setquota(1) General Commands Manual setquota(1)

setquotaSets home directory quotas on the local computer.

setquota [-ahl] [-n directoryDomainName] [-u username]

setquota provides several options for creating and updating home directory quotas. Quotas are set as specified in the individual user record.

sets home directory quota for users defined in all directory domains of the server's search path.
sets home directory quota for users defined in the local directory domain.
sets home directory quota for users defined in a specific directory domain in the server's search path.
sets home directory quota for a specific user defined in the domain(s) identified in the -a, -l, or -n parameter. If you omit the -a, -l, and -n parameters when you use the -u parameter, -a is assumed.

location of tool
Wed Nov 12 2008 Mac OS X