metal-config - metal configuration tool

metal-config [options]

metal-config allows to retrieve information about the capabilities of the metal compiler.

Display available options.

Prints all the supported native architectures.

Prints each supported native architecture prefixed with the -arch flag.

Print all the supported implementations of the specified architecture.

Print each supported implementation for the specified architecture prefixed with the -mcpu flag.

Ignore native architectures not belonging to any of the specified families in the output of -native-archs, -native-arch-flags, -native-impls, and -native-impl-flags.

Supported families are apple[1-8], mac2, common[1-3], metal3.

To print all the native architectures conforming to either the apple1 or mac2 gpu family:

$ metal-config -gpu-family apple1,mac2 -native-archs

Multiple options case:

$ metal-config -gpu-family apple1 -gpu-family mac2 -native-archs

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Metal Shading Language Specification: <>
Metal Feature Set Tables: <>

2014-2023, The Metal Team

July 5, 2023 15