plockstat - front-end to DTrace to print statistics about POSIX mutexes and read/write locks

plockstat [-vACHV] [-n count] [-s depth] [-e secs] [-x opt[=val]]
command [arg...]
plockstat [-vACHV] [-n count] [-s depth] [-e secs] [-x opt[=val]]
-p pid

The plockstat command is a front-end to DTrace that can be used to print statistics about POSIX mutexes and read/write locks.

Since OS X 10.11, in order to use this, your process must be run with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set to contain /usr/lib/system/introspection:


Which contains the necessary static DTrace probes.

print a message when tracing starts
trace contention and hold events (same as -CH)
trace contention events for mutexes and rwlocks
trace hold events for mutexes and rwlocks
print the dtrace script to run
display only 'count' entries for each event type
show stack trace upto 'depth' entries
exit after specified seconds
enable a DTrace runtime option or a D compiler option
attach and trace the specified process id


July 2007 1.0