:93:c6:73:12

1000 hw.cpufrequency (MHz)
133 hw.busfrequency (MHz)
32 hw.cachelinesize (Bytes)
32 hw.l1icachesize (KByte)
32 hw.l1dcachesize (KByte)
256 hw.l2cachesize (KByte)
1024 hw.memsize (MByte)
1 hw.physicalcpu
1 hw.logicalcpu
18 hw.cputype
11 hw.cpusubtype

torque (time in ms)
We waited for 2 processes
transaction size = 4194304 (4096K), (4M)
configuration file = Torque.config
number of transactions = 8
Largest File Size = 40 MBytes
Bytes Transferred = 320 MBytes/process
Number of processes = 2
Number of iterations = 10
-p 2 -n 8 -i 10 -MB 4 -load

0, 1372, 2275, 902, 80, 354.8, 4096, 88, Load, NA, 707
1, 1436, 2326, 890, 80, 359.6, 4096, 89, Load, NA, 708

BW, , , , , , , , , , , Load , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Total
BW:, , , , , , , , , , , 714, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 714

714: Total Bandwidth Consumed (MBytes/sec)

There are three stages to torque execution: setup, testing, and reporting. In the setup stage the system configuration is reported, the test processes are created, memory both shared and private is allocated, and then everything waits behind a barrier semaphore until all processes are ready to begin testing. This ensures that all tests start at the same time. The information printed during setup consists of the torque version number, the command line used to execute torque , the date, the machine name, machine model, ethernet address, and relevant machine statistics. The ethernet address is provided as a way to verify which individual machine the test was executed on.

During testing there is no information printed to the terminal as a printf/cout is very system intensive and may change the measured results. This means that during testing there is no feedback to let the user know that everything is progressing properly. When planning to perform long tests, run shorter versions first to make sure the test is progressing properly before starting a long test. Measuring Multiple Simultaneous Tests on page 28 of the torque documentation (a pointer to the documentation is located in the SEE ALSO section below) details how testing is performed to make sure that all tests are executing simultaneously during the measurement interval. Of course if a user tries to run more tests than the machine has resources to support, such as two memory tests on a single processor as performed above, torque does nothing to prevent it.

The last step of execution is to report the results of testing. This is done in three sections: individual test information, table of bandwidths, and summary/totals. Each group of tests, one group for every action, details statistics on items like transfer size, number of transactions, etc. Appended at the end is the portion of the command line that was relevant to the group of tests described.

The table of bandwidths has a number of columns:

proc: Process/test number
Start: Start time of measurement in milliseconds
Finish: Finish time of measurement in milliseconds
Diff: Measurement duration in milliseconds (Finish - Start)
Xfers: Number of transfers during measurement interval
BW(MB/s): Measured bandwidth in MBytes/second
TS(KB): Transfer size of each transfer
IO/sec: IOmeter like reporting (best to ignore).
Test: Test Type. This may also include a number such as Display number for the video tests or file accessed for the hard drive tests
File: File name if applicable
PID: Process Id for the testing process

Though this is a great way to catalog the results for one execution, it can be very hard to combine into a table of multiple executions. There are also caveats such as a bcopy performing 1 MByte/sec of bcopy, but actually resulting in 2 MBytes/second of system bandwidth. A comma separated list of individual system bandwidths for each test is included to make it easy to combine multiple executions of torque in a single spreadsheet. Only the tests names that are executed are included in the comma separated list to keep the list from getting too long. Lastly torque reports the total system bandwidth consumed. An easy way to extract just the comma separated bandwidths is to redirect multiple test outputs to a file and then use grep to grab the bandwidth results line. You may have to add a "-a" to grep since some commands like "date" sometimes use output that makes grep think the output file is binary.

grep -a BW: filename

Please send your comments, suggestions and bug reports to:

/Developer/ADC Reference Library/documentation/CHUD and /Developer/ADC Reference Library/documentation/CHUD/TorqueUserGuide.pdf

February 21, 2008