tapi-analyze(1) TAPI Tool Documentation tapi-analyze(1)

tapi-analyze - Analyze that a binary can be launched without missing frameworks and interfaces.

tapi-analyze [--help]

tapi-analyze [--target <target>] [-o <output_json>] [--sdkdb <sdkdb>] [--app-info-output <app_info_json>] [-v] <binary>

tapi-analyze [-o <output_json>] --sdkdb <sdkdb> [-v] <app_info_json>

tapi-analyze is a tool that checks if binary can be launched without running it. The tool will try to resolve all the dylibs/frameworks that is required by the main binary and all their dependencies, and verify that all the necessary interfaces are present in them.


Specify the target to be analyzed. For example, x86_64-apple-macos. If the option is not specified, the tool will analyze all the available targets that can be applied to the main binary.


Specify the output JSON file location. The output format can be extended to contain more information. The JSON output will be in the format of:

  "launchAnalysis": {
    "arm64-apple-ios13" : {
      "crashOnLaunch": false
    "armv7-apple-ios13" : {
      "crashOnLaunch": true,
      "reason": "missing symbol _foo"


Verbose output. More information will be print to STDOUT during the analysis.

2019-02-19 Darwin