HEADERDOC2HTML(1) General Commands Manual HEADERDOC2HTML(1)

headerdoc2htmlheader documentation processor

headerdoc2html [-HXdhquvx] [-o output_dir] file [file ...]

Headerdoc2html processes the header file or files and generates HTML documentation based on specially-formatted comments.

The options are as follows:

The -H option turns on inclusion of the htmlHeader line, as specified in the config file.
The -X option switches from HTML to XML output
The -d option turns on extra debugging output.
The -h option causes headerdoc to output an XML file containing metadata about the resulting document.
The -p option turns on the C preprocessor.
The -q option causes headerdoc to be excessively quiet.
The -u option causes headerdoc to produce unsorted output.
The -v option causes headerdoc to print version information.

If no options are specified, headerdoc will produce directories containing its standard HTML output.

For a complete list of flags, see the HeaderDoc User Guide.



For more information, see the HeaderDoc User Guide. It can be found in /Developer/Documentation/ if you have the Xcode Tools package installed, or at <http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/HeaderDoc/> in the reference library.

June 13, 2003 Darwin