shazam signature
Create shazam signature files from media
shazam signature |
[--input input]
[--output output]
This command is used for manipulating and generating shazam
signatures from a media input. The input can either be audio, video or a
shazam signature. If the input is an audio file, the audio is converted into
a shazam signature and saved to a specified output location. If the input is
a video file, the video file has its audio extracted and converted to a
shazam signature file. The combination of the start, duration and stride
options can be used to remove unwanted audio at the beginning and slice the
generated signature into smaller signatures. The stride defines the
separation, in seconds, between consecutive slices. If the stride is smaller
than the duration the slices will overlap. A starting offset can be applied
to skip unwanted audio at the begining of the signature. The output must be
a directory. If none is specified the current one will be used.
- Path to an audio or video file to generate a shazam signature from.
- Apply a starting offset, in seconds, to skip unwanted audio at the
beginning of the signature.
- Duration, in seconds, for each of the sliced signatures.
- Separation, in seconds, between consecutive slices.
- Path to save the new shazam signature file. If
output is a directory, the shazam signature is
created in that directory with the same name as the
input file. If output is not
specified, the shazam signature is saved in the current working directory
with the same name as the input file.
- ShazamKit Documentation