tapi(1) TAPI Tool Documentation tapi(1)

tapi - Text-based Stubs Tool

tapi [--version] [--help]

tapi <command> [<args>]

TAPI can generate text-based stub files (.tbd) from existing Mach-O libraries or parse the headers of a framework and infer the text-based stub file from it.


Prints the tapi version.


Prints the synopsis and a list of the available commands. Use tapi <command> --help to obtain more information about a particular command.


Merge or thin text-based stub files.


Create a text-based stub file from a library.


Create a text-based stub file by scanning the header files.


Create a linker reexport file by scanning the header files.


See text-based dynamic library stub (.tbd) format reference.

tapi-archive(1), tapi-stubify(1), tapi-installapi(1), tapi-reexport(1), tapi-tbd(1), ld(1), Mach-O(5)

2023-03-08 Darwin