MIGCOM(1) General Commands Manual MIGCOM(1)

migcom - Mach Interface Generator COMpiler

migcom [ option ... ] <file

migcom is the actual compiler used by the mig command to generate Remote Procedure Call (RPC) source code for client-server style Mach IPC from specification files. It is not normally used independently. Rather, it is invoked by the mig command after pre-processing the provided specifications file with the C preprocessor. It is only documented here for the sake of completeness.

Omit / emit warning messages.
Verbose mode ( on / off ) will summarize types and routines as they are processed.
Controls ( off / on ) whether or not generated code logs RPC events to system logs.
Controls ( on / off ) whether generated code complies with ANSI C standards.
Controls ( on / off ) whether generated server-side code includes a generated symbol table.
Controls ( on / off ) whether generated code includes bounds-checking annotations, such as __counted_by .
Specify User file prefix.
Specify name of user-side RPC generated source file.
Specify name of server-side RPC generated source file.
Specify name of user-side generated header file.
Specify name of server-side generated header file.
Specify internal header file name.
Specify defines generated header file.
Specify maximum size of message on stack.
Use split headers.
November 20, 2009 Apple Computer, Inc.