netusage(1) General Commands Manual netusage(1)

netusageDisplay traffic usage statistics about the network

netusage [--help]

netusage commands [arguments ...]

The netusage program interfaces with symptomsd to display and manage network traffic usage statistics.

As additional feature of this tool allows for looking up an application or process name using a Mach-O UUID or a PID.

The following commands are used to provide different representations of network traffic usage statistics collected on the system.

[-p] [-r] [-n name] [-s sortorder] [-d importfile] [-e exportfile] [--unitize] [--compact] [--interactive] [--interval seconds]
Display a table listing the total ingress and egress network traffic usage for each application or process categorized by interface. A timestamp of when the first network traffic was observed is also shown. By default, only applications will be shown unless the -p flag is provided.

Show a list that includes the combination of applications and processes.

Force a database refresh before showing the list.

-n name
Only show the application or process matching name.

-s sortorder
Sort the list according the following available sort orders:

Sort by total network usage. (default)
Sort by cellular interface usage.
Sort by wi-fi interface usage.
Sort by wired interface usage.
Sort by awdl interface usage.
Sort by expensive interface usage.

-d importfile
Show a traffic usage comparison between the current values and the contents of the file at importfile.

-e exportfile
Save the current traffic usage values into exportfile.

Show the table values in unitized format (eg. KB/MB/GB).

When showing a traffic usage comparison, only list the entries whose values have changed.

Show a traffic usage table that periodically refresh and can be viewed interactively. When an update occurs, the usage value for the application or process that generated network traffic will appear emphasized. You can use the following commands to interact with the table.

Toggles the values between showing raw bytes and unitized format
Change the sort order of the columns
Redraw the screen
Show help
Scroll the list

--interval seconds
Set the periodic refresh interval to the specified number of seconds. The minimum value is 5 seconds, and the default interval is 15 seconds. (Only valid in interactive mode)

These commands are used to manage and reset the collected network traffic usage statistics.

[-p] [-n name]
Reset the network traffic usage statistics stored for a single entry. Use the -n flag (and optionally the -p flag) to specify the name of the entry.
--unitize name
Specify the name of the application to reset the network usage statistics.
Specify a process name instead of an application name.

Reset the network traffic usage statistics for all the stored entries.

These are optional utility commands that are available to look up applications or processes.

Resolve the given mach-O uuid into an application identifier.

Resolve the given pid into an application identifier.

10/25/15 Darwin