timesyncanalyse(1) General Commands Manual timesyncanalyse(1)

timesyncanalysetime synchronization analysis tool.

timesyncanalyse mode <arguments>

The timesyncanalyse executable is used for analysis of test data for time synchronization testing.

The following modes are available:

Determine the time error between 2 audio signals and how it changes over time. Produces both plots and CSV data files (and scripts to plot them) of the calculated time error, the Allan Deviation (ADEV), the Modified Allan Deviation (MADEV), the Time Deviation (TDEV) and the Maximum Time Interval Error (MTIE).
Load the time error CSV file as previously output by a call the tool with the audio mode and analyse the data. Produces both plots and CSV data files (and scripts to plot them) of the Allan Deviation (ADEV), the Modified Allan Deviation (MADEV), the Time Deviation (TDEV) and the Maximum Time Interval Error (MTIE).

The following options are available for the audio mode:

--channel-a path
The path to the audio file for channel A of the analysis, only the first channel of the file is used.
--channel-b path
The path to the audio file for channel B of the analysis, only the first channel of the file is used. The sample rate and length of the file must match that of channel A.
--output path
Specifies the path to the directory to put all of the output data from the analysis. Creates the directory if it does not exist.
[--name name]
The name to use for the results. This is used in the title of the plots and the naming of the output files. If not provided the default of audio_analysis is used.
--interval interval
The interval, in samples, at which the analysis is performed.
[--upscale upscale]
The amount of upsampling to perform to the audio before running the analysis. If not specified 1 is used.
--length length
The length, in samples, of the section of the original audio that is used for the correlation to determine the error.
[--type quick|resampler|post-resampler]
Select which type of drift correlator is used. Quick uses a quadratic interpolation post correlation, resampler performs resampling of the signal before correlation and post-resampler performs resampling of the correlated signal. Quadratic interpollation results can have some error present but runs much faster than resampling. Quadratic interpollation can be used to do a quick analysis before spending time doing the full analysis. Post resampling, where the correlation signal is upsampled is much quicker than resampling prior to correlation but can produce slightly different results when the drift is right on the edge of a quantization level. post-resampler is the default mode if nothing is specified.
[--audio-limit seconds]
Limit the audio analysis to the first N seconds of audio in the file.
[--window-lower lower-limit]
Specify the smallest window size to perform the analysis on. This directlty relates to the smallest observation interval plotted where the observation interval = the window length * the time error sampling period (number of seconds between time error points). The sampling period of the time error data is the interval / sampling rate of the audio file. The default (and smallest) value is 2.
[--window-upper upper-limit]
Specify the largest window size to perform the analysis on. This directlty relates to the largest observation interval plotted where the observation interval = the window length * the time error sampling period (number of seconds between time error points). The sampling period of the time error data is the interval / sampling rate of the audio file. The default value is the number of time error points in the data.
[--window-step step-size]
Specify the window size step to step between each analysis calculation. Adjusting this value will speed up the analysis of the data but produce lower resolution plots. The default value is 1.
[--adev | --no-adev]
Either calculate or don't calculate the Allan Deviation on the time error data. If unspecified the Allan deviation is calculated.
[--madev | --no-madev]
Either calculate pr don't calculate the Modified Allan Deviation on the time error data. If unspecified the Modified Allan deviation is calculated.
[--tdev | --no-tdev]
Either calculate or don't calculate the Time Deviation on the time error data. If unspecified the Time deviation is calculated.
[--rmstie | --no-rmstie]
Either calculate or don't calculate the Root Mean Squared Time Interval Error on the time error data. If unspecified the RMSTIE is calculated.
[--mtie | --no-mtie]
Either calculate or don't calculate the Maximum Time Interval Error on the time error data. If unspecified the MTIE is calculated.

The following options are available for the time-error mode:

--data path
The path to the time error CSV file. Both the time and the time error should be in seconds (floating point).
--output path
Specifies the path to the directory to put all of the output data from the analysis. Creates the directory if it does not exist.
[--name name]
The name to use for the results. This is used in the title of the plots and the naming of the output files. If not provided the default of time-error_analysis is used.
[--window-lower lower-limit]
Specify the smallest window size to perform the analysis on. This directlty relates to the smallest observation interval plotted where the observation interval = the window length * the time error sampling period (number of seconds between time error points). The default (and smallest) value is 2.
[--window-upper upper-limit]
Specify the largest window size to perform the analysis on. This directlty relates to the largest observation interval plotted where the observation interval = the window length * the time error sampling period (number of seconds between time error points). The default value is the number of time error points in the data.
[--window-step step-size]
Specify the window size step to step between each analysis calculation. Adjusting this value will speed up the analysis of the data but produce lower resolution plots. The default value is 1.
[--adev | --no-adev]
Either calculate or don't calculate the Allan Deviation on the time error data. If unspecified the Allan deviation is calculated.
[--madev | --no-madev]
Either calculate pr don't calculate the Modified Allan Deviation on the time error data. If unspecified the Modified Allan deviation is calculated.
[--tdev | --no-tdev]
Either calculate or don't calculate the Time Deviation on the time error data. If unspecified the Time deviation is calculated.
[--rmstie | --no-rmstie]
Either calculate or don't calculate the Root Mean Squared Time Interval Error on the time error data. If unspecified the RMSTIE is calculated.
[--mtie | --no-mtie]
Either calculate or don't calculate the Maximum Time Interval Error on the time error data. If unspecified the MTIE is calculated.
2/29/16 Darwin